The Cult by Jordan Jones - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

Daniel liked the final one best.

It was about the other. The people in the world, your city, your friends, and your family, they are the other. Others are the people you pray for and try to be nice to. Others include all living things like animals and plants. So much of the other will die, and you must aspire to feel compassion and empathy for them. The only thing a person must care for besides the other is the self. The commercial asks the question, do you care for yourself and others? Maybe your personality disorder is getting in the way of relationships. debian can help. Ask your doctor today.

The main purpose of the commercial was to wake people up about stigma about psychological disorders. Daniel said it tastefully worked to inspire individuals with those disorders to seek help. He told me he would submit each proposal to the pharmaceutical house and see what they thought while commending me for going above and beyond the call of duty. I said I was obliged to contribute something. After all, I was hired on account of my own creativity.

"The pattern of your proposals reminds me of something I learned when I was studying religion in college," he said. "Have you ever heard the word, Mettā?"

I said no. “The word,” he said,” means peace-loving kindness.” He told me that in order to achieve Mettā consciousness, a person must first love oneself. When he has loving kindness for himself, and only then, he must love an outer entity. The person starts with close friends, and moves on to having loving kindness for someone who is just an acquaintance, and then an enemy. Eventually, the follower can find love for all life and then the entire universe, and then he has achieved a state called Mettā consciousness.

I said it was very interesting. I wanted to tell him about archetypes and Iris but it felt wrong. Macy had wanted me to keep it a secret, or she would have revealed more. I told him I would look it up online.

"Such concepts are only for the spiritually curious. You seem to be a very intelligent person," he said. “You could get a lot out of it.” I thanked him. The rest of the day was full of thoughts of the universe and its hugeness. The environment was perfect for that.

I drew circles within circles, as practice. They seemed to be like my mind. And the outer circles were everyone around me. They were not perfect. But the first circle I drew, which represented me, was clearly the closest to being a real circle. Why the outer circles were so oddly shaped, I could only guess. Maybe I could never achieve Mettā consciousness. Maybe I didn’t love Anne or Macy enough. But the thoughts were too confused to keep in my head, so I dropped it and went over my proposals. I thought it was very Mettā.

When Anne and I returned home, all lazy and happy, Macy wasn't there. Anne and I were heavy petting and I had to stop. But, she said, you've finished your articles. And I had.

Afterwards, the excitement of the occasion made me, instead of glowingly satisfied, a little paranoid. Where was Macy? I was in denial that I could have gotten her into trouble.

The call came around seven from detective Morrissey. He said Macy was in custody. Did we have any information about the man named Mika? We said no and stared at each other's faces frozen in terror.  It was partially true because I didn't know if Mika's real name was Mika or not. I was trying to act very busy to end the conversation by talking to Anne about nonsense. He asked who I was talking to.

"It is my girlfriend. We're doing homework," I said. He told me he would need to ask me some questions in person. This was absolute horror, but at least he didn't ask to see Anne. She knew secret things about Macy, too, but wouldn't be able to handle the pressure of lying. He asked for my address.

Anne was sleeping when he came to take me for interrogation. I tried to get out of it but he said he had evidence of me using Chem 1 and if I didn't cooperate I could get in a lot of trouble. Also by cooperating I could lessen Macy's punishment. The situation was getting out of control very fast. I told him I needed to take my medication. This was partly because I wanted to use my condition as some sort of advantage over the police, and partly because I was having a panic attack already. I didn't know how long they would keep me and I didn't want to go through this without debian.

When we arrived I couldn't see Macy but assumed she was at this police station. Morrissey worked at this department which was closest to our apartment.

I was at his desk, like at the doctor, and although he was intimidating it didn't appear he was trying to be so. The first question was how I knew Macy.

"She is my ex-girlfriend. We live together. She's been clean for four months and she—“I was interrupted by a snort.

"I know she does drugs, Adam. All I want to know is how you know her and why you were living together," he said.

“I haven’t lived with her since the arrest,” I said.

"Does she talk about her ideas with you? Does she ever seem to hold odd opinions or beliefs?" he asked. “I need to know how she has influenced you.”

"No, she doesn’t have any odd ideas. In fact she's saner than I am. See, I take debian and I've been—“ he interrupted me again.

"I also know you're on debian. We've," he paused, "intercepted your proposals. They were very creative." His eyes bore straight into mine for the first time. "Do you have any other proposals?"

"Well, no. I was only supposed to send two," I said. “Anne helped me with them, not Macy.”

"We have all five proposals," he said. “I think you were motivated by the felon Macy to create these ideas. If that were true, we would need to investigate the nature of your work. Anne is also close to Macy. She will not be excluded from the investigation.”

I was confused. "How did you get the Articles? Did someone give them to you? Have you talked to Daniel? What do you care about the proposals so much for?" I asked.

"I'm the one asking the questions, young man," he said. He stopped his recorder. "And the questions are over.  Stay available for the next couple of weeks. I may have more in a few days."

"Where the hell is Macy?" I asked loudly.

"I've already told you. She is in custody for the time being. I will take you back to your apartment now."