The Dome City by Nichole Haines - HTML preview

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Narrative Story based off my dreams are written by Russian Author Dima Galdin.


It was morning and Elena the fourteen-year-old blond teenager sat at a table and had tea. Her mother turned into the kitchen. There was news on the TV and she was drinking her tea. She has been going to school. Elena had no wish to go to school and she was bothered at school, but meeting with her friend attracted her to going to school. She wanted to tell her a dream today. She dreamed that she was at home at with her grandmother. She was on the third main deck and there was a huge dark helicopter flying in the sky from far away. It was huge and dark. As it came nearer, it became louder and louder. She has understood that the helicopter was after her. She seen that the helicopter had tinted windows therefore she couldn't see who was flying the helicopter and who was after her. As it flown up closer to the house she got up on the edge of the deck and ran away to the mountains. At this moment she has woke up in sweat. Having considered everything, she could hear a helicopter coming a mile away in her real life...

Her lessons at school ended and her friend decided to take her home. Elena complained about her mother. Once again there was a fight concerning the music to which Elena listened to. Eternally her mother was against her. She was distracted with experiences, Elena remembered a dream of two-week period ... she tried to understand the dream. Her friend listened to her and Elena told her the dream…

Her mother has given the girl a cordial welcome and just wanted to talk, but Elena didn't want to talk. The bad mood spoiled everything. She silently gone to her room and closed the door. She has spent in her evenings in her bedroom and when she left, she stared at the TV and ignored her mother. Her mother was very worried and tried to talk to her, but everything was vain.

A day has passed, and Elena waited for night time, she dreamed another dream. Having read a book, she had fallen asleep. She dreamed about her mother.

In the morning she has woke up happy and in good mood. Elena kissed her mother and had breakfast and she ran to school. There were examinations today. The summer day tenderly touched her body and it was good to live. She told a dream to her friend, she has thought of a dream.

Having come back home, she was her bedroom and turned on the music, she took a pencil, she wanted to write down a dream and then show it to her mother. There wasn’t anybody there she wished to see at this time. And here on a leaf hero of a dream slowly appeared...

The psychologist of Elena noted vulnerability still of the soul, and treated dreams as an exit from demanding situations. He accurately wrote down dreams of Elena and suggested to publish her book.

Today she dreamed she was with her friend in her old school at the swimming pool and the water was very dirty. The pool was on the first floor and there was a swimming pool also on the second floor. Her friend decided to go swimming in dirty water.  Elena advised her to get out of water because the water was very dirty. There was also a roller coaster around the pool at school in her dream. She has concluded that it was necessary to ride on the roller coaster, so she got in line. There was

A man with white hair smoking a cigarette. He appeared as though he was a man of 50 years old. He swung around, and he looked at her. When she looked into his eyes, she saw that his eyes didn’t look typical.  His pupils were not round they were slit-like. His pupils reminded her of a reptile or the devil. Then Elena woke up her dream.

The next day after this dream to her it became valid badly, considering all circumstances, Elena got a fever and rash and she was hospitalized. The doctor prescribed her steroids. The doctors told her that it is was a virus.

Her friend came to visit her and brought apples and chocolate. and they talked very long and were happy.

Elena had the virus for two weeks. The virus finally passed.

There was summer vacation, and Elena spent all her days at home. She dreamed that she was at movie theater, but there weren’t any seats to sit on. So, all the people were sitting on the floor, including her. All the people in the dream were strangers and there was a person, on the screen, dressed in a silvery cape with a sliver veil so his face wasn't visible while he talked to everybody, the people around me were in a trance and his voice was very scary sounding while he spoke, then there were two people who poured liquid on the heads of people. Elena got down on a floor and has begun to cry and say I have faith in God! Then she has woke up from her dream.

This dream got her to visit a church where she prayed, and she lit a candle. The relations with her mother developed very badly and Elena thought about leaving the house. Her friend still supported her. She said it wasn’t necessary and to not to think of it.

Her dreams were an outlet and together with her friend they began to write down them in a notebook.

The next dream was as such.

She would like to find a hidden swimming pool in the building in a unknown place where it was extremely big and as soon as she wanted to get to the swimming pool it was very scary and dark. As her body was laying in the swimming pool she heard a strange loud whooshing noise and the water began to move around like a whirlpool, it was trying to suck her in she quickly ran out from the pool and then woke up.

After this dream she didn't dream for a long time, but once she had another dream she was in the building similar to a distribution center and there were individuals on the conveyor belt, including her. As people bypassed on the conveyor belts, the aliens did awful things and experiments on their bodies. When the conveyor belt reached the aliens Elena, really began to beat them in the head, and even lifted one of aliens and threw it. After she has woke up from this dream, she panted and was all in a sweat.

The summer days flew by very quickly. It was the first of September and school has begun again.

Her friend met her at an entrance of the school. She also saw her off and on at school and at home. The relations with Elena’s mother were very bad again, and her mother decided to send Elena to her father’s house for a while. Elena was against it, but there's nothing that could be done. The first night at her father’s house she had a nightmare, she dreamed that she was in the elevator at office of the company of installation, and the elevator has ceased to work at the following floor and there was normal looking man there. He taken her by the throat and said: "Elena, you know who I am? I want you to accompany me." Obviously, she knew who he was spite of the fact that he looked like a normal man, He was disguising himself as a normal man nevertheless he was Satan.  She began to shout: "No!" Then she has woke up. Her father stood nearby and told her:" Get up, it is morning already!"

And of course, Elena trusted in UFOS and her imagination was wild and there was no limit. In a dream she saw newcomers. She dreamed that she with a group of strangers in big open area and as they all looked into the sky, have noticed a blinking of the UFO of an oval form flying through clouds in the sky. The UFOs appeared and came to them; thus, all the strangers have begun to run... She has tried to run with such speed as fast as she could, but her shoe laces were untied. She has tried to stop to tie them, but they told her to run. They got into the car with two strangers and with the friend Amanda. They reached the highway and have tried to get away from the UFO. Elena sat in the back seat with her friend observing out the back window seeing the huge UFOs arriving to Earth. They didn’t accelerate on the highway quickly enough, and they caught up with them in the car... Elena then woke up in sweat.

Elena returned from her father’s house, and Elena was glad to see her mother again. Their relationship improved and as friends they spent time together. Elena was happy. She took great pain to help her mother. One of nights she had another dream which flashed at the edge of a subway train. It was very dark inside the building. The tram was operated by the Chinese man. She was with her family and they have decided to go to the bar, but it was very dark in the building. It was so sad that they could hear just the subway coming to them, however she saw a building that looked modern, Thus, the tram has stopped at the platform, and dropped them off at the bar. Elena entered and has seen a wooden box on a floor with a considerable mass of materials. She has found things from Russia in a wooden box. Her family hasn't accepted of her in bar and they glanced at her and left her there. Elena tried to come back to the subway, however they continued to leave her there at the bar and she couldn't come back on the tram she kept missing the tram because it was too dark to see it, nevertheless they have met her again as she could hear the tram coming. Eventually she has woke up from the dream.

Elena learned from this dream how much family is important to her and she quickly got disappointed about the dream and how they left her at the bar.

Elena had a birthday party. Elena invited her closest friends and of course her good friend. There were many delicacies and entertainment. She put her gifts in bedroom and didn't open them and left them for later. Her boyfriend Anton gave her flowers and scarlet roses. They were very lovely. The mass of impressions, and very noisy evening, but Elena already thought about what dream she was going to dream that night. Elena dreamed that night she was in the kitchen, sitting down at the dining room table.

There was a knock on a rear entrance which exits out of her apartment on the third floor. Her boyfriend Anton opened the door. She was still sitting in place when he opened the door. There were a man and the woman facing the doorway on the deck. She couldn't see the woman's face, but she saw the man's face. He was bald and had glasses on. He had a military rifle in his hand, it looked like a military machine gun. He told her boyfriend Anton that they are looking for Elena Haines. He looked through the shoulder of her boyfriend Anton and saw that Elena was sitting on the chair. He raised up the military gun and pointed the gun directly at Elena and has begun to pull the trigger. Her boyfriend Anton has begun to curse and tried to slam the door closed. She then woke up from the dream. The nightmare has come to an end, she thought about her life, these minutes still life was so important to her and she wanted to live still so that wasn't excruciatingly painful for the lived years.

 School waited for her every day and she gave her all herself up to the end. It was very interesting to study. Her new life entered her life with ease. Her life was good both with the relations with mother and the friend and she was progressing in school. Having left still, she written down her last dream.

She was in the building in which it was extraordinary futuristic building, and, in the building, there was a pool. Once again, I have been captured by panic before strangers. For the unknown reasons, people had to die as soon as they had reached a certain age and when they entered the pool, these metal silver balls with small blades went over the stranger’s heads and swooped down to killed them in the pool when her time has come and was near and it was time to enter the pool to be killed Elena got out of the swimming pool quickly and ran away and left the building. In the morning at school she told the nightmare to her friend...

Prior to new meetings.