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Journal of my Dreams dreamed by Nichole Haines


I used to have these two repeating dreams as a young girl.

Dream 1

The dream would start at my grandma's home. I would be outside on the third top deck and there was a huge enormous dark helicopter arriving in the sky from afar. It was huge and dark. As it would come nearer it would get louder and louder. I understood that the helicopter was after me. I saw that the helicopter had tinted windows on it, so I couldn't see who was flying the helicopter, or who was after me. As it would fly nearer to the house I got on the edge of the deck and jump off the deck and begin running up the hill. At that point I would wake up from my dream in a sweat. Right up until today, I still can hear a helicopter coming a mile away.


Dream 2

I had a dream that I would locate a concealed swimming pool in a building some place and where the swimming pool was in, it would be in an exceptionally dark room and once I would get in the swimming pool there would be this loud whooshing noise and the water would begin moving around like a whirlpool and it would attempt to suck me under I would then make a fast escape from the swimming pool and wake up from my dream.


Dream 3

I had a dream a while ago, likely about two years back. I had a dream that I was in a movie theater, yet there weren't any seats in the movie theater and everyone was sitting on the floor including me. Everyone in my dream were strangers and there was a man on the movie screen wearing a silver cape with a silver veil on his face, so I couldn't see his face, yet while he was talking with everybody around me appeared as though they were in a trance, his voice was extremely frightening while he was talking then there were two people pouring some sort fluid on the peoples' heads. I got off the floor and began crying and saying No! I believe in God! I then got up off the floor and ran out of the movie theater and woke up from my dream.


Dream 4

I had a dream that I was in a building and the building I was in was extremely futuristic looking and there was a swimming pool in the building. Once again, I was surrounded by strangers. For some reason people needed to die once they reached a specific age and when they got into the swimming pool these metal silver balls with little blades on them would drift over their heads and swoop down and would kill the general population in the swimming pool, when it was my time to die I quick got out of the pool and ran out of the building. I then woke up from my dream.


Dream 5

I had this dream in November 2015.

I had a dream that I was in my old high school with my daughter. We were in the swimming pool and the water was exceptionally filthy. The pool had a first-floor pool and it likewise had a second floor with another pool on the first floor. My daughter chose to go swimming in the filthy pool water. I advised her to get out of the water since it was extremely dirty. There was a futuristic elevator between the two pools on the second and first floor. There was an exciting roller coaster going around the swimming pool in the school in my dream. I concluded that I needed to go on the roller coaster, so I got in the line to get on. There was a man with white hair remaining before me smoking a cigarette. He appeared as though he was a man in his 50's. He turned and looked at me. When I looked at his eyes I saw that his eyes didn't look typical. The pupils of his eyes weren't round the pupils of his eyes were slits. His pupils reminded me of a reptile or the devil. I then woke up from my dream. After I had that dream a few days later I really became sick in real life.

I had a fever with a 103 fever for a total of

9 days and I wound up in the hospital twice for dehydration and wound up getting a non-itchy rash everywhere on my body. They put me on steroids for the rash and the rash took 6 weeks to go away. The doctors said I had a very bad virus.


Dream 6

I had this dream the week of July 11th, 2016.

I had a dream that I was in a building that resembled a distribution center and there were people on a conveyor belt including me and as the people went around on the conveyor belt the aliens would do horrible things and experiments on their bodies. When the belt came up to the aliens and I began kicking them in the head and I even lifted one of the aliens up and threw it. After I woke up from that dream I was really breathing fast and sweating.


Dream 7

I don't recall the date to this dream, yet I know I had it not long after my dad committed suicide in 2009. I had a dream that I was in an elevator in an office building some place and the elevator stopped on the following floor and a normal looking man in a business suit got on the elevator. He looked at me and said, "Nichole you know who I am, and I want you to accompany me." I obviously knew who he was despite the fact that he was a normal looking man. I know he was camouflaging himself as a normal man, however he was Satan. I looked at him and began shouting "No!" I then woke up from my dream.


Dream 8

I had this dream August 1, 2016

I had a dream that I was with a bunch of strangers in a big open field and as we were looking up to the sky we noticed a bunch of oval shaped UFOs coming through the clouds in the sky. The UFOs appeared to be coming for all of us, so everybody started running in the big open field. I was trying to run as fast as I could, but my shoe laces came opened. I tried to stop to tie them, but everybody told me to keep on running. I got into a car with two strangers along with my daughter. We got onto a highway and tried to drive away from the UFOs. I was sitting in the backseat with my daughter was looking out the back window at the huge UFOs coming for us. We were speeding on the highway fast, but they were catching up to us. Once again, I woke up in a sweat.


Dream 9

I had this dream September 7th, 2016

I had a dream that I was in this building and there was a subway station that was very futuristic looking inside. It was very dull inside. The subway train was being operated by a Chinese man. I was with my family and we chose to go to a bar which was inside this dull square molded building. It was so dull you could just truly hear the metro coming towards you, however what I could see the building looked modern, So the subway train would stop at an entryway and it dropped us off at the bar. I went inside and there was this wooden box on the floor with a considerable measure of stuff in the wooden box. I discovered things from Russia inside the wooden box. My family wound up abandoning me at the bar while I was glimpsed inside the case, so I attempted to get back on the subway train, however it continued passing me and I couldn't get back on it, yet it would pass me since I could hear it pass me. I in the end woke up from the dream since I couldn't appear to get back on the subway train.


Dream 10

I had this dream December 6th, 2016

I had a dream that I was in my kitchen sitting at the dining room table.

There was a knock on my back door which leads out to my deck on my second-floor apartment. My boyfriend Alan answered the door. I was still sitting in my seat as he answered the door. There was a man and a woman standing in front of the doorway on the deck. I couldn’t see the woman’s face, but I could see the man’s face. He was bald and had eye glasses on. He had a military rifle in his hand it looked like a military machine gun. He told my boyfriend Alan that they were looking for Nichole Haines. He looked over my boyfriend Alan’s shoulder and saw me sitting on the chair. He raised his military gun and pointed it directly at me and began pulling the trigger. My boyfriend Alan began cursing and trying to slam the door shut. I then woke up from my dream. My boyfriend Alan said he felt me jump practically off the bed when I woke up out of that dream. It woke him up and I told him I had a nightmare.


Dream 11

I had this dream January 2, 2017

I had a dream that there was an alien invasion and there were UFO’S and aliens everywhere, but in the dream, it was almost like I was in a video game playing and had to play different levels but in reality. The dream consisted of me running and hiding from aliens and UFO’S. The dream seemed to last the whole night. My boyfriend Alan said that he couldn’t sleep all night because while I was having this dream I was snoring and grinding my teeth he said.


Dream 12

I had this dream January 3, 2017

I had a dream that I was with my friend Karen’s two nieces and we were in a school building trying to open lockers in the school, then the dream changed, and I then was at my friend Karen’s son Alex birthday party and I was walking around at the party intoxicated. There was a huge cafeteria there at the party and there was also a bathroom there. I went into the bathroom and somehow the sweat shirt I was wearing somehow got sucked down the bathroom sink drain. I then looked into the bathroom mirror and saw this strange round piece of metal around my Adams apple. My Adams Apple was sticking out kind of like a man’s Adams Apple, so I was trying to get this strange piece of metal off it. I couldn’t get it off. I than woke up from my dream. 


Dream 13

I had this dream on January 15th, 2017

I had a dream that I was laying in my bed in my bedroom about to go to sleep and I drifted off into a light sleep half awake and half asleep. In my dream I was awake, but I couldn’t seem to move my body like sort of what happens in sleep paralysis and a very bright strange icosahedron three-dimensional object came very close to my face and it was hovering over my face and body. The energy it was leaving off felt dark and evil. I was trying to yell for help, but nothing came out of my mouth. The very bright light from the icosahedron object was blinding my eyes because it was so bright. I wasn’t sure what this thing was while I was laying there, but in my mind, I was thinking it was a ghost, demon or the devil. I then was able to break out of the sleep paralysis in my dream then my dream oddly switched to me getting photos taken by strangers for something important. I wasn’t sure why they were taking photos of me, but it was for something important. Then I was trying to catch a bus to try to find my 23-month-old daughter Alexis but appeared to keep missing the bus. Then I woke up from my dream.    


Dream 14

I had this dream March 26th, 2017

I had a dream that I was on a school bus and a guy on the bus was telling me that he needed the keys to my apartment, but I couldn’t find my keys on the bus. There were a lot belonging of mine on the bus, but I couldn’t find my keys to my apartment. The bus stopped, and the guy got off the bus, and then it drove for a while and then it stopped and let me off. I thought it was going to drop me off at my house, but I wasn’t anywhere near my house. It was dark out and I noticed as I was walking I was by a mall and then I walked up to a car dealership. The lights were on inside when I looked in the window, so I walked inside. There was a guy talking on the phone while I walked in. The car dealership had white walls and hardwood floors. As I was walking in the hallway of the dealership the guy talking on the phone didn’t even notice that I was in the building. I kept walking down the hall and I came to another glass door I stopped and looked inside. It looked like a kid place to play with games and stuffed animals. It reminded me of a Chuck E Cheese place. I walked inside and saw substantial amounts of stuffed animals. I then walked outside and there were a bunch of strangers with me. We were all walking together, and I saw the mall up ahead in the distance. As I was walking I came to a cliff suddenly and almost fell off the cliff and then I woke up from my dream.


Dream 15

I had this dream June 27th, 2017

I had a dream that I was in my old town where I used to live I was in an office building with my boyfriend Alan with a bunch of strangers in the dream. I was outside of the office building jumping in a bounce house and I saw a UFO coming out of clouds while I was jumping in the bounce house outside. The UFO was making a whooshing sound. I quickly got out of the bounce house and ran inside the office building. People were running around in panic because they heard the loud whooshing sound from the UFOS from inside the office building. I was hiding inside a closet in the office building, but even though we were all inside a building the UFOS were still able suck people out of the building. My boyfriend and I got separated from each other and I think a UFO sucked him up. Some of the people were returned into the building after they were captured but they were in a zombie type state and they were trying to eat other people. So pretty much the whole dream I was hiding and running from the UFOS and the zombie like people that were returned into the building.


Dream 16

I had this dream August 8th, 2017

I had a dream that I was at my ex-boyfriend’s house who was my second boyfriend I had in real life. He was Russian, and his name was Zhenya and as of today he is married in real life. I had a dream that he wanted to get back together with me, but his mom and father didn’t like me in the dream because I’m not Jewish. Anyway, I went over to his house and he had a bunch of brother and sisters in his house and the house was kind of beat up and dirty looking. He had two cats in his house, but the cats didn’t look normal, there was something off about them. Well I walked past the one cat and it just would claw the crap out of me and attack me and not get off my leg. Then the other cat started attacking me while I was walking around the house. So somehow both my sisters showed up at his house and my sister also brought her friend Chrissy with her and a party started. Zhenya said he wanted to date me again, but he knew his parents wouldn’t like it, so he told me the only way he would be able to get away with it is if I went to his friend’s funeral with him. So as the party was going on I noticed Zhenya was doing some sort of drug, when I asked him what it was he said it was acid and he asked me if I wanted to do some with him, but I refused. Chrissy did some of the acid he was offering her, and she got really messed up in the head and one of Zhenya’s friends had to drive her home. But I know in real life these people don’t do drugs and neither do I. Zhenya’s mom came home early from work as far as I remember she was a psychologist in real life and she was very upset that I was there with Zhenya, but she agreed to make me good Russian food. Anyway, in the dream I started walking up the stair case in their house in the dream and the whole entire stair case collapsed as I was walking up the staircase because it appeared that it wasn’t real it was like a computer simulation. and Zhenya’s mom then was very angry with me then and kicked me out of their house. But the strange part of this dream were mainly the two evil cats who kept constantly attacking me with their very long sharp claws throughout the dream. I don’t know if they were from hell or what, but there was something very creepy and something off about those cats.


Dream 17

I had this dream September 5th, 2017

I had a dream I was on the highway with my family in a convertible car, and while we were driving there was a white futuristic looking plane flying above the car and it began to crash. The futuristic plane was able to land safely in the distance, but it began to fly again. I was still in the convertible car and I saw that the plane was coming down really low towards the car like it was going to crash on top of us, so in the dream before it crashed on top of us, I did a backward roll out of the of the car and ran to the nearest building and ran inside the building before it crashed on top of me. I then woke up from my dream. 


Dream 18

I had this dream September 20th, 2017

I had a dream I was outside in the dark at night walking, and suddenly something sucked me up in the sky. I was then in a restaurant with a bunch of strangers and some of my family members were there too. They were all laughing drinking and eating and drinking alcohol. A man with glasses there told us all to go into the auditorium that they had in the restaurant. So, we all sat down in the seats and the guy with the glasses on came in. As he was standing in the front of us I noticed that he wasn’t a average man. As he was talking I realized he was an alien disguising itself as a man. So, I quick got out of my seat and ran out before he saw me. I ran outside and realized I was outside again in the dark and everything looked the same as it did before I got sucked up into the sky. I then woke up from my dream.    


Dream 19

I had this dream December 7th, 2017

I had a dream that I was at my daughter’s gymnastics practice and I was sitting in a cafeteria with a bunch of other parents waiting for our kids to be done with gymnastics practice. There for some odd reason was a whole in the ceiling of the gymnastic center. Suddenly, a triangular shaped UFO appeared in the sky and was abducting people. The dream then oddly switched to all of us being outside on a patio or pouch watching fireworks. While I was watching the fireworks, I noticed a circular laser beam type device setting on the banister of the deck. There was a red laser beam light in the center. I told everybody on the deck to get down on the ground because I was fearing a laser beam was going to come out and kill everybody. The dream then switched to me being on a boat with a bunch of people on a river and there was boat in front of us and every time the boat in front of us would speed up a huge flame of fire would come out of the back of it and it would make a big explosion noise. I then ended up in Washington DC in front of the White House and a security woman was going through all my things inside my purse before I could go into the building. I then woke up from my dream.


Stay tuned for more dreams later, I don't have abnormal dreams all the time however I will write in my dream journal each time I have another dream.

I believe in Aliens and UFOS, but I don’t believe they come from other planets. I believe that they are demons and that they come from Satan! Don’t be deceived into believing they are good. I also believe that our technology comes from them also.
