The Dome City by Nichole Haines - HTML preview

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Chapter 2


I heard footsteps running towards the front door. Amber frantically ran into the house out of breath and she seemed very scared and confused. She said “Mom why did the police show up at school today saying I was reported as a missing child. I then explained to her what happened during the entire day while she was in school. I told her that I was going to call the police and report her as a missing child at first but decided not to and wait to see if she came home from school first. She explained to me that she got herself up for once with her tablet alarm clock because she didn’t think I was going to wake up because of me being sick. She then told me that she left the house exactly at 6:30AM like she does every morning during the school week. As I was just about to explain to Amber about what happened at Beem’s we heard somebody coming near the front door. We heard keys jingling around and we then heard them putting keys into the key hole and trying to turn the door knob. They kept trying different keys but none of the keys worked.  Amber and I then heard the person sigh and get angry because the door wouldn’t budge. As they sighed I then realized at that split moment that it was my voice. I started breathing heavy and didn’t know what to do, so I told Amber that we should escape out the back door before they opened the door and got in. Amber and I dashed out the back door as quickly as possible. I told her to stand still with me out on the back porch. As we were standing out in the cold we heard somebody was walking around inside our apartment. I heard the other me inside the house talking on the phone to somebody as she was pacing the back and forth in the living room area. I was able to look inside the apartment through the small crack of the broken blinds. As my other self was inside speaking on the phone and pacing the floor I noticed she pulled on her head and the skin slowly came down off her face and underneath the skin was mechanical metal like a robot. I almost started screaming and began to panic and had to force myself not to scream in terror. Amber wanted to know what I was seeing through the blinds, but I refused to tell her because I knew she would freak out. As we stood there very still and quiet we noticed the sky was darkening and the moon was about to appear as we were looking up into the sky we saw what look like a white flash and then suddenly the moon appeared right in front of us just like that. Amber and I were shocked once again because it was like somebody just turned on the moon.  The wind began to blow harder and it was starting to get chilly. The sky still had the reddish and pinkish tint to it as it had earlier. I started to feel drops on my head as I looked up I started to see ashes falling from the sky and then a few moments later candy rainbow candy pieces started to hit me and Amber in the head. Amber thought it was awesome that candy pieces were literally bouncing off our heads. She began picking up the candy off the ground and was about to put a piece in her mouth. I knocked it out of her hand and said quietly “No don’t eat that!” We started getting cold and we continued to wait outside for the intruder to leave our house. I heard the robot me get off the phone and finally go out our front door. Amber and I quickly got back into our apartment to get warm and at that time I decided to explain to her about my other self.  I knew I had to go to the store fast and get another door lock, so my robot mechanical self couldn’t invade our house anymore. We went to the store and bought another lock for the door. I was not happy about having to explain to my husband Tim about all that happened that day. I thought it was best not to tell him anything about our strange crazy day and just ask him just to change the door knob. He unfortunately thought I was a conspiracy theorist to begin with I didn’t want to think I was more of a nut. I knew my family was safe for now, but I was unsure for how long. That night I told Amber that we would have to go back to Beem’s to try to fix this strange thing that happened to us during the day. Tim changed the door knob without asking too many questions about why the door knob had to be changed. He probably thought the door was getting jammed like it was in the past during the summer months.