The Dome City by Nichole Haines - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


I woke up the next morning still trying to comprehend what happened the day before still shocked and confused I knew the first thing I had to do is get back to Beem’s and try to figure out how to fix all this mess and get rid of the mechanical robot of myself. I promised Amber that I would be home when she got home from school by 3:00PM. After Amber left for school at 6:30AM, I ran as fast as I could up to Beem’s. As I walked closer to the front door I noticed there was a huge sign hanging on the door that said, “Closed for six weeks for remodeling.” I was standing there and was about to scream my head off because I was so disappointed that I wouldn’t be able to get back into the green glowing closet for six weeks! As I was walking back to my house I kept questioning myself in my head why this was all happening, by the time I got to my front door I was sobbing my eyes out unable to fully comprehend what was going on. As I was opening my door I heard somebody walking around in my apartment again. I realized that the robot mechanical self managed to get into my house after changing the locks. I ran to my back door and decided to wait patiently for her to leave again. I quietly waited for her to leave again, but time just seem to slowly pass by. I sat in the corner of my porch and waited. I heard her talking to somebody on the phone again, but this time I was able to hear what she was saying. I heard her say “Don’t’ worry I will make she I insert the implant inside of her, so I can upload her consciousness into me.” What! This mechanical robot machine of myself wanted my consciousness inside of it! I almost began to scream and burst into tears again, but I knew I couldn’t’ cry anymore because I already had a massive headache from crying earlier in the day. I ran down the porch steps and decided to go to the church to try to get some answers. I walked into the Wesleyan church and asked to speak to the pastor. The pastor asked me to come into his office. He sat down in his office chair and waited for me to speak. Right when I was about to tell him what has been going on the last few days he picked up his phone and scanned his hand over the screen. He looked up at me and said “I just love these new implants, I don’t have to remember my passwords anymore. “I just have to swipe my right hand.” “So, Lisa what did you want to speak to me about?” After seeing him with an implant and swiping his hand over his phone I realized it was best to not tell him anything. I ran to the front entrance doors and noticed the finger print scanners by the touch screen computers and realized that I scanned my finger print more than once at the church while attending a few services. I said to myself “Oh no what did I do by giving them my finger print?” I went back home luckily the robot of myself left by the time I got back. Tim was waiting for me and worried about me when I got home. Since the robot of myself was able to get into my apartment even after changing the locks I knew what I had to do to fix the problem. I ordered thumb print type lock for my front door. I ordered the shipping for overnight, so it would arrive the next day, so Tim could install it. There was no way I was going to call the police and tell them that a robot mechanical of myself was breaking into my house daily. They would probably end up sending me to the psychiatric ward for a mental illness if I told them that. Even after all that has happened I was still refusing to tell Tim what was going on.