The Filght of the Raven by Susanne Ashley - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

Off Into Space

For one very dangerous minute, it looked as though Zavier was go­ing to try to tackle Duplex, but then Krystal stepped between them.

“Do you have to play by the rules every time Duplex?” she pleaded. “Can’t you cut these kids a little slack? For heaven’s sake, their parents are lost out there in space somewhere. Can’t you show a little compassion?”

“Why are you putting your job on the line over this?” he demanded. “You have a superb record at IPU, why risk that now?”

“Can we talk privately for a moment?” Krystal asked.

“Sure,” replied Duplex. He followed Krystal to the far side of the starship where they entered a small, private study room. He closed the door behind them.

“Well that’s it then,” said Lazar. “There’s absolutely no way Duplex will let us go. This could cost poor Krystal her job for defying IPU orders. May I remind you all, that’s a pretty serious charge!”

Zavier scowled at Lazar but said nothing.

“We may as well sit down,” said Amega finally. The four sat in the lounge area and waited glumly. Saffyre and Zavier were shattered. Not only were they anxious to find their parents, they were also keen to travel into space. To date they had only done so on a limited basis. Fortunately, they didn’t have to wait long, Krystal returned beaming.

“It’s fine,” she told them “Duplex has agreed to file an intergalactic flight plan with ISP and is notifying Inspector Jazelle of our plans as we speak. However, he has insisted on a number of conditions first.”

Lazar was astounded. “How in heaven’s name did you get him to back down?” he demanded.

“Does it matter?” interjected Zavier. “It’s fantastic news. When do we leave?”

“Well, as I said before, Duplex has a number of condi­tions. Firstly, he’s filing an intergalactic flight plan right now, so we must wait until we are cleared to fly. Secondly, he’s letting the support team know what we are doing and would like one of you stay back in case your parents try to contact home. Lastly, Duplex insists that he remains in charge and we abide by his decisions.”

“That all seems fair and reasonable,” said Saffyre. “But I’m not volunteering to stay home. I want to look for our parents.”

“We all want to do that Saffyre,” said Lazar. “But they could try and contact us at the apartment. Whoever stays behind will be performing a vital role too.”

“I’m not staying!” said Zavier stubbornly.

“I guess that leaves me,” said Amega.

“Are you sure? ” asked Lazar.

“I don’t want to any more than you do. But with Duplex and Krystal on board you’ll have plenty of licenced pilots. It’s important that someone be here if our parents try to make contact,” she replied.

Zavier gave Amega a hug. “You’re the best!” he told her. He turned to Krystal. “Do you think Duplex would let us take Excel?”

“I’ll find out if you like,” offered Krystal.

“Oh, and can Kay4 come too?” Saffyre begged. “They’re not only great company but they could be really useful to us.”

“I’ll ask Duplex right now,” smiled Krystal.

She returned in a few minutes with the news that Duplex had agreed that the pets could come.

As Amega left the room, Saffyre watched her go with mixed feelings. On the one hand she was pleased not to have been the one asked to stay behind, but on the other hand she was sad Amega wasn’t coming with them. Her sister had such a calming influence on them all, that Saffyre knew she would be badly missed. She cheered up a few minutes later when Amega returned with Excel and Kay4. She then said a quick goodbye to each of them and returned to the apartment. After that, time dragged while they waited on board the Saffyre Starlight for official clearance to fly. Finally Saffyre cuddled up with Kay4 on the couch and drifted off to sleep.

“Hey lazy bones wake up!” said a voice loudly in her ear. She rubbed her eyes and looked up. It was Zavier. “Why did you wake me up?” she demanded furiously.

“It’s time!” he smiled.

Saffyre was thrilled. “You mean we’re leaving?”

“Yep, Duplex is warming up the engines for take off right now.”

As the Saffyre Starlight took off, Saffyre raced over to a window to look out. It was still dark outside and she could only see a mass of lights.

Krytsal came into the room when the starship was high in the sky. “We had a very smooth take off,” she told them.

“Where are we going?” Saffyre asked.

“Duplex is taking us to Azurite,” Krystal replied.

“Hey! What’s going on? You promised we could go after our parents,” Zavier shouted. “Isn’t that the headquarters of the United Galaxies of the Universe? Why on earth are we going there?”

“Zavier will you shut up?” demanded Lazar. “If you give Krystal a chance then you’ll find that there’s a very reasonable explanation.”

“You two seem to be getting very cozy,” commented Zavier with suspicion. “What’s going on?”

“Sit down and I’ll explain,” said Krystal. “Lazar and I are merely exchanging information, so there’s no need to get suspicious,” she said to Zavier. “Right now we’re headed for the planet Azurite, which is in the Jatax Galaxy. Inspec­tor Jazelle has an associate there who belongs to UGU. Her name is Onyx and she is in charge of a network of planets that try to maintain order throughout the Universe. She has asked for a team member to come to Azurite for some vital information about Quartz. Duplex has received permission for us to go.”

“How long will take us to get there? ” asked Saffyre.

“It will take us several hours to reach Azurite travelling at astrospeed. I have calculated the time zone difference and it will be mid-morning Azurite time,” replied Krystal. “I suggest you both try to get some sleep until we get there.”

Saffyre sank into a blissful sleep on the lounge. Krystal put a soft quilt cover over her.

“You’ve been awfully good to us,” commented Lazar. “Don’t think I’m ungrateful. We’d do anything to find our parents, but why exactly are you doing this? And what on earth did you say to Duplex to get him to change his mind?”

Krystal sat down on the sofa next to Lazar and smiled. “So many questions!” Her long blonde hair fell softly around her face and she fixed her luminous azure blue eyes on him.

“As I said earlier, I know how if feels to lose a parent. I lost both of my parents at a young age and I would hate for that to happen to you. As for Duplex, I impressed upon him that you teens felt the need to take action; that sitting around would be torture.”

Lazar was touched. “Well thanks for helping us. We really appreciate it.”

Krystal smiled and her whole face lit up. “I’m so excited about this mission. I’ve only been at IPU for a year, to get the chance to fly off like this is a great opportunity for me.”

Duplex’s voice came over the intercom at that moment. “Krystal, we’re flying into some turbulence now. I could use your help to co-pilot.”

Krystal pushed the intercom button. “I’m coming right in,” she told him.

Lazar began watching a movie but dozed off before it fin­ished. He awoke to find Krystal standing over him. “We’re almost at Azurite,” she informed him.

When Saffyre awoke it was light outside and she rushed over to the window. Zavier was already looking out and he told her that they were approaching Azurite. They were pass­ing through its blue encompassing ring and already Saffyre could see land below taking shape. We’re almost there, she thought with excitement.

The starship flew smoothly downwards, now Saffyre could see mountains, lakes and forests taking shape. The Saffyre Starlight glided past hills and over to the coast where for the first time ever, Saffyre saw rolling turquoise waves crash onto the sand. Tears sprang into her eyes.

“Zavier, it’s unbelievable,” she cried.

For once, even her normally talkative brother was at a loss for words. He merely nodded. They watched mesmerized as >the landscape unfolded before their eyes. The starship sailed over deserts and molten lava, and glided easily through deep, narrow gorges. All the while Saffyre drank in sights that she had never seen before. Finally, the starship landed smoothly on a grassy meadow.

Duplex handed the exit smoothly ensuring that everyone had on the correct spacesuit and small breathing apparatus. They walked outside and felt a gentle breeze lightly on their faces. Saffyre wanted to run around crazily, but settled for taking in all that was around her.

“Over that hill,” Duplex began, pointing northerly, “We will find transportation to take us to Onyx’s headquarters. I want everyone to keep together.” He looked pointedly at Zavier. “Understand that this is a whole new world, with creatures and outside conditions that you are unprepared for. Pay careful attention to every word you are told and, above all, do not race ahead.”

Zavier looked annoyed. “Why does he have to look at me every time he gives an order?” he whispered to Saf-fyre. “I thought Lazar was bad enough, Duplex is ten times worse.”

Saffyre grinned. “Let’s give him the slip!” she suggested wickedly.

They were still walking up the grassy hill while she spoke. At the top, they looked down on a field that was a mass of flowers of every imaginable colour. As they were watching, Saffyre detected a movement through the field of flowers. She stared with awe as a powerful, large black cat emerged, leading a small herd. The leader made its way over to Duplex. Saffyre could see it more clearly now and noticed that it had large golden spots over its body and a powerful wing on each side.

“What are they?” she wondered aloud.

“I’ve no idea,” said Zavier. “Look!”

From the opposite side of the field another pack was emerging. Very like a lion, a large golden cat emerged leading another small herd. They too had wings and large tiger-like stripes, were all over their bodies.

Zavier raced ahead of Saffyre oblivious to the shouted warning from Duplex.

Saffyre heard Duplex say something about not startling the animals as Zavier closed in.

She tried to call to him but no cry emerged from her dry throat. Zavier rounded on the first group as the leader stepped forward with a long low growl, clearly a warning.

Saffyre found her voice at last and called out to Zavier, who now realized the foolishness of his actions. He tried to step backwards but stumbled and fell sprawling at the feet of the leader of the herd. It gave a long growl and pointed something at Zavier that Saffyre couldn’t see. Zavier fell back and closed his eyes. He lay motionless.

As Duplex stepped forward, Saffyre raced the rest of the way down the hill. She looked down at the still figure of Zavier and screamed with fury at the leader of the herd.

“You’ve killed him!” she screamed. “You’ve killed Zavier!”