The Filght of the Raven by Susanne Ashley - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


Agentle voice spoke from somewhere behind Saffyre. “Nonsense child, Jasper would never hurt anyone. He has just used a tranquillizer on your brother, that is all.”

Saffyre swung around and gazed up at lady who was at least seven feet tall. She was wearing a long, flowing robe that only seemed to add to her height. Her hair fell down her back in a long, black braid. She had shrewd, violet eyes that seemed to see everything, and gave Saffyre the uncom­fortable feeling that she knew her every thought. Saffyre guessed correctly that she was looking at Onyx.

By her side was a magnificent white horse with huge wings and a long silver mane. Saffyre had no experience with animals but she knew at once that it was one of the most noble, beautiful beasts you could ever hope to see.

“Wait here Serenity,” Onyx commanded. She walked closer to Saffyre. “The kyanites are very peaceful animals, and so are our nephrites. They are here to help us. Violence of any kind is strictly forbidden on Azurite.”

Duplex stepped forward. “I’m so sorry Onyx. I asked everyone not to rush at the animals but the boy didn’t listen. Don’t be too hard on him though, he’s young and impulsive but he has a quick mind and may yet be useful to us.”

Saffyre rounded on him furiously. “Useful!” she shrieked. “Zavier is a person… you know, a human being, not an ani­mal.”

Onyx walked over to Zavier. She pointed a small remote control at him, no bigger than a small pencil. Almost imme­diately Zavier shook himself and sat up. “What happened?” he asked.

“You rushed at our group of kyanites and Jasper, their leader, took precautions to protect them. You must under­stand you are not from this planet and you did not have security clearance from me”. Onyx turned to Saffyre. “Your brother was merely put into a gentle sleep, that’s all. I assure you, he has not been harmed in any way. On Azurite we have very peaceful means to deal with every situation, no matter how hostile it may be.”

Lazar came running up at that moment. “What hap­pened?” he asked.

“Where were you?” demanded Duplex. “I seem to remem­ber stating that I wanted us all to keep together!”

“I’m sorry,” replied Lazar. “Krystal felt that one of us should stay with the Saffyre Starlight for security reasons. I merely escorted her back. Have I missed something?”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Duplex. “Can we come with you now Onyx?” he asked.

Onyx smiled. “The kyanites are sorry for the misunder­standing and are happy to escort you. I suggest that you, Duplex, go with Jasper. Saffyre you may ride Greyling; she’s the gentle kyanite standing patiently over by that tree, and will lead us to Celestine. Lazar and Zavier you may each ride Jyp and Pierz respectively. They are the two golden nephrites waiting by the northern slope over there.” Onyx pointed to the group of animals that resembled Earth’s lions.

“You may converse with them in Azuritan; I’m assured by Duplex that you speak it fluently?”

“That’s correct,” Lazar told her.

Saffyre walked over to Greyling. The kyanite bowed to her then gently nuzzled against her hand. Unused to ani­mals except for robotic Kay4 and Excel, she was at first filled with fear, but when the gentle creature pushed against her, Saffyre felt only joy.

“To headquarters,” yelled Onyx decisively, and sailed into the air on the back of Serenity.

Saffyre climbed onto the back of Greyling as Lazar and Zavier took flight on Jyp and Pierz. Sheepish after his run in with Jasper, Zavier did not try anything foolish.

Nothing could compare with the feeling of absolute freedom as Greyling rose into the air. A blazing smile swept across Saffyre’s face as she felt the air rush past her face and push her hair flapping, behind her shoulders. She breathed deeply into her tiny oxygen mask and drank in the astounding sights far below. As Greyling flew higher and higher into the sky, they surged ahead of the oth­ers. Saffyre held on as they flew over fields, mountains and rivers. It was different to the flight over Azurite on the Saffyre Starlight, she thought. That had been magical too because she had seen sights close at hand, that on Earth she had only seen on a plasma screen. But even that did not compare to this. It was like flying in a dream. Time itself seemed suspended, as she soared over Azurite to their unknown destination.

They drew near at last to a high mountain and Saffyre could feel Greyling ease back and slowly descend. She strained her eyes to see and from the shadow of the trees she could just make out a tall structure. Tall, pointy towers rose high over a fortress wall that encircled the entire castle.

“Welcome to Celestine, the headquarters of Onyx and the United Galaxies of the Universe,” announced Greyling as she gently landed. “We’ll wait for the others before we go in. Onyx is following behind the group, to make sure that everyone arrives safely.”

Saffyre stared at the castle in awe. “We once had castles like this on Earth, unfortunately they were all destroyed in the nuclear wars 99 years ago. I’ve never seen one except in pictures or on our plasma screen in history lessons. They’re very old aren’t they? ”

“You’re thinking perhaps that the architecture is old world, and therefore a strange meeting place for a universal organization like UGU?” asked Greyling.

Saffyre nodded and Greyling continued. “Wait till you see inside. Celestine is brilliantly conceived.”

Saffyre followed Greyling as she led the way to the mas­sive, wooden castle door. While they waited for the others, Saffyre took time to take in the detail of its woodwork. It was a deep mahogany red and a swirling pattern encircled the entire door.

A huge lion’s head, also in rich mahogany, sat high on the castle door’s centre. On closer inspection, Saffyre real­ized it was not a lion at all but an engraving of a nephrite. It seemed to guard the door with a deep frown.

As she took a step closer the mahogany nephrite spoke:

Step forward stranger and give the call

To enter inside these hallowed walls……

But speak wisely and with care……

Or face the perils that will fare……”

Stunned, Saffyre stepped backwards. By now the oth­ers had arrived. It was clear that Zavier and Lazar were impressed with the mighty castle. Saffyre could hear their comments of “wow” and “cool.”

Onyx stepped up to the front door and spoke:

We seek entry inside this hallowed hall

We come in peace…one and all,

We promise to uphold the laws held dear

Or face the perils that we fear…

She held her hand out under a scanning system and the door swung open.

“Normally you would all need security clearance such as finger and eye scans but since the matter at hand is of the utmost importance, I have now cleared each of you. Welcome to Celestine!”

Onyx stood back and let everyone pass before she stepped inside herself. Immediately the door closed. She waved her hand under a scanner and immediately Celestine was ablaze with lights. Not ordinary lights, but crystal chandeliers that threw a rainbow of colours in every direction. The main hall had heavy stone walls that were peppered with heavy picture frames. The teens glanced at the pictures as they walked past and noticed that the contents were constantly changing. Sometimes they could see pictures of Azurite, or the grounds of Celestine, but when Onyx walked past, detailed information would appear.

Onyx turned to the group. “Only Duplex has visited Celestine before so he is aware that it unwise for you to touch any scanning devises. As the headquarters of UGU, it is necessary to have the most secure systems in place as we discuss matters of universal importance. Therefore if any of you touch one of the scanners you will needlessly set off alarms. You will not even be aware of this. Our security people will be alerted by a complicated system of security flashing lights in the main control room. Duplex, if you come with me now, we will contact IPU headquarters. Lazar, would you go with Saffyre and Zavier to the kitchen area for some refreshments? My sister Perle will meet you there shortly. Proceed straight through the main hall and enter at the great door on your left. Remember do not touch any scanning devices.”

They followed Lazar through to the huge kitchen door. As they stepped inside they were lifted into the air and rotated around, until their faces were only inches from the floor!