The Floating Man Wars by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

The Heir and the Witch

Inside Darefin Mansion The Floating Man stood upside down in his energy egg. He was recharging and letting off some angry steam. He knew now that Vola and I were free and he was pissed.

Darefin was massive as it was 900,000 square feet of I’m better than you. The Floating Man insisted it be the largest home ever constructed. It had a 1 mile hallway of diamond chandeliers and golden walls just for fun. He used a swirling red marble all throughout the mansion. In the back he had his torture chamber and about 60 people in there not having a good time to put it lightly. Outside he had his troops keeping guard. He knew I was wise and could potentially take him out so precautions were being taken.

He floated out of his egg and turned his entire body into electricity as he passed through the ceiling like it the surface of a lake. He emerged upstairs were Goodie Becks was sitting watching the local news.

Goodie Becks is a slight man of only 143 pounds but with large bulging shoulders. He runs the murder end of The Floating Man’s enterprise. If you need someone dead send Goodie.

Goodie looked up as The Floating Man slowly turned back into his human form. Goodie created a ball of fire in his hand and shot it over the tv and out into the garden where it hit a man in the back.

“What was that all about?” asked The Floating Man as he spun in mid-air.

“He wasn’t doing his best, you know that matters,” said Goodie calmly as he himself started to glow red and pulsate (Goodie was a volunteer for many experiments giving him supernatural powers).

“Careful, Goodie, we need all the soldiers we can get. You know he’s out there.”

“I do…we’ll find Leftic and we’ll break him down. I’m not worried about that.”

“Then what troubles you?”

“The heir, the rightful heir to the throne…The one who could challenge you he’s growing powerful you must see it,” said Goodie with his body glowing with a steady pulse of red light. The Floating Man floated over to the window and looked out.

“I know about Doad. I am aware the little shit is becoming like his dead father. No matter, he’s just a kid and he doesn’t even know what power is yet. And anyway, we can always kill him,” said The Floating Man as he watched a blue streak race across the sky leaving flaming embers falling to the ground. It was Doad saying hi as he flew past.

“If we did that it would be bedlam. The rabble wouldn’t stand for it.”

“Accidents, Goodie, accidents happen to the best of us. And who are we to judge the cruel hand of fate,” said The Floating Man snidely as he started to laugh.

Outside there was a large explosion in the distance. It rattled the walls of the mansion and Goodie raced to see what it was.

“What was that?” asked Goodie as he slid his gun belt over his shoulder.

“Trouble, go check it out,” said The Floating Man sharply as he watched the flames grow higher and higher still.

50 feet from the Floating Man

We knelt down in the grass watching The Floating Man through his window. It was me, Vola, Big Dan, Heroy, and Testassio as the explosions were just a ploy to see what they’d do.

“He looks terrified, Leftic, maybe we should just kill him now?” asked Testassio as Big Dan adjusted his laser rifle.

“No, if we attack now without the rest of our forces it could bad, real bad. Instead we can see they aren’t protecting their home base very well. Send out word the War of Goto is here,” I said boldly as I watched The Floating Man go through the wall and fly out onto the front lawn. He was shooting electricity high into the air and then he just screamed. It was defining and the wind started to pick up behind us. I knew that could give us away if he caught our scent.

“Good, let him think he’s king a little while longer. Then, then we’ll strike,” whispered Big Dan as Heroy drove the Buser boat in behind us. I took one last look at The Floating Man and then we sped away. His fucking time was gonna come and soon.

The Floating Man made his way back inside and started destroying everything in sight. Goodie walked in just as he blew a 30 foot wide hole in the wall with a lightning blast.

“Is this a bad time?”

“Yes!” screamed The Floating Man as he turned and screamed a wall of fire out the back door for a hundred feet.

“I’m sorry, but there is news to present.”

The Floating Man spun and then came to a rest in his favorite black chair. He sat there glowing in the dim light and a dash of blood was rolling down from his left eye.

“What news, Goodie, be blunt,” said The Floating Man softly as he played with balls of electricity in his hands.

“They’re getting ready to attack. We have a mole in their army and he tells me they are gathered, and ready for war.”

“Then war it is, they’ll regret it. And…if I see Leftic again I’m going to completely destroy him. He is foe now remember that. Where are they keeping their forces?” asked The Floating Man as he slid forward and turned his head into a ball of pure electricity.

“That’s just it, they’re everywhere. If Leftic is good at one thing it’s hiding his intent. The mole tells me they are going to attack on the 50th of Goff, next month.”

“Really, then bring me all our legions we’ll need to be ready for those little shits! Hurry! I have no patience anymore. Ok Leftic if its war you want, then its war you’ll receive. Some people aren’t happy being happy, it’s a shame,” said The Floating Man snidely as he tossed a ball of fire through the window and obliterated a pair of crows in the sky.

In Ferney Bush 1 week later

There was a man named Joko who said once,” If the world has to spin to feel normal then so do I, tough,” these words never left me. If you’re an original pain is a way of life. I sat in a horse shaped house in a row of animal shaped houses in Ferney Bush. Vola was off to get her favorite loaf of bread while Big Dan sat smoking a pipe and watching TV. Strange, I would have thought planning a war to be more chaotic.

“You know, my mum said once if you don’t know something, don’t let someone know. I’m worried, Leftic, The Floating Man is ruthless and powerful are you sure we can win?” asked Big Dan as he set down his pipe and walked over to me.

I looked at the floor and thought about our chances.

“Yeah, Big Dan, Yes we can win! Just relax and accept the fact that if you focus on failure, failure arrives. Stay positive my friend and we’ll win this.”

“Fine, but even a good army needs a little luck. I’ve brought something for you. It’s here in my jacket,” said Big Dan as he fingered the right pocket in his blue blazer. He produced a red ball with a glowing gold center.

“What the hell is that?” I asked as I perked up in my seat.

“It’s a last resort. This little ball can blow a 50 foot hole in just about anything. What you do is you press in here, and then toss it, but be careful not to forget to run the opposite direction,” said Big Dan as he handed me the ball and smiled.

“Let’s hope I don’t need it,” I said as if I was a cartoon character getting their sweet revenge.

“Hey, guys let’s go we’re movin’,” said Vola quickly as she grabbed my hand and then led me out of the house.

Big Dan grabbed his coat and darted out of the house as well. Outside the army was shooting target practice and working out in the obstacle course. It’s always better if your soldiers are in top shape. That could turn the tide as The Floating Man’s troops play more poker than lift weights.

“Listen, can you hear that humming sound?” asked Vola as she walked me and Big Dan through the troops.

I stood and listened intently and hear the odd hum. I looked around and saw a thousand blinking lights in the sky some half mile away.

“Something’s coming everyone be ready to fight!” I ordered as I ran into a steel bunker between the houses. The troops grabbed their guns and it was running and hiding for everyone. The lights got closer and closer still as we waited for war.

“Is this it?” asked Big Dan as he pulled out his 12 inch long revolver.

“I’m sorry,” is all I could muster as the lights and the humming sound got closer.

“Leftic, what are they?” asked Heroy as he slid in beside me.

“He, Heroy, I think its mechanical drones. We’re in trouble,” I answered and just as I was about to order the troops to fire I saw what I thought was wings (drones don’t have wings like a bird I thought).

“Hold on, Everyone, hold!” I bellowed.

The lights flew into camp and then proceeded to fly right past. They were Bustag birds thank God.

Everyone jumped up and laughed as the birds sailed by.

“That was pretty lucky,” said Vola and then she kissed me good and hard on the lips.

“It’s good to know we’re ready, we are, Hun,” I said happily as the soldiers danced and threw beer bottles at the Bustags.

We laughed that night and then retired to the houses. In the morning the sky was bear red and no one could see 2 feet in front of themselves as a massive dust storm rolled through. I looked out the window and saw only red. From high to low I thought. With this storm here we couldn’t attack just yet. Even worse we had to get moving or risk losing our lives to the red air. We boarded our Teton ships and lifted up into the sky. I saw Heroy practicing with a Gaimer and I could see he was scared.

“You gonna crown him with that, The Floating Man that is?”

“Leftic, I should be so lucky. It’s gonna be me or you that gets him, I know it. I just hope it’s me, because that bastard deserves what I’ll give and worse for what he’s done,” replied Heroy as he stopped and swung the Gaimer in a circle around his body. He smiled at me and gave me a good hard look in the eye. He’s ready and so am I.

“What now?” asked Testassio as he entered the room eating a sandwich.

“Well, we have to find the end of this dust storm. That could take a while unfortunately,” said Big Dan as he came out of a secret passageway holding a beer.

“Nice to see you too,” I said playfully as I stood up. ”What were you doing in there?” I asked as Big Dan took a long swig and then burped.

“Just hangin’ out,” said Big Dan as he walked over to the window and admired the red dust.

“Ya know, it’s only getting better without The Floating Man. Our day will come,” said Heroy as he stood beside Big Dan and watched the massive storm in every direction.

“I know,” said Big Dan and then he tapped his right temple and smiled.

“Hey, I’ve got an idea come here for a second,” I said firmly as I started to draw a picture on the large computer monitor.

“What have you got?” asked Testassio as he seemed interested and hurried over to me.

“What if, we drop 3,000 troops from the sky in the middle of the night? We do this as the rest of our forces surround him. See that way, he has no escape,” I explained as I drew a picture of the attack.

“Genius, they’ll never know it’s coming,” said Testassio as he put his arm around me.

“They might have a spy in our midst,” said Big Dan as He looked out the window.

“Why do you say that?” I asked intently as I walked over to Big Dan.

Big Dan smiled and looked us all over. Then he coughed and said,” I say that because these happen in battle. The Floating Man needs to know what we’re up to or he wouldn’t have a chance. Thus I tell you…the spy.”

I looked at Heroy and then Testassio and they each looked interested in what Big Dan was saying.

Vola picked up a cup of wine and started to down it.

“We would know, Big Dan, we’re all friends here,” I replied as I looked at a stern faced Big Dan.

“No, no, Leftic, you wouldn’t. It just takes one person who thinks we’re going to lose in the end to flip sides. Everyone loves a winner, and friends are only valuable if you’re not dead. Think about it, it could be anyone. Self-preservation changes friends to foes every day, Leftic, every single day,” explained Big Dan sternly as he pulled out a cigar and offered it to me. I took the cigar and lit it up. We stood there smoking and thinking about the spy.

“Let’s say you’re right, that would mean The Floating Man would be waiting for us, right?”

“That’s right, Testassio, that’s my point. All discussions from here on in we should assume The Floating Man is hearing every word. And we should accept we won’t have the jump on him.”

“He’s right, but we can still win with the southern militias joining in. I know we can win,” said Vola as she looked out into the red storm and I stroked her hair.

“I agree, I wholeheartedly agree. We will win, I know it,” I said flatly as I smoked the cigar. Big Dan leaned forward and opened his mouth wide. He was tempting the red storm to fill him to death but the glass gave him protection. We were in for 1 hell of a night.

The Witch

We journeyed all night and eventually the storm let up. We saw before us a huge castle in the shape of a tree reaching for the sky. It was enormous truly going some 200 stories high. There were giant candles on every branch giving the castle a surreal eerie look to it. I don’t know much but this looked dangerous.

Testassio walked into the front lounge and something looked off about him.

“Where’d you just come from?” I asked as I watched him grab two bottles of beer.

“Oh nowhere, just had some errands to run. What the hell is that thing?”

“It’s the Witch’s castle,” interjected Big Dan as he levitated down from a room upstairs. He continued,” She’s a bitch, but she could be of some assistance.”

“What good would some crazy witch be to us?” asked Testassio in between swigs of beer.

“You’d be surprised she has powers that could help in war. The only problem is…she has a temper.”

“How bad, Big Dan?” I asked as I was now very interested in what he had to say.

“She killed her last wife for spitting on the carpet. That’s a burdened mind there, better to be careful.”

Big Dan sat watching the fleet come to a rest outside of the witch’s castle I asked,” What’s her name?”

“Ahh…it’s Goilda and if you forget it she will blow a hole through your head,” replied Big Dan as he pulled out a hardboiled egg from his pocket and offered me a bite. I declined for some reason.

We got outside and the sky looked beautiful, filled with stars even though the morning was creeping in. Goilda looked out her window at me and her eyes glowed. She had been through several drug trials that gave her powers. They also destroyed her natural personality, but power always does.

As we walked up to the golden front door I felt giddy at the prospect of meeting Goilda. I watched intently as Big Dan grabbed the skull shaped doorbell and pushed in the eyes. We heard a chorus of singing children as the walls lit up green and red. The door slid open and a twisting uneven floor led into the main living room. It was like something out of a dream. Nothing in the house was sitting still, all the paintings and furniture were alive and moving, yes moving it was insane.

“This is nice,” said Heroy as he stood beside me.

“Feels like home,” I replied as I watched Goilda walk right through the living room wall and right up to Big Dan.

“Daniel, you’re looking well,” said Goilda warmly then she leaned down and kissed Big Dan on the lips.

“Hey, Gorgeous, we could use your help,” said Big Dan as he caressed Goilda’s face.

“Anything, Daniel, name it.”

“We’re going to kill The Floating Man and we need all you can give us,” said Big Dan warmly as he looked longingly into Goilda’s eyes.

“Ok, it’s time isn’t it?”

“Yes, he’s crossed the line. At the moment I like you to show Leftic you gift, if you would.”

“Of course, Daniel, just a second,” said Goilda warmly as she peeled off a sweater and you could clearly see her amazing figure in a black silk dress and large yellow hat.

“What are you doing?” I asked nervously as I watched Goilda start to glow.

“Just watch,” answered Big Dan softly as he put his hands out in front of his face. I saw this and did the same not knowing why.

Goilda spun slowly and her body broke into tiny pieces. The pieces pulsed and disappeared into the ceiling. Then a huge red ball of energy fell down into the room. It slowly peeled away and then there stood a blonde haired Goilda. She laughed and then lifted us all off our feet and into the air. She floated out of the room tugging us behind her in mid-air. When she got outside she shot a long laser-like stream of fire into a grove of trees annihilating them.

“Things are heating up, Big Dan,” I said excitedly as we continued to float 50 feet in the air.

Goilda shot a glowing blue orb into the sky and it devoured all the nearby clouds until the sky was completely clear.

“Why should I help you?” asked Goilda telepathically as we watched the sky fill with raging blue horses.

“The Floating Man will never come around. He will always torture and treat us like cattle. If you help us I can guarantee we’ll finally have the home world we all dreamed of. Will you please help?” I asked softly as Goilda flew past the 40 horses in the sky.

“Maybe, maybe, Leftic, if the moment comes that I think you can win…then maybe. For now let us dine on moonbeams!” said Goilda as she started launching green magic from her hands. The magic formed a floating table, couch, and all the wine we could drink. It was getting weird.

“Leftic, don’t worry she’ll come around,” said Big Dan as he smiled at me and toasted cups with me.

“She has too or we’re dead,” said Big Dan flatly as he watched Goilda pulling down streams of starlight into her hands

“You aren’t kiddin’, ya know if there’s a spy we might lose.”

“Leftic, there was always that chance, so what. We’ll put our money in and smile! ” replied Big Dan happily as he watched Goilda as she painted a masterpiece in the sky. I sat there knowing it was 50/50 at best. I could tell there was no stopping it now, war was coming.

“Do you like joy, Leftic?” asked Goilda as Heroy floated past her and laughed like a little kid.

“You’re damn right I do!”

“Then you’ll have it,” declared Goilda as she covered my body in waves of unbelievable joy. I had no idea. I sat there feeling what we all dream of and it was better than I ever thought it could be.

Goilda soared in and around us all. Vola floated in mid-air with blue streams of energy pumping through her. It was getting real, real fast. That night was the beginning and we were ready for more. I awoke in the morning and saw the trees were glowing green. The sun was just coming up and I felt for the

first time we had a chance. We collected our things and continued on to pick some supplies. The troops were invigorated and ready for anything, but the possibility of a spy worried me to no end. Who could it be and why would they do it? It plagued me and I started to feel suspicious around friends. That’s one feeling you don’t want running through your veins.