The Inner Dragon Book One by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Eight: the Bridge


Grun starts to have all kinds of mental images coming into his mind and also voices telling him to go somewhere or do things. He knows he has to take greater control over these things otherwise he will become deranged. After several minutes meditation he decides to follow his instinct and just stay calm and walk. He comes to a bridge over the river. He notices a young woman who is about to kill herself by jumping off the parapet. Grun decides to become invisible and walk quickly over to her to bring her down. He knows he can do this and is confident in his abilities.

Grun climbs up onto the parapet without making a noise. The girl is about to throw herself off when Grun starts to speak. (Grun knows her name to be Christine.)


What are you doing Christine?


What the hell? Who is that?


I am your inner self, and I am telling you to get down from here and start to live properly.


I can’t, I am too desperate.


You don’t know the meaning of desperation. You just lost your dog. He is OK and will wait for you however long it will take, but if you kill yourself you will not be allowed to see him for a very long time.

Christine (sits down and begins to cry)


Get yourself down from here and go home. Your mother is waiting for you, go with her tomorrow to Martins pet shop and choose the last pup from the King Charles Spaniels litter. Is that understood?


Yes. My God, I’m so sorry.


You are young. Don’t be so sensitive. If you love animals so much get in touch with the RSPCA, they want a helper in Leadsham; it is only a short distance away. Phone them tomorrow. Now, get down.

Christine gets down and starts to run home, Grun feels happy and strangely satisfied.