The Inner Dragon Book One by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Scene nine: the Bedroom


Grun went straight to his bedroom to take the chest and other things to the hiding place under the outhouse floor. He knew the police wouldn’t be able to find it. All he was worried about was reaction of some of the neighbors and people who believed him and his family to be devil worshipers. He knew through experience that people were prone to be easily influenced and excitable. Dad had said in his writings that people were not to be trusted; they couldn’t be expected to keep a secret.

Grun was now totally secure in my abilities. He knew things which would send the ordinary person insane. Entities from the inner regions were constantly trying to influence his mind, but Grun was now on the brink of another fantastic meeting with his father. This time he would be given a confirmation. Grun went to his bedroom to make ready. He took out a druids robe from the wardrobe and stood in front of the mirror. After several minutes his father appeared dressed in the same style. There were seven other druids standing behind his father; after chanting and praying, the conversation started thus...


Grunwald, you are to leave the house early in the morning. The police will come at five o clock to search it; they will use a swat team, it will be traumatic for them. Things cannot be altered; it was fated long ago. Place yourself nearby to help anyone who may get hurt. The Dragon will not relent at this stage. It has to protect whatever it is charged with.


I feel secure in my abilities, but I lack friendship, Anna is now against me.


Phone your old friend Kyle Simonson, he owes you through karma, just say the words that are in the ‘Influence’ page in the great book. Don’t forget to chant the code first to make the script appear. I cannot relate it to you hear it is too secret. Make sure you don’t use the Dragon coin too much; it will influence you in the long run. The incidence with the girl was OK but the touching of the boy in the shop could have been bad; be sure you are using it for good, always. Now, the elder druid will stand at my side and we will place our hands against the glass, you do the same and you will receive the next part of the enigma. Be sure to come back in two days.

Grun was now alone. (Thinking to himself)

I have received another section of the book in mental form, the code to make the script appear in the great book is very hard to memorize, but I know I can do it. I am starting to upgrade again and I will have to be careful of overloading my mind.

Grun makes preparations to move out of the house that night. He knows that the house is being watched and he isn’t worried about it as he will be in invisibility mode when exiting. He hides the mirror and everything else of importance in the secret compartment behind the book shelf.

He takes out the coin and inspects it; it is very old and shiny, the dragons head looked almost alive as Grun’s eyes fell on it. He felt a weird sense of foreboding as his mind began to realize what would happen in a few hours’ time. Grun quickly put the coin away then settled down to sleep.