The Inner Dragon Book One by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Scene ten: the Garden


At four o clock Grun woke up and meditated for a few minutes. His mind was settled and he felt rested. He walked to the back door where he knew the policeman who had been on duty there since one o clock had slipped into the hedge the relieve himself. Grun pressed the coin and disappeared. He opened the door slightly and slipped out; he didn’t need to lock it as he knew the police wouldn’t be able to get in. He made his way to the hedge to survey the area. When he looked back he was astonished at the sight of a gigantic snake like dragon creature that was coiled all around the house. Grun felt scared and unsure of his feelings. The sight of this mystic being unsettled him. It was sleeping at the moment but at five o clock it would awake with a vengeance as the swat team crossed the line.

A convoy of four large vans arrived at the corner of the street. 

Swat team leader: (on radio)

Prepare to advance in figures two at 0500 hours.

Grun could see the team as they quickly moved to positions of concealment around the house, he looked on in awe as the dragon started to awake. He knew the team couldn’t see the dragon but he could and the feeling was overwhelming as it lifted its huge head to strike. The first two members of the team had a large metal ram known as ‘the big key,’ they arrived at the invisible line. The dragon struck. Sheets of flame blew a large hole in the ground inches from the two members. They were thrown back almost to the hedge. Both were unconscious and severely burned.

The other members were now preparing to fire weapons. Grun had to move fast. He reached the nearest team member who was about to fire his weapon. Grun snatched it out of his hands and threw it over the invisible line towards the house. He knew it could not be retrieved.  He quickly moved to another member and did the same. Grun knew that if the weapons were fired the bullets would come straight back to the firer. He couldn’t reach the team member who was almost at the line. The officer was going to break the window when there was a huge fireball which lifted the officer over the next doors fence and through the shed window.

The dragon moved around to the back of the house. Grun watched the team leader as he wondered what to do. Grun knew he was perplexed, Grun could understand why. The leader was now on the radio calling for backup. Grun looked up as a fireball lit up the early morning sky at the rear of the house. He began to race around the back when he saw a swat team member running around to the front and on fire. It was a terrible sight to see. Grun was about to try and douse the flames when other team members came running to help. Grun could do nothing but observe. By this time the police had cordoned off the area and neighbors and other people were now gathering around. Grun decided to leave the area. The damage had been done and there was nothing Grun could do about it.


Why can’t they just leave me alone! All I want is peace.