The Inner Dragon Book One by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Scene two: home



Mum, I want a word with you about Dad.


Please, Grun, not again.


It is important. I feel I am going insane with these things that are happening to me.


My God, please don’t say that your father’s legacy is still here.


It is more than here, it is starting to take effect.


What do you mean?


I have to go somewhere and do something that is illegal.


Please, no.


Just tell me what you know of about the relic that Dad was always talking to you about.


It was something that he said was his and that he was going to wait no matter how long it took to get back.


I knew it. It is the same thing. Mum, I am worried about you.

Mum: (looking anxious) Grun, I have been having some dreams about your father. He says I am to go with him shortly.

Grun: (looking worried)

I know something about it, Mum.


I know you know more than you are letting on. I have always said you are the most talented person I have ever known, and I still feel it. Whatever your destiny is, Grun, I feel you will succeed. I, though, am ready to move on. I didn’t tell you about the hospital visits I have been taking. I didn’t want to worry you. I am dying. Your father knows this and is going to be here to help me across.

Grun: (looking at the floor with tears in his eyes)

Mum, I want you to go to my room and look into the mirror at six o clock. Dad has told me to tell you that he wants to speak to you.


Really? I knew you could understand all the stuff he was working on. My word, it is a quarter to six now, I better get ready. I will put on my best dress. He always liked it, you know that.

Grun; (knowing that this would be the last time he would see his mum in the physical realm, he was in tears, he also knew that Derek Weston was going to attempt arson on his home at three o clock in the morning.)

The power that Grun had built up slowly over the years was now starting to take effect. He knew certain things would happen at specific times. He knew also this power was known as the Inner Dragon. His father had left him a great responsibility. He knew he had to keep his mind in check at all times or risk releasing this awesome force.