The Inner Dragon Book One by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Scene three: Garden


The time was now 2.45 am. Grun was seated facing the back window with the lights out. He already knew Derek Weston to be hiding behind the large privet hedge at the end of the large garden. Grun had meditated for over an hour to try and understand why Derek Weston hated him so. He was told in no uncertain terms that it was a past life thing and had to be brought to a head. Grun wanted to shout out to Derek that he should just go home and contemplate on what he was doing, but he knew it would have no real effect. Derek Weston would not let this go. His hatred would not let it. Whatever Grun did now would have an effect on the outcome. Karma would be worked out or built up. Grun knew he couldn’t stop him simply by shouting and he knew he would be building up his own Karma by fighting him as Grun would kill him for sure. He felt he should simply let thing take effect and just watch. For some reason Grun knew that Derek Weston would die that night. Grun’s father had put a protective force field around the house years before. Grun looked on in awe as Derek Weston ran up to within a few feet of the bedroom and lifted his arm to throw the petrol bomb.

Derek : (in a low voice)

This is for you, you son of a bitch.

The petro bomb was thrown. It was about to hit the glass when it suddenly rebounded at high speed and hit Derek Weston on the head shattering the glass and engulfing him in petrol. He ran screaming out of the garden and out of sight. Grun didn’t attempt to go after him. He knew Derek Weston would be dead within a short time. His body was found in John Thompson’s pond a short distance away. The police came around to ask questions but they seemed to be in a confused state. Grun put it down to his Dad’s involvement. Things were soon back to normal apart from one thing, Grun’s mum was dead.