The Inner Dragon Book One by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Scene four:  House


A few days later there is a knock at the door. John Thompson is stood there. He is not a bad neighbor but he has a drink problem.


John, nice to see you.


Hello, Grun, can I have a word with you?


Of course, come in.


What a strange thing that was the other day.


Yes, but the police seem to think it was just a hate crime gone wrong. You know he always hated me, John.


No, I mean about the Dragon symbol found on the grass next to my pond.




I haven’t told anyone yet. What do you think?

Grun: (Sits down and starts to look serious)


Someone is bound to see it; it is about a foot round and burned into the grass. The Dragon is coiled around, like a sort of snake.


I know the exact one. It is one of the ancient symbols.


Yes, I know you were into that stuff as a kid. What does it mean?


John, please cover it up and it will disappear in a short time.


I’m not so sure. It looks very ingrained.


Please try to understand. This symbol is a powerful thing. It can help or destroy.


Yes, I remember your father once telling me to keep anything I saw to myself.


Why? What did you see?


I saw him out in the back one night drawing a circle around the house and sort of praying.


John, please be careful with what you say to anyone.


I won’t say a word, although I can’t be responsible for anyone finding the symbol.


What do you mean?


I will be honest with you, Grun, I need money. My wife left me and she wants money. I could sell my place but the housing market is bad at the moment.


What are you getting at?


I thought you might buy it. You could make it into a nice double house and also use that small part of land at the rear.


I have my mother’s funeral coming up.


Yes I know. Maybe you could use some of the insurance money. I don’t want to inform the papers about the symbol but as I said I really do need the money.

Grun: (Was now getting agitated.)

John. I don’t want to buy your house. I don’t need it and I have to warn you, I have access to some powerful forces. Do yourself a favor and keep shut.


I know your father was into that sort of thing, but you are a different sort of fish. I don’t think you would risk bringing the police and the media around here, would you?


I won’t risk anything, but you would. Believe me, John.


Well, I better be on my way. Please make an appointment with my solicitor about making an offer for my place. See you later, I need some liquid refreshment.

Grun knows that John has sealed his fate by releasing the Dragon, so to speak. Grun doesn’t need to do anything. Fate will do it. Three days later is Grun’s mum’s funeral. Anna was the only person besides Grun who attended.