The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Twenty: Grun’s Bedroom


Grun is now in depression. He knew that the dragon had increased in power and ferocity.

The dog’s cats and birds that were killed would normally have been spared. For some reason the dragon is starting to exert itself. Grun would have to ask his father what to do. The problem now though is how to get out of the house to meet Kyle. He wished he had left earlier. There would be marksmen covering each window with high powered rifles. He would have to open the window to get out and they would see that and if they fired upon it they would get killed. He wished he had left the window open before but like his dad said learning to be proficient isn’t easy. The only other option would be to phone the police and tell them he was coming out and then walk out in invisibility mode.

Grun: (on the phone)

I want to speak to someone in charge of the Magnusson case.

Detective sergeant Watkins:

Yes, how can I help you? 


I am Grun Magnusson, I want to come out.

Detective sergeant Watkins:

OK, just give me a few minutes to get authorization and I will phone you back.

 Grun’s phone rings.

Chief Superintendent Barton:

Is this Grun Magnusson?


Yes, I want to come out.

Chief Superintendent Barton:

Alright, I will set it up. Tell me exactly what time you will come out and what door you will use.


I will use the front door at twelve noon today.

Chief Superintendent Barton:

Very well, we will be there. Make very sure you don’t have anything on you which could be seen as a weapon.


You are referring to the man who got killed in the hedge; I have to say it wasn’t me who did it.

 Chief Superintendent Barton:

That will be decided later. Make sure you come out with your hands on your head and when you get down the steps take another three steps and then lie down on your stomach.


OK. (Grun puts the phone down)

The time is now eleven o clock. He had to meet Kyle at two o clock. Grun hears a loud crack and knows that a hedgehog has come too close to the invisible line and has been burned.

The dragon is becoming uncontrollable. Grun dreads to think what will happen later. He sits down to meditate. He finds himself in a temple standing inside a circle of druids. The Elder Druid walks up to Grun and tells him that his father has now been excommunicated. Grun feels sick.


Why didn’t you stop him before he brought the dragon?


We didn’t know. Your father had gained powers which were unknown at the time. He had gained access to one key, but as you know, he could not acquire the other. You have been contracted to get it. It is now in the vault at the British Library in London. Find out through your friend Kyle Simonson when it will be taken out and where it will be taken.


How can I be expected to get away with this? I am only just starting to get the needed powers at this time.


No, you are a past master, and have been for a very long time. I have to give you the higher initiation now. You have by passed many initiations over the last few days. Please believe in yourself.

Grun: (becomes conscious)

The time is now nearly twelve o clock. Grun focuses his mind on the present time and walks to the door; the time is now twelve o clock. Grun presses the coin to become invisible. He opens the door but doesn’t walk out. Grun decides to wait. Chief Superintendent Barton comes over the loudspeaker.

Chief Superintendent Barton:

Come out with your hands on your head.

Grun waits for another few minutes.

Chief Superintendent Barton:

Mr. Magnusson, if you don’t come out you will force us to open fire. We have an anti-tank gun here and it will blow the side of the house down.

Grun: (shouts)

I will come out in a few minutes; I have to use the toilet. I have to tell you that if you use that weapon you will get hurt, be warned.

Grun then walks out of the door quietly and tip toes down the steps and walks up the path to the gate, he ducks under the police line and looks around to see many people farther up the road behind a police cordon. There are many newspaper people and reporters from all over the world. Grun has to make up his mind which part of the cordon to get through. He decides to climb over the Nichol’s garden fence through to the back and over the wall and through to the main road. Grun would meet Kyle at the canal crossing in the woods where they use to meet as kids.