The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Twenty One: House


Chief Superintendent Barton had now to make a decision. The time had elapsed for Grun to come out of the toilet and there is no response from him. He is now talking with Lieutenant Colonel Roberts.

Chief Superintendent Barton:

He must be in there but there is no response.

Lieutenant Colonel Roberts:

He has had ample time to comply. I feel he is planning something. I think we should use the weapon.

Chief Superintendent Barton:

OK, I will radio in that I am handing over the matter to you.

Lieutenant Colonel Roberts:

Very well, Sergeant Major Higgins, prepare the eighty four millimeter for use.

  Sergeant Major Higgins:

Very well, sir, Corporal Jones, stand by to fire.

 Corporal Jones:

OK, sir, right, Clarke and Smith load and wait for the word.

 Lieutenant Colonel Roberts:

Magnusson, I am giving you just five minutes to come out, we are preparing the anti-tank weapon for use.

The Colonel and Chief Superintendent Barton together with several other people are stood to the left of the anti-tank weapon and behind a wooden barricade which is at the side of the house. The weapon will be fired just above the window. The blast will, so they think, bring down the side of the house. The five minutes is up and Lieutenant Colonel Roberts gives the word to fire.

The weapon is fired; there is a ball of fire as the high explosive round hits the invisible line and then it returns at high speed to the weapon crew. There is an almighty blast as the anti-tank gun explodes and the fire reaches the other high explosive rounds stored at the side. Everyone within fifty yards of the blast is dead. Reporter John Winfield is staring in disbelief as two of his team is killed.