The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Twenty three: Army HQ


General Taylor:

I want to know exactly what happened.

Colonel Hampson:

It is exactly what happened at the helicopter crash, sir; the weapon rebounded to the original point.

 General Taylor:

Then there must be some sort of weapon in the house.

 Colonel Hampson:

It is thought, sir, that there is a sort force field around the house.

General Taylor:

We have got to get in there. If there is some sort of force field around the house then we want it to be examined. I have been told to use any and all resources to get in there. Major Park from the Royal Engineers here will tell us what he thinks about tunneling in from below.

Major Park:

Thank you, sir. I believe that if there is a force field around the house then it will not be in operation under the house. A force field of any consequence has not been invented as yet, but we have to look at the recent events. A considerable force is repelling our efforts to enter through the walls.

Colonel Hampson:

Excuse me, Major Park. May I make a suggestion?  We don’t know exactly how much power it is capable of. We know it can repel an anti-tank gun but how would it stand up to a missile fired from a plane?

General Taylor:

I see what you are getting at, Colonel. Maybe it needs a little more clout?

Colonel Hampson:

Exactly, sir, this power cannot possibly withstand a guided high explosive bomb.

 General Taylor:

What about the surrounding district?

Colonel Hampson:

 We would, of course, evacuate the area and make things safe beforehand. These guided bombs are very precise you know.

General Taylor:

I’ll ask for clearance. In the meantime, Major Park, make preparations to tunnel under the house.