The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Twenty two: Canal Crossing


Grun can see Kyle sitting down on the old tree stump where they used to play leap frog. Grun looked around to make sure there is no one around. He didn’t want to be betrayed again. He is pretty sure Kyle is on the level. He quickly hid behind a tree and pressed the coin then stepped out and walked up to Kyle.


Grun, where did you spring from?


You must be getting old; at one time you would have spotted me a hundred yards away.


I know, but I ‘m sure you didn’t come from up there because I have been looking all the time.


Just put it down to experience. I have had a lot of training in concealment. Well, how are you?


OK. What about you? What’s all this about you in the papers?


It is mostly to do with my father. Will you believe me when I say that all these deaths are not my fault?


Of course I will, I know you couldn’t have possibly have done them. I have been having a series of dreams about you. They say I have to help you.


Anna had the same sort of dreams, but she betrayed me.


I won’t. I have nothing to gain by it and you know I want to be initiated in the dream state.


You must promise me that you will help me. You were always stronger than me but I have to warn you that now I have the protection of the dragon. If you even try to hit me you would be hurt. Is that understood?

Kyle: (looking serious)

Why all the seriousness?


This is the most serious thing that I have ever been involved in and you must realize it. Twenty eight people have been killed so far. More will surely follow. I want you to help me steal an Egyptian relic from the British Library.


I didn’t know I would be asked to do anything illegal.


If we don’t acquire the relic then many more people will die.


Why don’t you go to the authorities and get them to help, I’m sure they will understand.


I said that to my dad and he said no. No one must know about the power of the relic key. It doesn’t just have the power to stop the dragon: if they don’t use it properly it could cause untold damage. The dragon is already growing in power. We don’t have a lot of time, will you help me?


Of course, now I know the significance of it all. What do you want me to do?


I want you to use your expertise on the pc find out where they are taking the relic. Hack into the library files, I know you can do it.


I’ll try but with all this publicity I don’t know how long I will last before they catch me.


I want you to hold my hand in a certain way for a few seconds in a moment, it will give you protection. I will chant some words and you will repeat them is that understood?


Yes. I feel giddy.


That is the power in me starting to affect you. Now, hold my hand with the thumbs touching and repeat after me.