The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Thirty: Kyle Simonson’s Apartment


Kyle is on his pc and hacking into the British Library’s computer files; he had been working at this for two days straight; he  has found out that the relic is so valuable that it has been chipped and has several counterfeit replicas ready to be brought into play if need be. The original relic is now being stored and made ready to be taken to New York where it will be placed in a secure state-of-the-art container which has been specially made for it. Kyle believes that the relic is known to certain people as a potential weapon of destruction; it could be used to cause countrywide or worldwide disaster. Kyle is now pondering how in the world Grun could even get near to it when there is a knock at the door. Kyle felt scared; the spell that Grun had given him had made his senses tingle and his mind alert to danger and that danger was at the door. Kyle knew it was the police but not the special branch. He shut down the pc and went to the door.

Kyle: (waiting at the door)

Detective Inspector Hudson:

Mister Simonson, we have a search warrant here; if you don’t answer the door we will break it down.

Kyle: (opens the door)

Yes, what can I do for you?

Detective Inspector Hudson:

Are you Kyle Simonson?



Detective Inspector Hudson:

I am Detective Inspector Hudson and this is my Colleague Detective sergeant Walker. We have a warrant to search your apartment.



Detective Inspector Hudson:

Can we just come in and I will explain.


OK, but you will find nothing.

Kyle knows he has to be sure of himself and just let the spell take its course. They enter the apartment and suddenly the police are confused; Detective Inspector Hudson is now looking around and asking to sit down while his colleague is asking if he can turn on the TV. The rest of the crew is stood around in a trance. Kyle is smiling to himself and wondering what to do next when Detective Inspector Hudson looks like he is ready to fall asleep. Kyle asks him what he wants and the Inspector then gets up and walks to the door saying he has to get home because his granddaughter needs to be fed.  His colleague asks Kyle if he has pay for view TV. Kyle says yes and the sergeant says he will order it tomorrow. They walk to the door with faltering steps. Kyle knows he has to put the idea into their minds that they found nothing of consequence so he says,

 I’m glad you are satisfied with the search, Detective Inspector; you know I don’t have a computer don’t you? Please give my regards to your granddaughter.     

Detective Inspector Hudson:

Thank you, mister Simonson, it is nice to see a young man like you getting through life without a pc, it is refreshing. I hope we didn’t cause you much inconvenience?


Not at all, I enjoyed our talk.

Everyone is back to normal but they believe that they have thoroughly searched Kyle’s apartment.

Kyle is now alone and is worried; he knew the police would be back and it would be the Flying Squad or the Special Branch. He had the info that Grun wanted, so he could now hide his pc or get rid of it; he also knew that he must move from his home.