The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Thirty one: Grun’s House


The Royal Engineers are now at the site and had tunneled from beyond the garden to several feet under the house with no mishaps. They didn’t want to get too close to the foundations as yet.

Captain Smyth:

We can excavate most of the earth out to within two meters from the foundations then prop it up and then lay another foundation underneath; this will be many times larger and stronger thus enabling us to place high explosives on it, we would then concrete it in in such a way that the blast would have to go upwards.

Colonel Peters:

Make sure you don’t get any nearer than two meters to the foundations. We don’t know what Magnusson has up there; he knows we are tunneling that’s for sure, but with luck he won’t be able to do anything about it.

The dragon has now increased in power, it seems to comprehend what the intension of the Army is; it is waiting to strike. The events of the last few weeks have influenced the dragon. Grun is partly to blame as he has increased in consciousness through the initiations.