The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Thirty Four: Grun’s house


Captain Smyth:

Sergeant Major, make sure the concrete is exactly the right proportions and that it is the right mix.

Sergeant Major Baker:

Yes, Sir, I already checked it.

Captain Smyth:

We have got to get this right, there must be no slip-ups.

Colonel Peters: (arrives at the scene)

I have just come from HQ, everyone is in a flap. Is everything going to plan?

Captain Smyth:

Yes, sir, everything is moving along nicely. The only thing we don’t know is the proportions of the explosives.

Colonel Peters:

I have just been informed that the explosive is going to be placed in a revolutionary new device known as a Blast-Holder; it will stop any side blast accidents.

 Captain Smyth:

But that will probably blow the house to smithereens. I thought they wanted to examine the insides.

Colonel Peters:

I said the same thing, but they said they wanted whole thing to be over and done. Magnusson must be got rid of; he is being looked on as some sort of hero. I’ve never known such press coverage. The Bomb Squad is coming along later to check everything, so make sure things are as they should be.

Captain Smyth:

Yes, sir. Magnusson won’t know what hit him.