The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Thirty Five: Cafe


Grun is sitting at a table and thinking about what he is going to do next. He looks in astonishment as Anna Godfrey walks up to him.


I knew you would be here, I had a dream about you, it said I must meet you here and apologize.


You know you did great damage by betraying me; things would have happened differently if you had realized that the relic key is the only thing that will stop the dragon. Now two hundred and seventy three people are dead.


I know, I would do anything to put things right.


There is nothing you can do. The relic is going to be moved to New York.


How do you know that?


I have inside information.


Then you don’t need me.


Not unless you can swap the relic for a substitute one which has no chip in it.


No, but you could.




I know you have the power of invisibility; I was told in the dream. I could let you in the room where the relic is and you could take it. You would have to take the chip out of it and put it in a substitute relic which is in locked cabinet in the next room. The rooms are protected by sensor alarms so someone would have to disable them from the computer; I’m afraid I am no good at that sort of thing.


I know someone who could do it, the only thing is I am worried about the relic; if they have damaged it by putting in the chip then we are going to be in big trouble; I will know when I get close to it.


How will it be able to stop the dragon?


I can’t tell you, I have to keep that information to myself. How is your father?


He is better, thanks, I really am sorry about...

 (Anna starts to panic as a swat team member jumps out from the side of the wall and fires a high voltage stun gun into Grun’s shoulder. Grun falls unconscious to the floor. Anna screams.

Swat Team Leader:

Bundle him up, give him the sedative and get him into the van quick, we don’t want any bystanders. OK miss, you can come too.