The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Thirty Six: Police headquarters


Grun wakes up in the dream state, he is flat on his back surrounded by people dressed in druid robes; his father walks up to him and holds out his hand to help Grun up. Grun holds out his hand but cannot reach his father’s hand; he falls back into unconsciousness.

Grun wakes up to find he is strapped onto a bench and is alone in a small room which has a large glass window facing him, he has wires attached to his head, and knows that this session is not going to be nice, he also knows that the coin is missing from his neck and that he could not influence anyone while he is alone.  

Agent Forty two: (Special Branch)

 He’s coming to, get ready with the camera, I want this to go right. Mr. Magnusson, I am with the Special Branch, can you hear me?


I feel sick.

Agent Forty two:

You will feel better in a short while. I want you to tell me how you were able to stop the armed forces from gaining access to your house.


I will tell you but I won’t tell you anything while I am like this.

Agent Forty two:

You will tell us.


Listen to me! The explosives under my house will be detonated in exactly fifteen minutes and thirty five seconds, you can count them off; they will cause a gigantic blast which will flatten the area; there will be close to a thousand casualties. I want you to record this and if you still refuse to believe me, then God help us all. By the way, your recording devices will not function; you will have to write it down.

Agent Forty two: (looks across to his colleugue who shakes his head in agreement)

How do you know all this?


 I have been trained in these things since I was a kid.

Agent Forty two:

How can we stop the blast?


You can’t, it is too late.

 Agent Forty two:

My Colleagues think you are some sort of superman; I think you are a dangerous and calculating person capable of inventing weapons of mass destruction. The higher authorities however, want you to agree to work for them, if you will agree to stop the blast.


I have just told you that it is too late.

Agent Forty two:

Then you will be responsible for it.


No! You will.

Agent Forty two:

How did you manage to get out of the house?

Agent Forty two:


I walked out.

Agent Forty two:  (to his colleague)

Do you think we should relate this info to HQ?


Yes but they probably won’t tell the people at the house because it might cause some sort of panic.

Agent Forty two:

Yes, I agree, I think Magnusson likes to keep the country in suspense and fear, but how he got out of the house is still a mystery. We will wait and see what happens at the house, did you record the time that he said the blast would happen?


Yes, there is eleven minutes and fourteen seconds to go.

Agent Forty two:

I hope the house is blown to kingdom come, but God help us if we are wrong.


Amen to that.