The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Fifty: Grun’s House


Grun is about to show the dragon the coin so that he would be allowed to pass, but he was stunned to hear several loud explosions all around him. He realized that the army is firing plastic bullets to assess the danger zone around the house. Grun held up the coin as he ran as fast as he could  to the house, the dragon reared up and roared, Grun turned around as he reached the door to face the dragons huge head, it was looking at him with wonderment and then turned around to resume its guardianship. Grun took a chance on opening the door fast to run inside hoping that the marksmen wouldn’t  be able react quick enough, he left it open and  went to his bedroom and took out the great book from behind the bookcase and laid it down on the desk; he then meditated for a few minutes before chanting the secret words given him in the dream state, he opened the book to the next blank page and chanted some more words, he pulled out the relic from his pocket and touched the page; the secret script to send the dragon back began to appear; Grun meditated on the words for an hour and a half before touching it again with the coin and the relic key. The next important step was to sleep, he was about to contact the Elder Druids to receive their blessings.