The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Fourteen: Grun’s house


Grun reaches home and can see the cordon around it plus police at the front gate.  He can also see the dragon which is moving around the house in a snakelike manner inside the circle. It is fully alert and ready to strike. He walks around to the back and sees another officer stationed at the gate near the hedge. Grun walks towards the back door. The dragon sees him and stops in front of the door. Grun feels scared but knows he is protected. Grun takes out the dragon coin and holds it up. The dragon moves back and Grun walks to the door and then looks around, he waits till the officer is not looking and then he quickly moves inside the house. He goes up to his bedroom and takes out the mirror from behind the bookcase. He realizes that he didn’t need to hide it as the police couldn’t get in the house, but it is human nature and what people do. They want to make sure that everything in life is protected. Grun now knows that in this physical world everything is liable to be lost, stolen, broken, or will someday die. He puts the mirror back on the wall and meditates in front of it. He can’t put the light on, not because the police will see it but because they have turned off the power. He then realizes that the phone is about to ring; two seconds later it rings and he knows it is the police, he ignores it. Grun knows it is not yet time to talk with his father so he goes over to his bed and sits down. He takes out the paper from his pocket and scans it. He sees one announcement that grabs his interest; it is in a code that he invented at school. He realizes that only he and Kyle knew about it; Kyle was very good at making and using codes also. It was worded in a way to make it seem as though it was an ordinary letter but certain words were used to mask the first ones. It was from Kyle and he wanted to meet up with Grun. All Grun had to do was meet Kyle at secret location which only he and Grun knew about.  The meeting would take place tomorrow. Grun felt tired which was something he didn’t usually feel. He lay down to sleep secure in the knowledge that he was safe.

He became aware in the dream state. He was stood in the middle of a large circle of people who were dressed in druid robes. Grun’s father walks over to him.

Grun’s father:

Grunwald, (Grun’s father was the only person who called him by his full name) you are to be initiated; this is the first of many, I want to tell you that you can refuse. Please think about this for a few minutes while we chant the sacred names.


Father, I am worried about the dragon, why can’t you send it away?

 Grun’s father:

I have to say that it is my fault. I brought the dragon to protect you and your mother while I was gone. I was young and foolish. I wanted power and everything that goes with it. I am to be reprimanded. The officer who was burned at the rear of the house has now died; he saw the dragon and people who see the dragon are doomed to die.


How can we stop it?

Grun’s father:

The only way to stop the dragon is to acquire the relic key; it alone has the power to send the dragon back to its abode. 


We could tell the authorities and then they would help us.

 Grun’s father:

No! That would bring disaster. Do you not know that?

I feel unsure of where my life is leading me. All I want is to be at peace.

Grun’s father:

You will feel different after the initiation; you know there is no need to look into the mirror now as you will receive whatever you need through dreams. Tell me now, do you want it?

