The Inner Dragon Book Two by Colin J. Platt - HTML preview

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Scene Fifteen: House of fire


Grun is now awake and knows that the S.A.S is going to storm his house at 4.30 in the morning. It is now 3.30 and everything is quiet. The house is illuminated by a series of searchlights. Marksmen are in place and Grun had to be careful of not going near the windows, not because he might be hit but because he knew that whoever shot at the house would be killed as the bullet would rebound back. Grun wished he could tell the authorities about the dragon but knew that he could not. The responsibility was not his; it was his father who brought the dragon here and not Grun. All he could do was let karma take effect. Grun decided to meditate for a while but as he was starting to get deeper into it he was brought back with a jolt as he heard a scream at the rear of the house. He didn’t need to look out as he knew what had happened. A reporter had taken it upon himself to try and get into the house. The dragon had hit him with fire. He is rolling about on the floor and the police are now on the spot. The reporter is inside the invisible line and the police are deciding whether to risk pulling him back. They decided to risk it and the dragon strikes again. Two policemen are blown clear of the garden and are on fire. The reporter is now dead and the other policeman ran for his life. Grun felt sick and weary.

The S.A.S is now at the local airfield and getting ready to board the large helicopter which would bring them to their fate. They would have done all the usual preparations and scanned the house and grounds, but in vain. The photos and night sights would show nothing of consequence and the news of the reporter would have baffled them. Grun knew that the house was not only protected from the floor but all around the structure including the roof.

The initiation which Grun had accepted in the dream state had also given him this same protection; he had placed the dragon coin in a special holder and it is now around his neck. Anyone trying to assault him would be quickly dealt with.

It is now nearly 4.30. Grun had decided to sit tight and let them do as they may. He could hear the helicopter nearing the area.

S.A.S team member one:

What do you think killed the reporter?

S.A.S. team member two:

It must be some sort of bomb.

S.A.S team member one:

But they didn’t find any pieces of shrapnel.

S.A.S team leader:

Just do as we arranged the special device we installed on the chopper will smash a bloody big hole in the roof and all we have to do is throw in half a dozen grenades. The rest will be a piece of cake.

S.A.S. team member two:

I hope they photograph it; I want my girlfriend to see it.

S.A.S team leader:

Of course they’ll photograph it; the press is all around the place. OK get ready.

The helicopter approaches the house; it has a big metal ram hanging underneath, when it is released it will smash through the roof allowing the team to abseil down and enter the roof to throw in the grenades.

 The ram is released it reaches within a yard of the roof and then explodes in fire sending it back up and into the underside of the helicopter which lurches to the right. The blades of the helicopter hit a tree and two of the team members are thrown out; one is killed and one is badly injured. The helicopter crashes down besides the house and is partly within the invisible line. Members of the team and the crew are trying to exit before it explodes but the dragon strikes again. A ball of flame engulfs the helicopter which then explodes in an almighty blast as the fuel ignites. No one survives.

Grun is sat with his head in his hands and is praying.