The Intercessor by Miriam Davison - HTML preview

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The nights were drawing in really fast now and we only had a few days left with Hattie. I could feel the tension in everyone, and decided we needed to have some fun; while we still could.

I spoke to all our friends discreetly, which was a feat in itself, as Hattie seemed to be in a hundred places at once. All were in agreement though, we worked together secretly and two days before the Samhain, everything was organised. I called Hattie into the kitchen and she was met with one huge greeting of 'Surprise!'

The table overflowed with cakes and goodies that had been slyly made by Clax. Big urns of wine and beer were on the kitchen worktops for all to enjoy. Garlands of ivy had been hung, and table decorations had been made with wild flowers and foliage. The music began from a group of Elves and before long the Earthmen were doing what came naturally; dancing. It wasn’t long before we were all joining in.

I could see Hattie's eyes glistening and she wiped away a tear. I knew she didn't want to leave, but at least she knew how much she meant to us, and for one day at least, she could relax and enjoy herself. She danced as though she were a young woman, and had us all singing to the music.

The party went on long into the night, and I knew it had been a good idea. I had managed to organise the group and accomplish something on my own, granted nothing life threatening, but I felt better about myself and hopeful of being able to take up my position once the Samhain was upon us.

At long last the gathering drifted off and I climbed into my bed. I tried not to think of being without Hattie, but my mind wouldn't let me. In two days she would be gone forever and I would be left to lead my new friends into a battle so important, that losing was not an option. They were putting all their faith in me.

I must have fallen asleep sometime in the early hours and awoke late in the morning. I quickly washed, got dressed and went downstairs. My usual pot of tea was waiting for me and I drank it down quickly, and poured a second cup. As I was drinking this, the room began to fill. My friends seemed a little hung-over, but more relaxed than I had seen them for a while.

Once we were all there, we talked of the party and laughed at some of the antics. All too soon though we had to get back to business, and our daily meeting began and we went over the information we had received from our scouts. The enemy had managed to enlist a few more to their army, mainly lowly creatures with not much power, but also some we had to be wary of.

They had a Phouka, a very dangerous being from Ireland, which could take on animal form, so we had to be careful of any animal we encountered. A lot of Kelpies had joined the cause; these could take the form of horses, and were very evil. The Cu Sith had been spotted in several parts of the country. A Cu Sith was a fairy dog, but not on the side of good, this fairy dog was born of pure evil. He was large, about the size of a cow, and covered in dark green fur. He carried his tail over his back like a saddle. At night they would go out and hunt and kill humans. They were very rarely seen, and lived in areas that were mostly unpopulated, and therefore only travellers were at risk. They had been seen moving closer to small villages and this brought dread into our hearts.

We did have a small piece of news which brought us hope, and this came from a Snotling which had been easily tricked for information.