The Intercessor by Miriam Davison - HTML preview

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A Snotling is a small green creature, not known for his brains. They are used as slaves and given menial tasks. One of our scouts had come across one of these, and had pretended they were on the same side. He had shared food and sat and gossiped for a while, The Snotling had let slip that there was a certain amount of nervousness amongst some of the troops, and a few were only there out of fear of Dagdar. He giggled that they would change sides quicker than they would change their socks, if the battle were to go against them.

Armed with this knowledge, we sent spies out to see if they could plant more seeds of doubt in the enemy ranks. We let it be known our ranks had grown and we were well prepared, a small lie on our part, but we had to try every trick.

Even before Samhain, we had felt the days growing colder, much colder than was normal for that time of year. We found out little ugly elves, we humans know as Jack Frost, had been sent out early in order to prepare the ground for Cailleach Bheur. This just proved to us that our enemy was very well prepared.

Hattie took me to one side and looked slightly hopeful. ‘You made mention in your dream the name Dagda, and the Snotling also mentioned him. I have been checking certain things, for all Dagda looks cruel, he can also be very benevolent. I couldn't understand why he should side with Epona, and stay with her when she becomes Cailleach Bheur, normally he would never go against Royal laws, as he was once a King himself. I have found out Epona sought Dagda out, and started to court him. He is well known for his prowess as a lover and could not resist showing this off to Epona. I think, during this time, she has bewitched him, and that is why he is by her side. Her magic is very strong though, and I have had no luck in finding any spell, or potion that would remove this hex. You must continue searching for one after I have gone, as without him by her side, others will fall away and our side will have the upper hand. She has no knowledge of battle strategy and will be easier to defeat on her own.'

I agreed to do everything I could; I wouldn’t admit I didn't know where to begin. This was not the time to show weakness, I had to put on a show of confidence. By the end of the day, Hattie would be gone and the conflict will have begun.

We spent that last day going over all our plans again and again. We checked all our stores and made sure we had left nothing out that we would need. We had more than enough food for us, and basic ingredients. We had camp beds set out in all the rooms and even on the landing. They would not put any in my room, even though I argued. The Intercessor needed privacy for thoughts, and night time visions, they said. Luckily for us, so many of the group were small and more than one could fit on a bed. Hattie had been meticulous in every detail, and we couldn’t have done any more.

The day was sombre, but even so, none of us wanted it to end. What was to come after didn't bare thinking about. As time does though, it moved on. The time had come for all to say our goodbyes. Hattie moved round us all, giving personal words of wisdom and good wishes to everyone. At last it was my turn.

'My dear, don't look so upset. I can rest now, and believe me; my tired old bones are ready for that. When the light comes for me, you must stand with me and hold onto my hands, that way I can pass on my knowledge of things which can't be learned. You must feel them. Whenever you have a hunch, go with it as this will be the joint knowledge of Intercessors past, stirring within you.' She took me in her arms and continued; 'It has been a pleasure knowing you Abigail, I have a feeling you are going to be one of the best intercessors we have had. Remember, I have faith in you. Now follow me everyone, Seth has made a safe circle for my journey.' With those words she turned and led us all into the garden.