The Intercessor by Miriam Davison - HTML preview

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Outside the cottage, herbs had been set around the garden and we gathered in a large circle.  Hattie and I stood in the centre. She looked up to the sky, nodded, and then took my hands. We were instantly engulfed in a golden light. I had never seen anything so beautiful and the feeling of peace within it was almost overwhelming. I know it sounds strange, but I felt myself ageing inside. Not my body, but my mind. I was filled with euphoria, then in an instant, the light and Hattie was gone, and I stood arms still outstretched, and changed, once again, forever.

I don't know how long we all stood there in silence, it could have been seconds, or minutes, and then I turned and headed back to the kitchen. I was now in charge, and everyone would be looking to me for answers, as they followed me back into the cottage, I silently prayed I could find those answers.

In a couple of hours I would be leading my friends into a crusade, I had to hope I was ready. We knew at first there would be no outward signs, except for the change in weather. We also knew though, if we were caught unprotected, we would have to fight for our lives; kill or be killed.

I had to make them believe in me and my power to lead them as their Intercessor. I called them all to the table, letting them know we had to carry on.

As we sat, we once again went over our individual tasks, and those of the group as a whole. We were deep in conversation when we all stopped at once. It had begun. We felt it, now we were in a battle to save ourselves and the mortal race alike.