The Intercessor by Miriam Davison - HTML preview

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The next morning, plans had been discussed, and the new troops were sent out to the areas that needed them the most. A large group had been sent to help out in Lincolnshire. We had been told the previous day that the Greencoaties, the main fairies of that area, had been almost wiped out and this was becoming an enemy stronghold. Eirikr sent an army of his elves there along with some Kobalds.

Jarl sent his Huldafolk down to London as did Lucia with her moon fairies. The rest travelled around the country, helping as and when they were needed.

We had heard that the Aughisky, a clan similar to Kelpies but far more dangerous, had been almost defeated in Scotland; this was fantastic news; we were continuing to gain the upper hand in Scotland, and making great progress in the North of Britain.

The Ferryshin had fought so well, that the Isle of Man, their territory, was now free of enemy. Jersey and Guernsey were also free again, so the majority of clans moved in on the southern parts of the country to help out there, leaving small armies to keep their own territories safe.

It was now the beginning of February. A quarter of the mortal population had died due to illness or accident. An extremely high number had died due to the flu, and many due to just hypothermia itself. I mourned the loss of my kind, and hoped my friends were all well. I hoped they had taken some notice of my warnings at least. I tried not to think they could be amongst the dead; that thought cut deep into my heart. I was made stronger only by the thought of saving as many as I could, and one day giving those who had died, the burial and mourning they deserved.

The fairy world had faired only a little better. We had lost many of our troops; but had taken the enemy with us. Our reinforcements gave us the larger force now though, and we had to hold onto that and make good use of it.

We decided to concentrate on London, as the capitol had been hit extremely hard. So we set about devising a plan to take back the city, and hopefully if this worked, it would discourage some of the enemy clans in smaller towns.