The Intercessor by Miriam Davison - HTML preview

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We made sure we had surrounded London so we could close in and trap or kill anything in our way. We sent the less able of our troops in first to draw the enemy out and make them think they had an easy fight ahead. Our main troops however, were just behind them and attacked. Over and over again out plan worked and eventually, we had taken London back. Fairies travelled around the homes renewing the health spells, and giving aid. Of course not many of the mortals would ever say they had been helped by a fairy; those that did were said to have been in shock and hallucinating.

Although we had won a few battles; Cailleach Bheur was not about to give up the fight and with Dagdar by her side, she fought on.

We had to lure Dagdar away from her, so we could try a few spells I had found, to remove the bewitchment. We sat for hours trying to come up with a plan that we thought would work.

Eventually we all agreed the only thing that would draw him out, was using me as bait. The Witch would not be able to resist the chance to send him to slay the Intercessor. So our plan was put into motion. We let the word spread that I would be travelling to Hexham, a small town in Northumberland at the end of the week. I would be attending a meeting there of great importance and urgency, so I had decided the journey was worth the risk. Once again the sleigh came out and I had Oswald by my side to accompany me. Shape shifters and others came as my bodyguards. We had also stationed troops all along the route in readiness for an attack and sure enough, just outside of Hexham the attack happened.

As we had hoped, the great man himself led the attack. Our troops came out of hiding and as the battle went on I chanted my spells, none of which seemed to work. Unfortunately for us, the Witch had come with Dagdar to watch my demise, and her bond with him was stronger than my spells. I watched in horror as our troops were slaughtered. That was the only word I could use, it wasn’t a noble battle; rather one of malice and hatred.

I saw Dagdar coming towards me, and looked around in panic. There was no one to help me, my poor friends were lying in pools of blood, or still fighting for their lives. He was closing in on me and I thought my life would end and I would have failed all those counting on me and all those that had gone before me.

All of a sudden Oswald swept me up, just as Dagdar swung his axe. He saved my life but suffered a huge injury, still he flew me out of harm’s way, but not before I saw poor Jarl, one of the last standing, fall and be torn to pieces by Kelpies, and finished off viciously by Dagdar, brought on, I thought, by the frustration of missing out on killing me.

The plan had been a total failure, and we had lost so many of our friends. I openly wept as Oswald swept down to the cottage. He had just put me down at the door, when he collapsed. We got him inside and immediately began tending to his wound. It was a blessing that he had fallen into unconsciousness. His left side had a huge open wound, spreading from his hip, up to his chest. I did what I could for him and I dressed his wound and fed him a powerful potion of; Annise, Arnica, Caraway, Centaury, Daftodi, Great Mullein, Monkshood and Yarrow, mixed together with a small amount of Cowbane. This, I hoped would cover the fever, wound and pain. We could only wait and pray that Oswald would pull through. I tried not to think it was entirely my fault, but I couldn’t help it, it had been my plan and my troops had followed it. I had to pull myself together again; I couldn’t show weakness now, for everyone’s sake, including mine.

While we waited, hoping for Oswald’s recovery, the fight continued. We had taken back London and some of the southern parts of the country. We also had Scotland and some northern parts of England. The situation in Ireland was a stalemate, no one side was winning or losing. It was Wales and central England where we were losing ground and we were struggling to keep defeat away.

We had word a large battle had begun in Manchester and we sent extra troops to help. Some of the leaders from our group went with them. We gathered quickly before they left and I gave the leaders various spells to take and herbs to keep them safe. I empowered the spells and hoped and prayed this would be enough.