The Intercessor by Miriam Davison - HTML preview

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It was on the sixth day after our defeat at Hexham, that Oswald came out of his fever and opened his eyes. My heart soared at the sight of his half hearted smile. He was still in pain, that was to be expected, but the worst was over and he was going to survive.

I called every one into the living room, they had been worried as much as I had, and we all sat around and chatted, thankful for this one piece of good luck. Inevitably, the talk returned to that fateful day, and our mood dropped for a while. I told Oswald everything we now knew, as we had found out a spy had been amongst us, and had told Dagdar and Cailleach Bheur of our plans. We had never stood a chance, and all except the two of us had perished. I cried as I told him of my last sight of Jarl, and I saw a tear fall from his eye also.

I decided this was the moment to remind them of my previous thoughts, regarding Taliesin. We discussed this at great lengths and voices once again were raised. At last I won them over and we agreed it was something we must try or we may be defeated. By this time poor Oswald looked exhausted and we all took to our beds and left him to rest.

Clax was the only one to stay up and watch him as he did his duties around the house. As Hattie had said, he was invaluable and already I could not think of how I would cope without him.

I could not sleep; I took my book of spells out and once again I searched for the perfect spell for Taliesin, one which would keep us safe from any stray spirits who may try to come through in his place.

At last, in the early hours of the morning, I found one and I was sure it would be acceptable to all. Now all we had to do was get Taliesin to agree to our request. The first problem would be persuading the group; and the second would be finding him, as it seemed he had been reclusive for some years. I slept then out of pure exhaustion and when I once again opened my eyes, it was late in the morning.