The Morgan Affair by John Lyne - HTML preview

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“Michael, you are the military man; I think it would be a good idea if you took command of the recovery operation. Andy and myself will be your soldiers. This will avoid confusion."

“Alright,” said Michael. "Are you happy with that, Andy?”

“Of course I am,” he replied bluntly. "I never thought I would get a chance to hit back.”

A short while later they entered the unusually dense, large rock field which had protected Harry from discovery. The normal scanners showed only a conglomeration of rocks, it was impossible to distinguish ships from Asteroids. However a strong and positive reading was shown by the ‘life-forms’ scanner as they approached the co-ordinates of the radio signal.

Michael decided that the best approach would be from the worst possible direction. He asked Kandras to bring them in from the left hand side through a field of large boulders and planetoids. As they approached even closer, the different locations of the life-forms became more obvious.

Suddenly Kandras said, "There they are.” He halted the ship and matched orbits amongst a group of boulders and to the observer was quite undetectable. It was beyond Michael's wildest dream; all three of the missing vessels were moored together. His enthusiasm waned a little when he realised the Black Swan was missing.

“Now there's a sight for sore eyes.” said Captain Gorrie. “What do we do now Michael?”

"We need to locate Neville." He turned to Kandras. "How accurate is the scanner?”

“At this range I can pinpoint a strong life-form to within about two of your metres."

“Can you scan the vessel nearest to us... that is the Atlas ...I suspect Neville is hidden in it somewhere.”

Kandras nodded and adjusted the controls. "Is it a good feeling to see your ship again?”

“It certainly is, but it would be a lot better if the Black Swan was here as well.”

“There is a definite life-form emanation in the Atlas,” said Kandras. “Is it at the front or at the rear?"

“Well... it is neither, Michael. It is right in the middle of the ship." He blew up the view of the Atlas on the screen and a bright red light flashed to show the location of the life-form.

“Container sixteen ?” queried Michael.

“How can he exist in a container?" asked a mystified Captain Gorrie.

Michael thought long and hard about his cargo manifest and mentally checked off the list in his memory.

“It's the site cabin the crafty, old fox…. he found the site cabin," laughed Michael.

"Is it Neville Johnson?" asked Captain Gorrie. "Yes. you know him?"

"Very well, he is an extremely clever and resourceful man. He has made several trips with me as my communications officer," replied Captain Gorrie.

"He surprised us, I can tell you, he has a very mean streak under that smooth exterior... I wouldn't like to cross him," said Michael. "Kandras, please can you pinpoint the other groups. We will treat them all as hostile at this moment until I can prove differently."

The other groups were soon identified and plotted. It appeared that on their scheduled day this was sleeping time because there was little or no movement. "There must be somebody on watch," said Michael, "but I suspect they will be watching monitors for the approach of other vessels. There is a good chance that we can make it to the Atlas undetected. I can see no sense in prolonging matters . We will occupy the Atlas and get Neville to send off a message for help. Let's get our gear on then and get it over with."

Soon the three man rescue team was fully kitted out, two men exactly the same and one in a suit which was very different and made the others look primitive. Kandras had managed to refill the tanks of the two earthly suits, but only after Michael had fashioned an adaptor. All were equipped with a jet gun to propel them and were able to communicate with each other either by radio or by telepathy.

“Do you have another protection device which we could give to Neville?” asked Michael.

“I'm sorry but there was only one issue per crew member I haven't any spares," replied Kandras. “However, if you switch off momentarily and keep close contact, he can still be protected within the umbrella of your own set.”

“That's useful to know,” said Captain Gorrie.

“Before we leave the ship, Andy, I would like us to maintain radio silence for as long as possible. Can we relay any messages we might have through you, Kandras?” asked Michael.

"Yes…. of course.”

They exited the ship with Michael leading the way. He took them through the rocks to a point immediately above the Atlas.

“We will approach one at a time,” said Michael telepathically. “I will go first, Kandras second and Andy last.”

Michael expertly jetted down and kept to the side furthest away from the little Community on the rock to avoid detection. Seconds later he was joined by Kandras and then by Andy.

“Kandras, could you possibly communicate with Neville and try to give him some notion that we are here. I don't want to simply barge in, he may have booby trapped the entrance," requested Michael.

“Inside his little site cabin Neville was sleeping, but it was a worried, fretful type of sleep; he was expecting to be discovered, so he slept shallowly. He woke up with a start as somebody called his name. A quick look round the cabin confirmed that he had not been invaded and inwardly he thought that his nerves must be getting to him.

Then it came again.

“Neville… I am a friend… I have Captain Stephens and Captain Gorrie with me... we need your help to retake the ships.”

Neville broke out into a cold sweat, he had never seen a ghost before and he had certainly never heard one. He had heard stories about spirits being trapped in space after men had died, but he had never believed them. Now he was not so sure.

“Neville... relax and listen…. I am communicating telepathically with you... I am not an Earthman. Captain Stephens saved my life... he is here with me now... he says that he wishes you to communicate with Sir Richard at Company Headquarters. ..”

“Good God!” exclaimed Neville. “Either I am going mad or Captain Stephens has befriended an Alien."

The voice in his head continued relentlessly. “We know you are in container sixteen and we are waiting at the hatch for you... Captain Stephens requests that you do not use your radio. ..please, come quickly.”

Neville gathered his racing thoughts and decided to act on the request. “I’m coming out,” he yelled, not knowing if he would be heard or not. He donned his helmet and checked his gauges, he had plenty of air. Soon he was out of the cabin and making his way to the hatch. Very gingerly he lifted it up, gripped his weapon and peered through. He was elated and overjoyed to see his Captain alive and well. He was even more astonished to see Captain Gorrie... they greeted each other like long lost friends, which, indeed, they were.

It was the greatest moment in Neville’s life when he was introduced to Kandras; he just could not believe it was happening to him. Michael congratulated Neville on his courage and clear thinking in the situation he had escaped from, but then he chivvied everybody along and soon they were in the receiving room of the Atlas.

Neville and Michael went straight to the radio room and warmed up the set. Andy and Kandras went to the observation turrets to keep watch.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Sir Richard was relaxing in his office with a cup of coffee when the video- com lit up and crackled into life. It was Fred Ford and he was excited.

“Good morning, Sir Richard, I’m sorry to disturb you, but we have just received a signal from the Atlas... A10, which means 'stand by for a full transmission in ten minutes. It would be a good idea if you could come down here, Sir. We may need some instant decisions.”

Sir Richard showed not even a trace of emotion as he answered curtly, "I'm on my way." Inwardly his pulse and his thoughts were racing; was it good news or bad...? He would soon know.

Five minutes later Sir Richard, Fred Ford, the Head of Security and the Radio Operator were assembled in the Special Operations Room and there was an air of expectancy as they waited for the signal. Right on cue the radio crackled and the call sign of the Atlas came through. The messages were automatically unscrambled and displayed on a large V.D.U.

The first message came through. "This is Captain Stephens of the Atlas, please confirm reception. “

The Radio Operator did so.

The message continued. "Thank you…. our position is sector Q of the inner Asteroids, co-ordinates 976-352-9097. This signal may be interrupted at any time but I will try to give you an update on our status. In the meantime, please will you make available to me the engine-lock numbers of the Atlas, the Hercules and the Titan.

The radio operator quietly said, "Voice recognition is affirmative, Sir Richard."

“Good!” was the reply.

The message continued. “The Company vessels have all been victims of piratical attacks by a vessel called the Black Swan, formerly known as the Cygnus, and its crew lead by a man named Harry Morgan. I am transmitting secretly from the Atlas which has been captured and is being held at the Base for which I have given you the co-ordinates. The Hercules and the Titan are also here... All the Captains including myself shut down their C.A.M.I.D. units, so the ships are virtually useless... However we intend to fly them to Ceres as soon as we are in a position to do so... I have Captain Gorrie and Neville Johnson with me Mr Johnson escaped after we had been captured and Captain Gorrie survived by finding an abandoned claim after he had been cast adrift... we must assume Captain Collins to be dead and Gary Mitchell was killed by one of Morgan’s guards...I am unable to report on the whereabouts or condition of any other crew members at this moment..”

“The computer confirms that this is the work of Neville Johnson, Sir,” whispered the Radio Operator.

"Good!” said Sir Richard.

After a short pause the message continued again. “We have made contact with an Alien life-form... he is called Kandras...”

“Ask for confirmation of the last message,” snapped a thunderstruck Sir Richard.

"The Radio Operator tapped-out the request.

"Confirmation... we have... repeat have... made contact with an Alien being who is currently assisting us in our quest... He is the pilot of the U.F.O. I saw and is deserving of our highest praise; we made contact after I had been cast adrift by Morgan. We were both in a tricky predicament, so we helped each other... his two companions were killed…. please send help immediately to the position I have given you... I will leave you to decide whether to send Company men or the Military, either will suffice... that is the end of this transmission... Please transmit the 'Engine-lock codes’... over and out..."

Number One, the Head of Security, had already retrieved the codes from the computer and he handed them to the Radio Operator who transmitted them. The Atlas responded with its call sign to acknowledge receipt, then the

V.D.U. went blank. Sir Richard suddenly galvanised himself into action. "I want everybody in my office... is Clive Twist in the building?"

"I have seen him,” said Number One.

"Fred... tell him to drop whatever he is doing and ask him to attend a meeting in my office immediately, please.” With that he turned on his heel and walked out, closely followed by Fred Ford.

Before Number One left he had a quiet word with the Radio Operator and reminded him of some of the very nasty things that could and would happen to him if he breathed a word of what he had just heard to anybody.

The Radio Operator just grinned and said, “I won't let Sir Richard down, Number One... you can sleep easy in your bed on my account.”

Five minutes later everybody, including Clive Twist, was in Sir Richards office and the room was secure.

“Firstly, I will bring you up to date, Clive, " said Sir Richard. "We have just received a signal from Captain Stephens.”

"That is wonderful news... what did he have to say?"

“Nothing much... he's just found the three ships and befriended an Alien He's been the victim of a piratical attack and survived being cast adrift in space... nothing out of the ordinary really,” quipped Sir Richard.

“Sounds like a fairly average day, " retorted Clive. “Now what did he really say?”

"It's hard to believe but I have just told you the truth,” insisted Sir Richard.

“I thought for a moment that you had said he had made contact with an Alien," smiled Clive.

“. ..and Captain Stephens confirmed it.”

Clive sat down with a bump. “Is he in command of the situation?”

“We do not know for sure, but his message sounded confident enough. He has requested some immediate back-up; we must quickly decide who we are going to send... the military or our own people,” replied Sir Richard grimly.

"The military are probably a lot closer than we are," observed Fred.

“The Alien becomes a problem if we involve the military,” said Clive. “We have already seen their reaction to previous sightings... they may not take us seriously or they could just shoot the poor chap and say it was a hoax."

Sir Richard nodded in agreement. "It is a pity we do not have a small force in the vicinity.”

'”We have."

Everybody turned towards Number One.

“How is that possible, Number One?” asked a puzzled Sir Richard.

"I anticipated that we would receive a request such as this and even if we didn't. we would need an armed guard ship to escort future vessels through this zone. I dispatched a vessel with full external armament and a contingent of twenty security guards fourteen days ago. The vessel is in the vicinity and hove-to awaiting further instructions."

"Why was I not told of this?" demanded sir Richard.

“Because I do not need to tell you, Sir Richard. Security is my problem... Company policy is yours,” replied Number One without any sign of remorse or apology.

Sir Richard coughed gently. “Well... I'm glad you did. Are we all agreed that we commit the Company contingent to Captain Stephen's request?”

The agreement was unanimous.

"Which ship is it, Number One?” asked Fred Ford. “I sent Hornet and Captain Andrew David."

“I thought Hornet was in for repairs and servicing,” retorted Sir Richard.

“I lied!” replied Number One with one of his very rare, cold smiles. “Incidentally, the co-ordinates given by Captain Stephens check out with the fix we obtained from the previous signal. I passed these on to Captain David and he moved position so that he was available in that sector."

“You did well, Number One... go and brief them and get them there quam celerime.”

“Quam what-a-may?" asked a puzzled Number One, who was not a Latin scholar.

”As quickly as possible,” smiled Sir Richard .

"Well why didn't you say so?" scowled Number One. He released the room and left.

“Do we need to go back into secure mode, Sir Richard?” asked Fred. "I don't think so. ..could anybody use a coffee?"

Louisa arrived a few minutes later with a fresh pot and efficiently poured out a cup for everybody. The room was then resecured and in its privacy the topic of discussion was the Alien. They were all very moved and excited about it. The general agreement was that the Company should throw a protective cloak around the Being and protect him from the Authorities.

As they left, Clive turned to Sir Richard. “The Alien himself is a fascinating discovery... but I'd give a years wages to see his ship... that must be really something. I wonder if it is quick as ours?”

Sir Richard raised an eyebrow. “I suspect it is a damned sight quicker if he is not from our Solar System... and it is most unlikely that he is.”

The three men then went their separate ways with their minds in a whirl as a result of this new update.

* * * * * * * * * * *

“We've been rumbled, " shouted Captain Gorrie. "There are two men leaving Block Three."

"Are they coming over here?” asked Michael.

“No... they are heading for a covered stack of supplies."

Michael rushed to the observation turret, picking up the night binoculars on his way. He focussed on the two men and felt a sinking feeling in his stomach as he saw what was underneath the cover that they were now removing. “It's another of those bloody cannons," cried Michael despairingly.

"How long before they can make it operational?” asked Captain Gorrie.

"About three minutes, I suppose. We had better clear the ship immediately." As he took a last look at the two guards, the strangely-suited figure of Kandras swam into view. He had already sized up the situation and was heading for the guards, as fast as he could…. as yet unnoticed.

By the time they had all cleared the airlock, Kandras was almost upon them and the two guards were arming the weapon. All of a sudden one of the guards saw him coming; he must have realised immediately that the strange vision was not an Earthly one and drew a hand gun. He fired three quick shots at point blank range which hit the shield thrown up by the protection device Kandras was wearing. There was a vivid, violet flash a few feet in front of Kandras as the shield did its work.

Much to the consternation of the guard, his weapons had no effect whatsoever. By now the other guard was alert to the situation and he drew his weapon and frantically blasted away to no avail. Like an avenging angel, Kandras gently touched down about five yards from them with his hands and arms outstretched in a menacing attitude; he made no attempt to stop them.

Eventually the power packs on the weapons ran out and both guards threw the weapons at the spectre in front of them; they were vaporised by the shield. In a state of near hysteria the second guard dived for the cannon and frantically swung it round towards Kandras. This worried Michael; a blast from a hand gun was one thing, but a blast from a weapon which could easily vaporise a twenty ton rock was an entirely different kettle of fish. In desperation he generated all his telepathic power and screamed the warning to him.

Suddenly the guard threw his hands to his helmet and his knees buckled as he slowly crumpled to the ground; he went stiff then gently floated off the rock, completely unconscious.

The remaining guard was just standing there, absolutely terrified. Kandras gave him his full attention and soon he, too, was disabled and out of it. Neville was impressed with this display of invulnerability and remarked on it seeing as radio silence was now no longer a problem.

Michael explained that it was all on account of the devices that they were wearing. He looked down at it and was horrified to discover that he had forgotten to switch it on in his hurry to vacate the Atlas. Captain Gorrie was also defenceless. Michael pulled Neville to him, told him to stay as close as possible and as he switched on the device Neville, too, came under its protection.

Kandras took a piece of cord from the cannon covers, caught the two unconscious men and tethered them to the cannon. Next he removed the priming circuit from the cannon and crushed it with his large, double boot, thus rendering it useless.

By now more space-suited figures were emerging from the container. When they saw Kandras a hail of fire was directed against him. Neville decided to take a hand, he raised his weapon and fired one round of the explosive shells which narrowly missed one of the pirates and exploded against the rock in a cascade of sparks. He immediately felt a mind wrenching grip inside his head and the admonishing voice of Kandras who said, "Do not try to harm them. is unnecessary ."

"O.K… O.K...," gasped Neville and put the gun away as Kandras released his mental grip.

Kandras communicated with Michael, "You had better let me handle this lot... we do not need weapons... which is just as well since we only have the one…. just stay within the cloak of the protection device and you will be safe. I will disable them."

The hail of fire slowed down as one by one the guards succumbed to Kandras. Soon there were nine inert bodies gently bobbing around the rock.

"Can you herd the guards together, Andy, ferry them to the Atlas and secure them?" asked Captain Stephens.

"It will be a pleasure," replied Andy gruffly.

"How long will these men remain immobile, Kandras?" asked Michael.

"They will remain inert until I free the 'motor' sections of their brains. I have paralysed this part of their nervous systems It is painful but harmless," replied Kandras.

"We had better check their quarters to see if there are any hostiles left inside," said Michael.

Michael, Neville and Kandras split up and approached from different directions, but there was no movement or hostility; it looked to be deserted. They met again at the airlock. Michael stepped inside having first deactivated his protection device. The interior of the container was brightly lit by some crudely rigged neon tubes. In the corner was a deep-space radio and it was still switched on. Neville and Kandras entered as the airlock re-cycled and Neville immediately went over to check the radio.

"It has been used recently... possibly to warn the Black Swan of the situation here,” said Neville. "The output stage is still hot.”

Michael and Kandras wandered to the other side of the container and half- heartedly poked amongst the makeshift bunks to confirm that there were no more of Morgan's men here.

Suddenly from behind a packing crate to the left of the airlock a figure rose silently and a powerful, electronic rifle was quickly levelled at the back of Kandras. Neville spun round and saw the danger; it was the barman who had been on duty at the ill-fated party.

His wicked eyes gleamed as he realised that they were at his mercy. "I don't know what you are or where you are from but you're dead now," he shouted triumphantly. His rifle came into his shoulder and there was a flash and a loud bang almost simultaneously. As Michael and Kandras spun round they saw a gruesome sight. The barman had lost his left arm and most of his chest; he was lying dead on the floor. His rifle shot had destroyed one of the neon tubes and splinters of it were still spinning round the interior.

Neville was standing by the radio with the gun in his hand. He had aimed and fired as an involuntary reaction and one of the low-velocity shells had hit the barman on the left side of his chest. As the projectile had exploded it had destroyed the gunman, he probably never knew what happened.

Kandras was shocked and silent, but Michael quickly pulled himself together. "Thanks for that, Neville... we had even forgotten to reactivate our devices."

Kandras, too, came to his senses. "I am very glad that I did not paralyse the 'motor' functions in your brain, Neville. I find it hard to believe that men such as this can arrive at the decision to kill so easily…. yours is a violent society.”

"Only a small portion of it, Kandras,” said Michael reassuringly.

"I think it is poetic justice,” said Neville gently.

"What is?" asked a perplexed Michael.

“It is most fitting that the man who killed Gary Mitchell should, in turn, be killed by Gary’s personal weapon,” insisted Neville.

“I suppose it is... but it is a tragedy that anybody had to die at all,” replied Michael. He crossed to where the weapon of the dead man had landed and picked it up; it was set on ‘kill.’

“This man had no intention of taking any prisoners,” remarked Michael. “You had no choice, Neville, it was all of us, or him so don’t be distressed about it.”

"Thank you for your concern, Captain, but I am neither sorry, nor distressed…….. the man was a menace,” replied Neville coldly.

“We had better do a last thorough search then open the airlock and depressurise the container. It will not be needed any more,” instructed Michael. Neville went over to the radio. “Would you like me to send a message to the Black Swan, Captain?”

Michael pondered a moment. “No.. I think we will leave him guessing... but make a mental note of the wavelength on the radio... we may need it later."

When they had completed their work and covered the corpse with a blanket, Michael jammed the inner door of the airlock, switched off the oxygen supply and slowly opened the outer door to release the pressure. As they exited, both doors were left open.

Kandras had already specified which containers emanated life-forms; there were three more. Michael knew that there would be hostile guards along with the captives. The problem was how to make a safe entrance. Fortunately sound does not travel in space so they would not have heard the raging, pitched battle outside. Unfortunately, there was no way of sneaking through an airlock and the protection device had to be switched off to go through such a confined space.

Michael wracked his brain for a solution to gain entry. His eyes came to rest on a stack of chemical barrels which were outside one of the unoccupied containers. These barrels were made out of a heavy-gauge metal and had even heavier lids with two carrying handles. It was a crude idea and very risky, but it was a risk he would have to take; one of those lids would make a shield and give him a chance to survive the first blast from one of the electronic rifles.

He jetted across and removed a lid from one of the barrels, then headed back towards the next occupied container.

"It’s too risky, Michael,” insisted a worried Kandras. “I know, but it has to be done.”

Gritting his teeth, Michael shifted the lever on the electronic rifle to ‘stun,’ took a firm grip on his makeshift shield and opened the outer door of the airlock. As the airlock went through its cycle it was annoying that there was no way to see inside. He did not know if the container would be illuminated or in total darkness; to give him some advantage he switched on his headlamp.

The airlock completed its cycle and Michael released the door then pushed with all his might and leapt through. The lack of gravity made it a slow-motion ballet, but it was equally difficult for the guard. The interior was dimly lit by one neon tube, but as he leapt through the opening Michael was quick enough to see a startled guard bring up his weapon and loose off a shot.

Michael parried it with the shield but it was ripped from his grasp by the force of the electronic bolt; he, too, was knocked back against the wall of the container. But it was too late for the guard. Michael jabbed the button on his protection device' and instantly he became invulnerable as the pale green aura enveloped him. The guard shot at him again and was joined by a second guard who had leapt from his bunk. There was complete panic inside the container, there were ten other inhabitants who were all chained to their bunks.

Michael simply stood there as a hail of electronic death was absorbed by his safety device, then carefully and deliberately he raised his rifle and shot the first guard just below the neck. He floated away completely stunned and out of it. The second guard threw down his weapon and raised his hands. It made no difference. ...Michael stunned him anyway. Both guards would be unconscious for at least two hours .

Michael communicated with Kandras. “I’m alright... things are under control here. I shot two guards but there are ten hostages as well, so it would be better if you remained outside for the time being... they have had enough shocks for the time being. Perhaps you could give Andy some help?”

"He does seem to be struggling... the b