The Morgan Affair by John Lyne - HTML preview

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762 was barely conscious and bleeding profusely, his spacesuit was depressurised and he was close to death. Michael ripped the strap off his rifle and applied a tourniquet round the stump. The bleeding slowed down and the suit repressurized. Kandras, who had seen the incident, was already out of the Atlas and heading towards them.

“We must take him to my ship immediately, I think I can help him.”

They quickly jetted him back to the Alien vessel, leaving the Security men to tidy up the mess. Michael spoke to Captain Gorrie over the radio. “Andy... please inspect the containers and see what can be salvaged. Use the men to reassemble as much of the Hercules and Titan as possible and recover any usable merchandise."

He then spoke to Captain Andrew David. “When Captain Gorrie has finished his work, destroy everything that is left.... don't leave anything.”

“Message received and understood, Sir.”

By the time they reached Kandras’ ship, parties of men were already setting about their work. Once inside the ship, Kandras and Michael carried 762 to a remote room at the rear of the ship; it was a sickbay and operating theatre.

762 was laid gently on the operating table and Kandras sprayed a fluid on the stump to stop the bleeding temporarily, then he produced another hypodermic gun and gave 762 a shot which put him out. The severed limb was still inside the torn leg of the spacesuit. Kandras put on some rubber gloves and asked Michael to do the same. It was a little difficult fitting five digits into a three digit glove, but he managed it. They both removed their spacesuits and put on a cloth coverall and at Kandras’ request stood inside a cubicle. The cubicle was a sterilisation process and thirty seconds later they were pronounced clinically clean.

Above the operating table was a very strange machine which was controlled by a powerful computer. Kandras switched on some strong but non-glaring light and with Michael's help removed and cut away 762's spacesuit. The gruesome, severed limb was carefully taken out of the spacesuit boot and placed into a highly polished channel inside a receptacle which looked very much like a micro-wave oven. Kandras took a blood sample and placed it in another orifice in the same receptacle. Finally a complicated, electronic head was slotted into the channel and placed against the severed end of the limb.

The overhead machine was brought down and 762 was clamped securely to the table and another channel was inserted under the stump and, again, a corresponding electronic head was attached to the severed end of the remaining stump. Kandras manipulated the computer and inserted the necessary data. "It's ready now... this is an amazing machine. It is an extension of the matter synthesizer... it should effect a complete and perfect repair."

He pressed a large red button and the machine gave a deep-throated hum which died away as it reached its working temperature. He then pressed a purple button and the process started. Slowly the severed leg was absorbed by the machine and reassembled on 762's remaining stump. Thirty minutes later the whole operation had been completed and 762 had a brand new synthesized leg which was exact in every detail to the original.

Kandras removed the machine and placed a kind of light over the leg. "This will help to harden the bone... 762 should be up and about in fifteen minutes."

Michael could only mumble his thanks and gratitude, he was absolutely dumbfounded by what he had witnessed. Fifteen minutes later Kandras examined the job, nodded his satisfaction and released the straps.

Five minutes later 762 opened his eyes, fearfully waiting for the pain which never came. He recognised his Captain. "Looks as though my dancing career is over, Captain."

"Not necessarily. ...take a look.”

762 could not believe his eyes. He wriggled his toes and bent his leg, pinched himself and moved his ankle; everything was perfect.

"How did you manage to do that, Captain or have I had a bad dream...? I thought my leg had been shot off."

Michael smiled back reassuringly. "You are the first Earthman to receive alien surgery, 762. I only helped….. your thanks should go to my friend Kandras who performed the operation... I have never seen anything like it."

Hardly trusting himself, 762 sat up and put his feet on the floor. Gingerly he tried his weight on his new leg; it worked as well as ever. If 762 had been afraid of Kandras he certainly did not show it. He shook Kandras inner-right hand very solemnly and thanked him quietly and sincerely.

“You're welcome, young man. I couldn't bear to leave you in that predicament," smiled Kandras.

As they cleared up the sickbay Michael asked if Kandras would be prepared to give chase to Morgan's ship and help to recover his Crew. Kandras readily agreed and pointed out that he had already promised all his help. Michael said he realised that, but wanted to give him the chance to change his mind now that he had first hand knowledge of the enemy. Kandras replied that he would honour his word... besides he had nothing else to do.

“May I take another couple of men with us, please?” asked Michael.

"Remembering that we may have to pick up your own Crew... how many are there?”

”Ten at the last count."

“We could manage yourself and two others.”

"Thank you very much.” Michael addressed his security man. “Do you wish to stay with us, 762?”

"It is my duty, Sir, I am still your official bodyguard... although Kandras seems to do a much better job than I ever could."

"Do you feel up to it?"

“I feel great, Sir."

"Good man... you stay here and I will find Neville and contact Company H.Q. You will need a new spacesuit too, 762…….. I think we had better deduct the cost of the next one out of your pay... you appear to be unnecessarily rough on them," quipped Michael, as he looked at the tattered and blood- stained remains of 762's original suit. “More material for the waste re-cycling unit , Kandras?”

“Every little helps," he replied with a smile.

Michael replaced his own spacesuit and jetted back to the Atlas. Everything was running with professional smoothness; Captain Gorrie had organised everything as requested. The Hercules had been completely reassembled but the Titan was six containers short: their conversion into living quarters had rendered them useless for cargo. Captain Andrew David had used them for target practice and had blasted them into oblivion with the impressive armament of the Hornet.

Captain Gorrie and the two 'Acting' Captains had sat down and formed three crews from the available men. The British and American captives had also been signed on to give them a manageable complement to make the journey to Ceres. Number One had sent the Hornet prepared for trouble and had included a hundred pairs of manacles to accommodate any prisoners that might be taken. Once the twenty-three captives had been firmly secured in the connecting corridor of the Atlas, Kandras came across and released the paralysis in the heads of the prisoners. Those who had been stunned were now fully recovered and were painfully nursing their headaches.

The barman who had been killed by Neville had received a brief liturgy and had been summarily vaporised by the crew of the Hornet.

Eight Security men were transferred from the Hornet to stand guard on the prisoners. As a result of the increased personnel, the food cargo of the Atlas had been broached and extra supplies had been brought on board and stacked.

In the meantime, Michael had made a full visual report to Company H.Q. using the normal, scrambled Tele-com channel. Sir Richard, Clive Twist, Fred Ford and Number One had all gathered to receive the broadcast. The look of relief on Fred Ford's face when his Son had spoken to him had made it all worthwhile; little had actually been said, but the look of gratitude had been enough.

Michael had given a blow by blow account from the time of their capture to the existing state of affairs and readiness of the three vessels. He had made a point of thanking Number One for his foresight and had praised the work done by his men. In conclusion he informed Sir Richard that the shipments could now continue to their original destinations but pointed out that some of the cargo was missing and would have to be replaced.

Sir Richard had smiled and said, "Good Lord, Captain, that is the least of our worries." Michael then gave details of the known deaths and the missing Crewmen. When he had mentioned the missing Senior Executive Officer he had given a withering look of disapproval that had made even Sir Richard wince.

“What is your proposed course of action now, Captain?" asked Sir Richard.

"The Hornet will escort our convoy to Ceres, but Kandras, Neville, 762 and myself are going to continue the search for our missing men and the Senior Executive Officer..," said Michael meaningfully.

This time Sir Richard was completely unruffled. “I did not force Miss Linaker to go, Captain Stephens. She exercised her right as Senior Personnel Officer to go with your Crew. Believe me, if I could have stopped her I would have done... After all, she is my niece, you know..., I more than anybody wish to see her safe and well.”

Michael did not know. In fact the possibility of such a relationship had never even crossed his mind... and it came as a shock. “I'm sorry, Sir Richard... I was unaware of the true situation... it must have been an appalling decision to keep silent.”

“It was... and it was only my faith in you that persuaded me not too intervene.”

“Thank you for that, Sir, I will try not to betray your trust... I will complete the mission one way or another as soon as possible. Kandras does not have a Company radio, so please be prepared to receive an unidentified vessel when we return. Neville may be able to rig something up for us, but do not count on it. Our vessels are about as advanced as the Wright Brothers biplane compared to his.”

The broadcast had come to a climax when Michael had introduced Kandras to Sir Richard. He had never been a man to miss an opportunity and Sir Richard had calmly thanked Kandras for his help and had promptly offered him a job as Chief Technical Advisor to the Company.

Kandras communicated with Michael and Michael reported his reply. “Kandras expresses his thanks for the offer, but he thinks we ought to get to know each other a little better before he gives his answer.”

“I understand,” said Sir Richard. “I will not keep you any longer... you must have many jobs to do. I wish you luck with the search for our Men... and Lady... and by the way..."

“Yes Sir?”

"Please be careful. "

"Thank you. ..over and out.”

The screen went blank. Sir Richard turned to Clive. "The man is a miracle. He has succeeded beyond my wildest dreams already... I hope his luck extends to recovering the Crew.”

Clive looked meaningfully at Sir Richard. "Between you and me, Sir, I get the feeling that Michael has the best motivation a man can have to find them.”

"Oh! ...what's that Clive?"

"He's in love... I think you may be losing a niece and gaining a nephew."

"Really!... I suppose that would explain his reaction. Well, it's about time... Charlotte has never shown the slightest interest in men and I would be proud if she chose Captain Stephens to be her husband."

A thought suddenly occurred to Sir Richard and he took a piece of paper from his desk and wrote some instructions on it.

"Fred, please will you arrange to have this request carried out?”

Fred read the message and raised his eyebrows. "That is very thoughtful of you, Sir... I'll see to it straight away."

* * * * * * * * * * *

Back on board the Atlas Michael was carrying out his last task. He went to the engine room of each Freighter and reactivated the power-locks with the codes he had obtained from Company H.Q. The Skippers of all three vessels went through a thorough system of checks and one by one pronounced their vessels as space worthy.

It only remained for Michael to give the order to leave. He shook hands with Captain Gorrie and emphasised that he, as the Senior Captain in the convoy, was in charge. They parted company with the firm assurance that they would get together as soon as possible when the whole miserable affair was over and done with.

Kandras had already returned to his vessel and Michael was pleased and gratified that he had taken some electronic rifles with him. He did not object to their use provided they remained in the 'stun' mode. His second brush with death had tempered his idealism with a little commonsense.

Neville hurried to the bridge of the Titan with a bulky parcel in his hands. "What is it?" asked Michael.

"A portable radio, Sir... I thought it might come in handy... with Kandras permission of course."

"We can always try, " agreed Michael.

Finally Michael went to the video-com and addressed the other Captains. "Prepare to get under way in fifteen minutes time….. Mister Jennings. ..”

“Yes Sir?"

“Be careful with my spaceship.” "I will, Sir.“ he grinned .

“Bon voyage. ..over and out.”

Michael and Neville quickly jetted across to the Alien vessel. They were greeted by 762 at the airlock. Neville could not believe his eyes. “I wondered why you did not report his injury... it's just as though it never happened."

As they made their way forward to the bridge Neville's astonishment increased as the style and the different design structure of the vessel made its impact on him.

“You've seen nothing yet,” grinned Michael.

As they arrived on the bridge the last of the mooring cables had been slipped and led by the superb patrol ship Hornet the three vessels gently edged into an 'in line astern’ formation; then, with searchlights blazing, they disappeared down the quasi-tunnel in a shimmering procession. Michael felt a big weight lift from his shoulders as they were left alone; now he was left with a single purpose... he was going after Morgan.

A dark and oppressive mood came over him and he stared emptily out at the destruction which had once been Morgan's base. Again thoughts of Charlotte pervaded his mind.

"Hang on a little longer,” he said out loud. “I beg your pardon, Sir?” asked Neville.

Michael broke his mood and came back to reality with a bump. "Nothing, Neville, I was just thinking out loud."

Kandras, who was enjoying having some company, peered round the door. "Dinner is served, Gentlemen we will eat and then get down to the business in hand.”