The One Way Forward


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Pages: 83

Published: 9 years ago

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Book Description HTML

A young prince Calum escapes his bed in the dead of night to meet with the illusive wanderer, known to the men of Calum’s kingdom as Roland the Ferocious, at a crossroads. And with that, Calum begins his journey east to the kingdom of Dunway where he seeks a new life far from his father’s kingdom. Only the forests stand between Calum and his new home, the gruff, and hardened Roland, his only guide, but how will the young Calum handle himself when confronted by the beasts and trials he finds within.

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Brian
    11 Apr 2023
    George Elliot is the pen name for the woman author. My motivation for reading was its recommendation as a book one must read being a classic. I could only stand to read about 100 pages and got disgusted. Way too many words to say simple things. Seems to attempt philosophical analysis of families and civilization in a roundabout way that serves better to confuse the reader. Basically, sounds like a romance novel relating the perceived foibles and anxiety of over-rich post-teen girls who have nothing else to do but express their marriage options and enjoy the life of today's billionaire heiresses.
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Wil Clayton

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