The Perennial Migration by D. M. Kirtaime - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


Before moving out, it was promising for a day of sunshine – but by midday the heavens opened and quenched the thirst of the surrounding vegetation. Each member of the group donned a poncho, which covered themselves and the horses' backs. By early evening the group passed the defence dome and had the forest in sight. They settled on finding a suitable spot on the edge of the forest to make camp for the night.

Leo moved to the front to lead the group – his past military skills had now proven useful in finding a suitable camp location. The others noticed that Leo kept listening out for something though they did not know what. They reached the threshold between wasteland and forest and followed along the outer line of trees. Leo held up an arm as a signal to stop. He leaned to one side and listened again. And telling from his facial expression, he had found what he sought.

“Follow me” said Leo, and the rest of the group followed after him. What Leo had searched for was a water source. Now they reached a stream, one hundred metres into the forest, they followed it. Soon they reached a curve of large rocks, each three metres high.

Leo informed the rest of the group “We should make camp at this spot.”

He chose this location because the stream provided clean fresh running water for themselves and the horses, and fish as food source. Plus the rocks gave protection from wind and hid them and the fire somewhat from view. Using the tarpaulins tucked behind the saddles, a shelter was built overhead from the top of the rocks and tied out to trees with rope. Relt hung out a few fishing lines and was proud of the catches he made. Later that evening, seated around the camp fire eating cooked fish; they found that for a short time they could relax and forget the current threat and the near impossible tasks ahead.

The next morning, over a cup of tea, Relt suggested “I reckon it might be sensible to keep this camp as our base, what do you think?”

Thorn said “Sounds good. In fact, I can go out on a reconnaissance patrol to the place I last saw the watcher. Jessica can come with me. Relt, you could put your skills to good use improving the camp, and with Leo and True hunting to supplement the provisions we took with us; it makes sense for you three to stay at the base.”

Jessica nodded her head in agreement. Leo was glad for a chance to show off his gained hunting skills. And True was happy to stay with her brother and help out as necessary at the base camp.

Relt said “Well that is settled. I'll reinforce the shelter and arrange a series of spikes to keep the wolves at bay – last night they had crept even closer.”

Once they finished a short breakfast, with fresh motivation they went on with the tasks. Jessica and Thorn collected the rucksacks from the horses. They filled the canteens with water from the stream – Leo made sure that this camp location was up-stream to have access to clean water. They had plenty of oatmeal biscuits and beef jerky packed.

With the rucksacks kept lightweight, Jessica and Thorn made off on a reconnaissance trek. Near the edge of the forest, travel was slow with no man-made paths; with vegetation and undergrowth growing free and strong. During the journey Thorn described the watcher to Jessica.

“The search is for a species, which I assume dwell in the forest. Though I don't know if they live on ground level or up in the trees somewhere – so we must search everywhere.” Thorn explained.

Jessica asked “Okay, run the watcher profile by me again.”

“Note I only got a glimpse of the watcher myself, which was from a distance. I reckon that it was just over one metre in height. The skin was a pea-green colour and although the face had eyes, a nose and mouth as we have, I could swear that leaves grew out from the head. I noticed no ears because of the leaves, so it may have a pair, I'm just not sure though. As for the clothing, I'm not sure if it wore cloths or had fur as a dark green mossy material covered it.” Thorn said as they continued to try making progress by taking high steps over the green web of bushes, nettles and roots.

Upon recognising the defence dome he repaired recently and calculating the distance to it, Thorn could navigate to the location at which the watcher must have stood. He signalled by holding up a flat hand for them to stop. Off to the side and towards the inner forest, he spotted a tree with a series of low branches. Pointing to the tree he then climbed it and Jessica followed.

Thorn hoped that by hiding up in the tree they might stand a better chance of catching sight of one or more of these 'watchers' as he now called them. They each made themselves comfortable on a separate branch, which enabled them to rest against the green-stained bark of the main body of the tree. They must have been waiting for ninety minutes before the sound of leaves being crushed broke the silence. Jessica heard the sounds first and tapped Thorn on the shoulder.

They made sure not to make any noise as they looked below at what approached. If either of them had any survival skills they might have got rid of the human scent before setting out on this journey. So neither of them understood why the stag stopped suddenly, sniffed at the air and the surrounding ground, and sprinted off deeper into the forest. Thorn exhaled a sigh of disappointment.

Jessica tapped his shoulder again, but she did not attract his attention this time as quick as she did before the animal arrived. So she tugged on his left jacket sleeve and when he reacted pointed to the being which was standing below at the foot of the tree; who's approach they had not noticed. As they both looked towards the ground they saw just the dull green leaves which grew out of the head and body. The leaves must have been three millimetres thick and rough nettle form.

The watcher placed a four-digit hand against the bark of the tree and stayed in that position for sixty seconds before lowering the arm again. Jessica and Thorn looked puzzled at each other and shrugged shoulders, confirming they did not know what the watcher did. Shocked, Jessica just managed to keep her balance on her branch as the watcher arched its neck up and looked at them both. It was Thorn's turn to be shocked when the watcher spoke in English.

“Ah, the dome repairman I believe?” the being said in a croaky voice.

Thorn realised that it had meant him, as it had stared back at him when he carried out repair work on the defence dome.

Pleased that the being did not show aggression, Thorn said “Yes, that's me. My name is Thorn, and she is my close friend Jessica.”

“Pleased to make the acquaintance, Jessica and Thorn. I am known as Mulrog. Do you intend to stay up the tree long? You need to understand that the tree is not too happy if the young branches are blocked from the sun-rays.”

Feeling guilty and puzzled, Jessica and Thorn descended the tree. Once on the ground, they got a closer look at Mulrog's face and body front. It had a jolly and peaceful looking pea-green face, large nostrils but thin lips. Over the chest and stomach was a dark green mossy fur. Without actual clothing, that it was of masculine gender was obvious. His legs muscle-bound but short. His feet, each with five digits, had small roots running along the sides.

As a greeting gesture, Thorn stretched his arm out and opened his hand. Mulrog's facial expression explained that after first remembering human mannerisms, he could he go ahead with shaking Thorn's hand. Full of questions, Jessica had to control herself though, and choose which one should be asked first.

“Mulrog, how did you know that we had been up the tree?” she asked.

“Jessica, we connect to every living thing, for example the trees in the forest; many being on Earth before mankind. By touching the tree with my hand earlier, I could tune into the frequency and have a short conversation with it, without spoken words. The tree told me it had a pair of unwelcome guests squatting on branches, who had blocked the sun-rays. Sun-rays being vital for health and well-being. This tree has been here since the day I became a watcher of the forest, one hundred years ago.” Mulrog explained.

Thorn said to Mulrog “I bet you cannot work out what we're doing, up a tree in this forest so far away from the dome network?”

Mulrog said “You seek help! The network destroyed by a force you cannot stop. The human race is in danger of extinction. A force which has been on Earth for millions of years and preparing for this onslaught for the last five centuries; they are the reptilians!”

“You're correct Mulrog. The only reason Jessica and I came into the woods was to find you. We're now part of the old breed settlement away from the dome network. We'd been able to escape a reptilian attack in a hospital dome. And an unstoppable virus is now causing devastation, consuming material and soon the whole global dome network will no longer exist. We're aware that we need to do something quick to save mankind. And although we don't know what, it's understood that we'll need guidance and help.” Thorn explained.

“Follow me to our village. Please be our guests, liaise with our elders and discuss the threat that concerns everyone.” said Mulrog.

Thorn said “Thank you. Although I believe that the threat just concerns us, so I don't want to place anyone else in unnecessary danger.”

Mulrog added “Thorn, I am afraid that none of you know everything this threat entails, hence why I watched you repair the dome the other day; and why I now want our elders to liaise with you both.”

Jessica and Thorn followed on behind Mulrog. As he led them deeper into the forest, the going got tougher for the pair of humans as they had no permanent paths to follow. As Mulrog's feet touched the ground and his feet-feelers waved out touching the unmoved undergrowth, he walked through with ease. But the humans, having to untangle feet to move forward, made slow progress. As the three of them moved on, the green haze around them got thicker until the point at which they had reached a threshold; where daylight from above filtered through to ground level.

Jessica and Thorn kept looking up into the trees but saw nothing. After a while they ignored the fact that something was watching and concentrated on keeping up with Mulrog. Mulrog stopped so abrupt that Jessica and Thorn, still in forward momentum, just missed knocking him to the floor. Without explaining his next move, Mulrog pivoted left and stepped into a large hollow tree.

'Great.' thought Thorn 'Now we have to squeeze up inside a tree!'.

But Thorn found he was wrong in a pleasant sense as they followed Mulrog who descended a stairway which was not viewable outside the entrance. The smell of damp and dry wood hit his nostrils – the mixed odour somewhat refreshing. The spiral stairway ended thirty metres below the forest surface. Light came from a complex network of hollow roots, which led up to the top of the canopy trees; through which the sun-rays could reach the forest dwellers' village.

And a village it was as they were to discover during the guided tour they received. As one expected to find above ground but instead thirty metres underground, lanes, houses and even a village hall was present. Jessica was so excited with this enchanted place, that for a moment she left behind the worries she had carried along with her. So overwhelming was this village built within and by the roots of the majestic trees. Villagers soon came to see who the watcher had invited into the secret kingdom. Jessica waved and smiled at a few of them who then returned the gesture.

Once they had arrived at the centre of the village, Mulrog invited them both to take a seat. The wooden chairs encircled an extraordinary large round table, with legs which grew out of the ground and a top made from hundreds of thick pebbles; ground flat and smooth. Jessica and Thorn now seated, watched as Mulrog disappeared up one of the thin dirt lanes. Ten minutes later Mulrog returned, along with ten of the 'Elders'. Each of the elders wore a wafer-thin decorative wooden necklace which covered the whole chest.

Although they looked the same as Mulrog, the elders must have been twice as old – which made them a few hundred years of age. Out of courtesy, Jessica and Thorn rose as they approached the table and waited for the elders to be seated. Mulrog, with his excellent command of the English language, acted as translator at this meeting.

“I briefed our elders based on what you told me. Any other details either of you might wish to add at this stage?” he asked.

Thorn said “Well we found out that the wrist chips triggered the virus, which was part of the reptilian agenda. And that the World Administration Force had been in collaboration with the reptilians because for example the tunnels no longer accessed the hospital dome; with people left inside the dome to be butchered by those monsters.”

Mulrog translated for the elders. The elders passed a reply for him to translate back into English.

“Our elders wish I tell you both what we have been observing, the threat as we understand it and how we prepared ourselves. Many hundreds of years ago, when the human race still fought with swords, it was a time of sacrifice and barbaric rituals. The birth of religion to control people by fear. Fear of the unknown, of the wrath of gods and devils. This power and control was part of an agenda; one drafted by a species that ruled the surface of the Earth thousands of years ago: The reptilian race!” Mulrog explained.

After allowing a few minutes for this information to sink in, he said “For centuries members of governments and elite society, though many times unknowing; found themselves in positions of power for one reason: primed from early age. And it was common for a whole family bloodline continued generation after generation to appear in such positions. Most humans belonged to a religion, but the gods had been of this world and took a most horrible and evil form.

Now is not the first try from the reptilians to steal back terrestrial control of planet Earth. But each time throughout the centuries they tried, although becoming more and more cunning in the planning, they failed during the invasions. A species which had not developed intelligence as they evolved, the reptilians realised that because humans had been inventing better weaponry; that they needed to concentrate on controlling the leaders to weaken the human race. And once the majority of humans became docile enough, they could conquer with no retaliation.”

A short interval took place as the forest folk served refreshments of salad and tea.

Mulrog started at the part he left off from earlier “Trees reported to us that there was an increase in deep underground movement. That the reptilians have been expanding a tunnel network at a rapid pace around the globe. This confirmed to us what we feared, that the day when reptilians ruled the Earth's surface again was soon to arrive. That the reptilians roamed free under the sky again, was in the visions of our ancestors many many years ago. Wise calculations and planning survived many generations of our folk. And we are most fortunate that the trees in the forests we dwell in, together with nature itself, helped us form mother-ships – living vehicles. Many being thousands of years old.”

Thorn, looking around asked “Whereabouts? Is the mother-ship at this location?”

“You are in it! I will show you below later. Now that the reptilian agenda has sped up at a rate even our folk had underestimated, we now need to re-consider our own plans. And for the information you have given us we are most grateful.” said Mulrog.

Jessica added “Mulrog, what is the plan if I may ask?”

Mulrog explained “Well, although we have our mother-ships, we are not ready for the next part of our plan; which is to create a vortex and migrate to another planet, the one which I understand you humans call Mars.”

Jessica looked at Thorn and he returned the glance. Even having considered that this idea is not imaginable, the pair's sub- consciousness had just told them that this solved the problem.

Unable to cope with such far-fetched data for his brain to work with, Thorn interrupted and said “Excuse me Mulrog but you must understand. Although I'm an open chap and have faced what to me was unknown; a migration to Mars and vortexes are a level above me and need to be better explained.”

Mulrog translated now for the elders. The elders spoke with Mulrog and he prepared to translate back once again “The elders gave me permission to share with you our plan in more detail. Without further explanation I understand that it may be difficult for you to follow. We own a skill, which every human has too – although not yet trained, to use body energy to travel and move things inter-dimensional through a vortex. Again, without practice you no doubt might consider this an unbelievable skill to achieve. A vortex is a tunnel filled with energy which turns in a spiral motion and opens and closes. To use such a vortex it may disagree with time and travel as you know it now. Vortexes open and close regularly around the planet, and under the proper conditions we intend to open one and travel through it with the first mother-ship. As I said, we are at a dead end. We now seek a method to overcome a few obstacles.”

Thorn asked “So what are the obstacles?”

Mulrog explained “Well first, although we have had training in opening a vortex, we still need to work out how to transport the mother-ship ship through it. Second, for the mother-ship we need to make sure continual conditions as on Earth, as they are important for the trees; from which the roots form the ship base and body. Thorn, this was the reason I observed you while you repaired the dome. I thought that the material you used to fix the dome might solve a problem we now face. Which is to offer a damp environment for the tree roots and daylight, darkness, and rain for the tree bodies above ground.”

Jessica added “Mulrog, if we help you with the migration plan, may we, I mean the old breed people; migrate together with the forest folk?”

Mulrog translated again the conversation content for the elders and awaited the response. After the elders had discussed matters among themselves, they signalled to Mulrog for him to go ahead with the translation to English.

“The elders consent to the old breed people migrating together with our folk. We ask one condition to this though. Because the migration might be successful if we first solve a few problems, those wishing to migrate are to work together. Our forest mother-ship will be the first to migrate and if successful others can follow. Organisation is important, and we have to start work now to solve the remaining problems. Thorn, we want you to stay and together with myself and a few others concentrate on making our mother-ship ready for the migration. Jessica, four of our female sentry guards will escort you back and stay with you until you and the old breed people return.” explained Mulrog.

Jessica and Thorn agreed with Mulrog and the elders. Members of the forest folk came out from mud and root homes, each bringing different food they had prepared. Within a short time the large village centre table was full of food and drink. And the empty chairs filled quick and everyone enjoyed a hearty meal. Jessica got introduced to the small group of sentry guards, and after she had received a good-bye hug from Thorn; moved out with her escorts, heading back to the base camp.

Thorn turned to Mulrog and said “Mulrog, if you could go through the list and confirm what is needed, afterwards we can discuss solutions. For example we could start with considering how the sealant could be used.”

“Yes.” said Mulrog, and continued “I will introduce you later to our team, who's responsibility is nursing the tree roots beneath this level. And watch the growth and shaping of the roots to form the floor and walls. A waterproof basin is needed below the roots, and maybe for this we can use what you call 'sealant'. The sealant might solve the problem we face, in creating a protective dome to cover the whole mother-ship. But this might need more thought.”

Finishing off herb bread and chopped nuts dip, Thorn asked “So what purpose will the protective dome serve?”

Mulrog said “First, the dome needs to serve as an air-tight lid on the mother-ship and protect it during and after the vortex journey. Our survival on Mars will first depend on us having an indoor environment the same as on Earth. And by allowing leaks of air and perforating the sealant basin for the tree roots to grow though, we hope to make the surface of Mars habitable.”

Thorn gave this task serious thought and considered a plan, to build a dome frame of the required size; and a source to get enough sealant for the task. If the World Administration could make thousands of domes, then judging by what these forest folk built without modern technology; a mother-ship dome might soon be in the making.

Motivated by his own imagination, Thorn explained “I'd say we have little choice, so must find a method for the plan to work. For the dome we'll need a giant wooden web frame constructed, and on it we'll affix sealant slabs which we'll mould together. The slabs will have wooden handles on the inner side to enable connection to the frame. Once the slabs are in place, the joints can be sealed. I've given the sealant stock thought and suggest that you and I both go and take a look at the nearest supply depot; to the north of the defence dome. The one on which you seen me carrying out repair work. By foot we should reach the depot within a day. Once we arrive we must find a method of securing a continual direct supply to this mother-ship. If you can now show me below at the level the 'root' team are on, I can make notes for making the basin.”

With excitement Mulrog led his guest back to the stair-well from which they had descended. Neither Jessica nor Thorn had given thought before to the fact that the stairs continued below the 'village' level at which they entered. The stairs ended one metre in front of a thick small door. To follow Mulrog through the doorway Thorn had to duck and was glad to straighten back up once on the other side. On this lowest level of the mother-ship, being below the tree roots felt as if the whole planet was above them. Mulrog introduced him to the crew who

Thorn referred to earlier as the 'root' team. They wore long fur coats to combat this damp level. Mulrog and Thorn received similar coats for the tour duration.

Accompanied by the root team, Mulrog gave Thorn a guided tour and said “You can view how, as the roots continue to grow; they go between this pair of large wooden columns which form a press. As the roots become flattened out from the press, they continue to grow either into the purpose-built wall or floor frame above our heads.” he explained pointing upwards.

Inspecting this amazing construction, Thorn asked “So how does the root team make sure that the roots are nourished, once exposed to air and light in this part?”

“I am glad you asked that.” said Mulrog and continued “Between the floor and wall frame panels, through which the roots grow; is the best quality earth and water supplied through a pipeline from a rain reservoir.”

Thorn's pieces of his plan now came together in his mind and once the guided tour was over, he discussed a few suggested tasks.

“Mulrog, before we both embark on our journey, can the forest folk help with tasks here? When Jessica returns with the members of the old breed settlement they can help too. For the basin a mould frame needs to be built for the root walls and floor, in which to pour the sealant mix. And for the dome slabs, again a mould frame needs to be built – this one though should be hexagon shaped with a width of one metre. Slab handles can go into production too. If timber is available and the trees allow such a sacrifice, I suggest that slices to be cut ten centimetres thick from timber twenty centimetres wide. Each slice cut in the middle and hollowed out to four centimetres remaining, will make a pair of crescent handles.” instructed Thorn.

Mulrog confirmed that he could now organise the tasks to be worked on at the carpentry workshop. He asked Thorn to follow him to the village storeroom, to collect what they needed to take on the journey – the quest for a sealant supply. As Thorn packed provisions in his rucksack, he still battled with himself on how the basin perforations might work; the holes just being needed once the mother- ship reached the destination. And even at that stage they wanted to control the sequence in which they are opened. He knew that the holes had to be made and plugged before the sealant mix got added into the basin mould and hardened. On a shelf in the village store room, piles of pots and large cork bungs could be seen. Thorn now had an idea for a solution for the basin perforations.

He asked Mulrog “Those cork bungs on that shelf. Can you organise enough to be made, to use to block the basin perforations?”

Mulrog said “Yes I am sure we can get enough produced. We will make each one with a wooden handle so they can be extracted with ease once we have migrated.”

“Great. Also, make the tips of the bungs heat-protective using sealant.” Thorn added.

Leo, Relt and True paused from the tasks back at the base camp, so they could prepare the evening meal. The hunt was successful and so they made a stew. They had used a few of the vegetables and potatoes they had stored in rucksacks. Relt had the fire going and filled a pot with water which now hung over the flames. Leo prepared the rabbit while True diced the vegetables and potatoes. Relt added a few pinches of salt other herbs into the water pot as the other pair added the prepared ingredients.

“I hope there's a spare bowl for me!” said Jessica as she and her escorts approached the cosy looking base camp.

Concerned that Thorn was not with her and puzzled by the presence of the escorts with Jessica, True asked “But what.... what happened to Thorn? And who are they? Are you under arrest?”

Jessica smiled at True to reassure her and gestured with an open hand for her escorts to take a seat around the fire; at which Leo, Relt and True were present.

To dissolve an uncomfortable hostile atmosphere, Relt said “I'm sure that Jessica will tell us what happened. And to our guests, welcome to our humble camp, please join us for a meal. My name is Relt, his is Leo, and hers is True.”

Once the stew was ready Relt served everyone a bowl full each, apart from Jessica's escorts; who declined the offer once they saw that the stew content was not just vegetarian. Relt realised that the escorts must be vegetarian and offered them oat biscuit sticks which they took and consumed. Leo, Relt and True now looked over at Jessica, eager to listen to her story.

Jessica felt them looking at her, and as she had finished her stew; placed her bowl next to her and said “These brave ladies are forest folk guards and had received orders to protect me on my return journey. I'm here on a mission: To relay a message and task. Thorn is well and volunteered to stay at the village. As you can no doubt gather, we found the watcher. And once we had explained the purpose of our visit he, Mulrog, invited us back to the underground village, and we met with the elders. We learned more of the reptilian agenda, that is centuries old; and how the forest folk had been growing a mother-ship of trees that serves as a village. The message is that the elders have consented to the old breed and children we rescue, joining them on the intended migration journey. The condition is that we help them prepare and overcome the many hurdles that lie ahead. So Thorn has joined a team that will investigate possible solutions. My task is to organise the move of everyone and return with everyone to the forest as soon as possible. I'll explain in a minute how the forest folk intend to migrate. As for the move to the forest, Relt do you think you can gather everyone in the settlement together for an announcement to be made? Most know, and will listen to you. We'll not force anyone to come with us. Once we're back in the forest, Relt, you and I need to liaise with Mulrog; and together discuss how to communicate with other old breed settlements and folk in other mother-ship forests. The aim is for the mother-ship we'll be on, to migrate first and for others to follow later.”

Relt, having finished another helping of stew, said “Yes, sure I can Jessica; if there's enough information to answer the questions. As for communication with our other settlements, we have pigeons – old fashioned but reliable. I'll make sure we take them with us – maybe the forest folk have similar methods of communication?”

Leo continued serving helpings of stew to those still hungry as plenty was still in the pot. He could not help but stare at Jessica's forest escorts in wonder, at just how nature adapted this species to a life in a forest environment; with the main feature being the leaves which grew on the folks' heads. These leaves must be made of skin but leathery as a bat's wing.

Jessica continued “From what we had explained to us, it was obvious to the elders that the matter of the reptilian agenda was more serious. They knew for hundreds of years that the reptilians intended to retrieve control of Earth's surface. But considered the threat still low because the reptilians had been working to a plan to manipulate and control humans in leadership positions. Now though the elders decided the migration needs to happen. It's intended that the forest mother-ship travels through an energy vortex to the planet Mars. I understand this sounds weird and believe me it did to us too. I'm sure you'll agree we've got to be open to unexplored possibilities if we want to survive as a race. But how vortex travelling works I'm not sure yet. We'll find out in due course though.”

They appeared to make a telepathic agreement that an interval was due, to take in this fresh information and consider just what mammoth- scale tasks lay ahead of them. As they remained seated in silence watching the flames, Relt took another metal round pot; filled it with water and hooked it over the fire to prepare a brew of tea for them. Once boiled, the water got poured into an aluminium tea-pot. In the tea-pot a bed of dry tea leaves caught