The Perennial Migration by D. M. Kirtaime - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


Thorn wished that the forest folk rode horses, instead they always walked barefoot; and connected to nature through the feet-feelers. This meant hiking - not his preferred method of travel. So it was clever of Mulrog to repack the rucksacks, making sure that the heavier items were at the top – which they might appreciate during the journey.

Once past the defence dome heading north, Thorn took a glimpse back at the dome which he had invested so much effort in repairs; and tapped Mulrog's shoulder to signal he too should look. The whole side of the dome was now partially transparent, with piles of crumbled debris surrounding the base. The inner platform was now in view and evidently had not survived the attacking virus; which ate through the main column causing the platform to tilt to one side towards the ground. With no-one in sight Thorn visualized what happened, people butchered by reptilian forces; with the human parts stored somewhere deep below the Earth's crust.

Thorn felt commentary due and said “That is how dangerous the virus is, spreading at a fast rate. Let's hope we're just not too late.”

With no verbal agreement, they both increased the pace of walking. They needed to reach the supply depot by the nightfall. Mulrog was the first to notice the group of colossal blue round storage vats, towering at least fifty metres up in the air, off in the distance to the front. They guessed that at least ten vats provided the supply, each being one hundred metres wide. Being isolated from the dome network, the virus had not reached this location.

Mulrog asked “Have you considered how we are supposed to get a continual supply of the sealant?”

“I've got a plan in my head, but we need to confirm how the sealant is supplied to the defence dome; by pipeline or container.” explained Thorn.

They continued to head towards the group of tanks, and Thorn continued to scan the surrounding areas for a place to use as an observation post. As they got as close as they dared, to the left of them Thorn noticed a rock ridge protruding from a bush line. They moved to the ridge as quick as possible. It was ideal as they could see the entrance to the supply depot from behind the bush line. Although by evening there was much movement of workers between buildings on the industrial estate, nothing got transported anywhere.

After eating snacks they had packed, Thorn suggested “Mulrog, I'm positive that the sealant is supplied via pipeline. The confusing part for me though is, in the storage room of the hospital dome from which Jessica and I made our stand against the reptilians; the sealant was in barrels.”

“Hmm... how many barrels had been in the storage room?” asked Mulrog.

Thinking back, Thorn said “I reckon five or six barrels.”

Mulrog said “In that case, and considering the size of the domes, I say the barrels were an emergency supply; and the main one is as you suggested by pipeline.”

“That might explain why the sealant needed to be mixed before use.” said Thorn.

They both agreed the next thing to do was locate the pipeline, and to do this they should travel back towards the defence dome. As the pipeline was underground it was probable it survived the virus outbreak. Once they found the pipeline, Mulrog intended to return to the forest and have a team build a tree root pipeline; the same as the ones used for the air supply to the village.

As they returned to the defence dome, Thorn felt fatigued from walking under the blazing sun-rays. So they made a stop in the shade provided by a lone tree with a majestic skirt of long branches. Thorn looked at the palms of his hands for a while, which Mulrog noticed.

“What is wrong Thorn?” asked Mulrog.

“Oh, nothing, everything is fine. I'm just admiring my hands, knowing after digging for the pipeline my palms will be full of blisters. Do you realise the ground will be dry and hard?” Thorn explained.

Mulrog smiled and said “You forget that we forest folk are at one with nature – do you think we built our village with shovels alone? No my friend, you will witness many benefits of such oneness – the ability of which lies in every living being, including yourself.”

They continued with the return journey at a gruelling speed. Thorn now appreciated just how hard Leo's military training must have been. As soon as the defence dome came into sight he stopped and removed the shovel strapped to the side of his rucksack. As Thorn went to shift the first layer of earth from the spot which he wanted to check, to try to locate the pipeline; Mulrog snapped the shovel away from him and put it to one side.

Mulrog explained to Thorn “Thorn, before you start to dig, sit and watch that space on the ground.”

Thorn did as Mulrog asked and seated himself on a patch of dried yellow grass; to view the spot where he wanted to dig. Mulrog now stepped onto the same spot and stood with his feet thirty centimetres apart. He now closed his eyes and went into a state of meditation. Thorn noticed that the feelers around Mulrog's feet had started to wave in the air and as if worms, search below for the ground. As the feelers touched the ground they wriggled between the dry crumbs of dirt until they could go no more; at which stage Mulrog's feet anchored tight to the ground. In this state of meditation trance, Mulrog stayed for at least sixty minutes – but in reality he had returned to consciousness and opened his eyes after just fifteen.

Pointing with his hand to one metre eastwards, Mulrog said to Thorn “Follow my hand my friend. The earth below was most cooperative and happy to divulge to me the exact spot under which the pipeline runs. Dig, but be careful when at fifty centimetres as you should have reached the pipeline.”

Thorn was still not convinced Mulrog's estimated location of the pipeline had been correct, but trusted his friend; and dug as requested. Due to the sun-rays roasting the back of his neck, Thorn hoped Mulrog was correct and more holes may not be necessary. Once the hole measured forty centimetres deep, Thorn reduced the digging to a mere scraping motion with the shovel. As both of them heard a tap sound as metal touched metal, Thorn looked up and saw Mulrog's wide grin. Thorn shook his head, but not in a negative sense – he was smiling, which broke into laughter as he found Mulrog's 'Told you so' grin so funny. Once they shifted the dirt, they both stood and looked at the top curve of the black metal pipe.

Mulrog announced “Now we found the pipeline, I will head back to the forest. I shall return with a carpenter team, provisions and tools.  You might be wise to make camp over by that tree which hangs over the stream. You will have water and shade. As night sets in beware of wolves. I will go as far as to recommend that you stay up in the tree. I will check with the tree.”

They both walked over to the tree and Mulrog placed both palms of his hands on the tree bark, closed his eyes and focused on the forthcoming conversation. Thorn felt awkward standing around doing nothing while Mulrog had his chat with the perennial, so he pulled out his water canteen and filled it from the river. Mulrog joined after a short while.

Thorn asked in a sarcastic manner “So what did you and the tree discuss hmm?”

Mulrog noticed and understood Thorn's sarcasm because for humans it was hard to get away from restricted beliefs.

“I am glad you asked. We discussed recent local happenings, including the dome network virus, reptilians and the pipeline. The tree confirmed that much movement and tunnelling has happened underground. The pipeline does stretch the whole distance to the dome. Oh and the Tree consents to you staying overnight and recommends that somewhat flat branch for your bed. The one condition being you make sure you extinguish the fire before climbing up the tree for the night.” Mulrog explained.

Thorn wished that Mulrog had not spoken to the tree because now sleeping in a tree, knowing that it is alive and can communicate; will be a strange experience for him. To be truthful though, he was yet to sleep in a tree, so could not compare. Without further delay, Mulrog waved to Thorn and began his journey back to the forest. Thorn took a handful of rounded stones from the river bank and placed them in a circle, to serve as his fireplace.

With the stones still wet, he was still confident he might start his fire. Due to the sunny period it should not be a problem finding bits and pieces to use as tinder. Ample old dead twigs and branches lay upon on the ground, which he could use without having a guilty conscience. After cooking up vegetables he had packed, Thorn dowsed the fire and climbed up the branches of the tree; until he reached the one recommended to him. To his surprise the branch had a dip in it which was flat and wide. Fatigued, sleep came to Thorn within minutes of settling for the night.

Mulrog continued with no stops, back to the forest. Upon arrival he met with the head carpenter and over a meal which the head carpenter's wife served, they discussed the requirements for the root pipeline. He slept while the head carpenter organised a team of carpenters, and a few from other trades. A few hours was just what Mulrog needed to awake fit and fresh. The team who prepared the materials, joined him and had with them the tools of the various trades.

From the basin below the village, the forest folk joined pieces of root pipeline together and sealed with tree resin. They repeated this procedure over and over again as they worked towards Thorn's direction. While the forest folk worked they did not chat as they understood what the task required and time was not on their side.

Although just a blanket covered Thorn, he received warmth from the tree; which made his perch a cosy place to sleep. He guessed it was the tree's vibrations which made him so tired.

He woke to the sounds of birds on the higher branches of the tree. He complained to himself that out in the wilds, not a living thing was allowed to stay asleep after a pre-arranged time. Before climbing to the ground, Thorn had a strange urge to place his hand on the tree bark and thank it for providing him with a bed for the night. Although he did not know how to communicate with the tree as Mulrog did, he just spoke and hoped that the tree might respond. On the ground, Thorn started a fire; and boiled water for a tea and small breakfast. He only noticed how the temperature had dropped during the night as he started to build the fire.

Once he finished his breakfast, he extinguished the fire, and packed his rucksack. A short while afterwards, in the distance he heard the chopping of wood and the hollow clang that pieces of wood made when dropped. Thorn now stood over on the track next to hole he had made to access the sealant pipeline. With slight cupped hands against the sides of his face, he strained his eyes to view what had caused the commotion. Whereupon he spotted them. The green folk of the forest constructing the root pipeline at an amazing rate.

At once he headed towards the approaching pipe construction team. After greeting Mulrog he made a brief introduction to everyone in the team. Thorn then helped where he could, from hulling pieces of root from piles placed and replenished by carpenters in the forest; to sealing pipe joints with handfuls of gold coloured resin. By midday the root pipeline was complete, up to the hole in which the sealant pipeline lay.

The hole needed to be widened for work to start connecting the pipelines. With a stone-bit hand-drill, they drilled a hole through the top of the metal pipeline. And with minimal sealant and pressure escaping into open air they fitted a tree root connector, carved for this purpose; into place connecting the pipelines. The hole got filled, and as they returned to the forest covered the root pipeline with grass turf. Back below the forest village, they watched as the sealant worked around the mould. A wooden tap fitted to the end of the root pipeline made it possible to stop the sealant pouring after the mould filled.