The Perennial Migration by D. M. Kirtaime - HTML preview

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Chapter 17


The group said farewell, knowing that when they next met up they will either be cheering over the success of the plan; or if one or both parts failed at a sad re-union. Jessica, Relt embarked on horseback, with the three sentry guards to foot, on their mission to meet the old breed and return to the forest with those who wished to migrate. Leo, True and the other sentry guard headed out without horses, towards the estimated location the education centre. The aim to rescue the children and return to the forest.

As the 'old breed' party arrived back at the settlement container network, Relt wasted no time in getting a message throughout the settlement for a gathering that evening. In his message he mentioned that he had answers to many of the questions on recent happenings. Relt took Jessica and the sentries up the ramp and showed them to their living quarters and later called for them when lunch was ready. The sentries received meals containing a mixture of vegetables and herbs. As evening came, Relt arranged for a row of tables and chairs to be placed out on the marketplace, and for armed security around the whole settlement. The threat was not from within the settlement, so this security measure protected everyone. Soon members of the old breed arrived, by foot, horse and self-made solar vehicles. Relt allowed time for the stragglers to arrive. And for those waiting, fresh water, bread and fruit was available.

Relt looked at Jessica and the sentry guards and asked “Are you ready? Let me talk first please – they may be shocked at first, being confronted with our escort sentries, so I hope they'll first listen to my explanation. Please jump in afterwards to answer questions.” Relt asked.

A nod of heads confirmed to Relt that they could now confront the old breed. The five proceeded off of the ramp and pushed through the crowd, towards the chairs and tables Relt had prepared. A series of mumbles and murmuring started as people needed to make room for the fellow humans and something else to pass through the crowd mass.

In front of the row of tables, those attending had left a three metre space; as if a secret rule regulated the distance between the tables and first row of people. As the five arrived behind the chairs, each pulled one out and once seated dragged the chair in so that legs and feet hid under the tables.

Relt commenced with his speech to the old breed “Members of the old breed, I appreciate you responding to my call at such short notice. I have answers to questions on recent happenings at the newer breed's dome network. I bring tidings – both negative and positive. But before I start, I ask that you listen with an open mind.”

A shout came from the crowd “What's with the suspense you old dog? Whatever you have to tell - you'd better hope that we consider it worthy of our loss of work time!”

Relt had prepared for such remarks and continued “Now, now. Everyone knows that I'm just as hard a worker as anyone else. Listen to me please and fire your questions afterwards.”

With the audience now silent, it was the prompt for Relt to go ahead, and without interruption he hoped.

“Everyone has no doubt seen what has happened recently to the newer breed's domes?” Relt asked.

The heads of many of the listeners nodded. And although listening to Relt, the glazes directed at the forest sentry guards.

Relt continued “Well, a virus has spread, or should I say, eaten throughout the dome network, leaving behind empty shells of what once was a colossal establishment. This virus isn't accidental. It got launched to collapse the World Administration and their global power.”

As Relt took a sip from a cup of water, a mass of cheering came from the crowd.

Placing his cup on the table, Relt waved his arms to signal for the cheering to cease and said “Wait, please let me continue. I know that the news sounds positive for our settlement, and under different circumstances it was. But the virus is part of an agenda, from beings that have been sharing this planet with us for thousands of years; with us being above surface and them underground. This lady, Jessica is her name, has fought in combat against these creatures; they're just as alive as you and I. Today we returned from a journey that took us deep into a forest. During our stay in the forest we discovered a different, friendly race. They are the forest watchers, and have been preparing for centuries, knowing that the day will come when the reptilians will carry out the final phase of a secret agenda. The agenda to reclaim power above the surface of the Earth. These ladies are forest watchers, guard sentries who accompanied us back.”

One member of the settlement asked “What of the newer breed? I haven't seen any survivors running to us for safety! And if true, how are we threatened?”

Relt looked at Jessica and asked “Do you now wish to continue?” Jessica stood up and looked at the crowd before proceeding “Hi, I got trapped in one of the elevator capsules in the hospital dome. The World Administration force had sealed the tunnels, so that nobody escaped. They had an arrangement with the reptilians, because once they closed the dome, the reptilians came up from below and butchered every human in sight; placed the body parts in sacks and transported them on vehicles through deep underground tunnels. I doubt that any of the newer breed survived and if they did they couldn't live long out of a dome environment. Any newer breed who turns to us will be welcome to join. We have a team at the moment attempting to rescue the children from one of the newer breed's education centres.”

Relt took over again “It's just a question of time now until the reptilians complete the final agenda part. We've no idea how large the reptilian race is. One thing we do know though is that reptilians don't intend to share the Earth's surface with us. The forest folk intend to migrate, away from this planet. After meeting with them we convinced them to take our people with them – those who wish to go. We left a man back at the forest to help solve the problems obstructing the final construction of the mother-ship. The one condition the folk had is that those of us who wish to migrate with them help get the mother-ship ready for transportation as time is short.”

Someone else in the crowd asked “But how many of us have the technical know-how required for building a spaceship?”

They looked surprised as one of the sentry guards stood up from her chair to answer this question.

She explained “For our mother-ship, technology is not required. We started to build it a long time ago. The mother-ship is our village as well.

You are most welcome to join us. We acknowledge that we cannot migrate alone, we need help and it will be an extreme honour for us to work with every one of you and travel together.”

Another person asked “To which location do you intend migrating and how?”

The sentry guard explained “We intend to migrate to Mars. We will use inter-dimensional travel and for this there will be training. It will involve using the energy produced and emitted by the vibrations of those travelling. This migration will be an exciting experience for us too.”

Relt added “If you ask me, I say as this world got wrecked by an evil force, and us old breed left to fend for ourselves; I'd prefer to join forces with this folk who've much in common with us. We can either stay put and await an eventual battle against reptilians, or embark on a joint venture to a newer world – I know what I want.”

They seated themselves back at the row of tables. From the crowd came an acoustic mixture of shouts, screams and murmurs. Relt made a mental note that most heads from the crowd nodded, and the five stood to retire for the evening.

Relt addressed the crowd again and said “In a few days we'll be heading back to the forest. Everyone wishing to travel with us, pack rucksacks and saddle the horses. Please accommodate others who do not own a horse. Important is that we take every tool we have.”

Over the next few days the five spent most of the time packing Relt's essential tools, in between answering the many questions people had; as more and more of the settlement packed their own belongings and equipment. Relt mentioned to Jessica and the sentries that he reckoned between eighty and ninety percent of the settlement population will head out with them back to the forest. Another task Relt organised was converting container units into seated trailers for the elderly and children. Within the old breed settlement discrimination was unknown.

The few days passed and the time for departure arrived. Jessica and Relt mounted the horses at the centre of the settlement marketplace and waited as pre-arranged for those old breed who decided to go with them. Most of the old breed had 'survivalist' blood in them and taught from an early age the many skills and levels of preparedness. Five appeared first, but soon ten and later hundreds.

Most of the old breed had carts and trailers built, but others needed to build theirs as quick as possible over the last few days. As the convoy will travel slow, stragglers could tag along at the end. Jessica commented on the accommodation requirements for them on board the mother-ship. One of the sentry guards explained to her that ample accommodation was available, and that what they saw was just a small part of the whole vessel.

With the five leading, the convoy left the old breed settlement location. One group of men on horseback, volunteered to cover the sides and rear of the convoy; against possible attack from soldiers, wolves, reptilians or other threats for that matter. Embarking on this journey, for the old breed it offered an alternative to being stuck in one location. Although as old breed they had the freedom which the newer breed never knew, and considering the current threat, moral was high.

Everyone knew though that the whole convoy just had one veteran, with experience in combat against the reptilians. As the convoy passed the ruins of the destroyed defence dome, the seriousness of what the five told them days ago now manifested. They could not explain how everything material was demolished and without body as if the insides had eaten away; leaving a shell of what used to be solid. Many found it either strange or of careful design, how the virus worked through materials such as metal and stone; but the ground itself remained undamaged.

At any rate, the sight caused the convoy to increase the pace and curve away from the dome ruin. The rest of the journey went without major incident. As the convoy approached the edge of the forest, a group of forest folk met them. The folks' task was to lead the old breed, with their belongings, through the forest to the village. Stables above ground, had been constructed to house the horses. Once at the village, everyone got shown to vacant accommodation prepared for their arrival, and available facilities.

Ample food was to be available at a central location because apart from the young and old, everyone was to be involved with tasks at different stages. Mulrog and Thorn collected Relt and Jessica, and before attending another meeting with the elders, had time to inspect the basin mould. Thorn now lead the small group and more for Relt explained the mother-ship construction and sealant use.

“During tomorrow morning there will be a mass assembly, of both forest folk and old breed. We will form work groups for required trades and find out what needs to be done. From my side though the main priority will be the building and connecting of the sealant slabs above the trees. I'm just concerned for Leo and True's rescue group, that they'll make it back safe.” explained Thorn.

Relt replied “If you wish I'll be part of the team building the upper dome. The safety of Leo and True is a concern of everyone, but we cannot drop everything now to go after them.”

“Well Relt, I recommend you lead that team – I'll coordinate the construction, but need the work force led; and I reckon you'd be best at that. You're correct, we're needed at this location. I just hope that I mean what if they run into trouble? We'd have no method of knowing.” Thorn said.

“Don't worry, everything will turn out well I'm sure.” Relt said in a comforting tone.

Mulrog appeared to announce that the Elders gathered and could now receive them. They collected Jessica and went to attend the meeting. When they arrived at the table, at which they met before, the elders stood waiting. The sentry guards who returned with Jessica, Relt and the old breed, attended too. The elders proceeded and Mulrog again acted as translator.

“The elders are concerned that the whole migration is in danger of failing, due to the required preparation period – that the reptilian threat grows fast. So humans should be divided to the work forces which need man-power the most. And everyone has to attend meditation training and for this we made a schedule. During this training we will teach you the skills needed for inter-dimensional travel. Once training is complete, we will be ready to enable travel. After we have tuned our frequency to that of the mother-ship, the higher level of collective mass energy generated by us will suffice for the migration.” explained Mulrog.

Jessica, Relt and Thorn looked at each other in disbelief. Unable to comprehend what they needed to do.

Relt, still shaking his head, as if doing so may sort matters for him; asked “Excuse me, but I don't think any of this Sci-Fi idea was explained to us! Could you please be good enough to share a few details? Otherwise I cannot imagine how to start with breaking this news to our people.”

Mulrog translated back for the elders, and after a short discussion among themselves gave a reply to him for translation.

Mulrog shared the reply from the elders “We offer our apologies. Such abilities are not easy to understand. We will make sure that everyone receives intense and complete training. For now though, to explain, through meditation we can regulate our own energy frequency. Our body frequency can be tuned to match that of the trees which form the mother-ship within this forest. This we call oneness. Once in this state, awareness and consciousness will raise to the level of ours. When we are in this state the migration transportation can begin. Times does not exist on this level. So when we focus our energy and intend the vortex to open, travel through it will follow; which we will depend on as energy vortexes are not always stable enough to stay open for long periods. If we do not connect, with no mass energy produced travel will not be physically possible, instead just on an individual astral plane. We hope that this information will suffice for now – it will become clearer during the training.”

Thorn said “Mulrog, no need to apologise. We do appreciate the explanation. As for work force allocation, we assume that when everyone is present at the assembly tomorrow morning, that our people will learn which trade groups need support? From our side we understand the priority task is the building and completion of the dome. If you agree I'll coordinate, and Relt will lead the whole work force. I recommend to have one representative from the carpenter group, who worked on the sealant slab handles, to liaise with Relt so that manpower can be distributed; for further production of dome web frame parts, handles and slabs.”

Now they had talked the plan through and the elders content it was to be followed as hoped, the meeting concluded. They recommended the old breed use the rest of the day to look around the village, visit and talk to members of the forest folk. Heading back to the accommodation, Relt spotted a member of the old breed hunting group, which reminded him that there was unfinished business to which to attend; and excused himself from the company of Jessica and Thorn.

In the village the forest folk began the day just after dawn. For the human old breed they considered no exception, although the majority of those humans spent long days of improvising, building, hunting before now. The next morning the forest folk hosts woke the old breed and guided them along the many lanes which lead to the centre of the village. The hosts prepared breakfast on waist-high shelves for everyone to share. After breakfast the members of the forest folk and old breed gathered in the centre of the village for the assembly. Mulrog got nominated as translator for the elders.

During the assembly they told of the current dilemma and growing threat. With the migration, preparation work and training discussed in more detail. The assembly concluded with collective cheers from the old breed, for the elders. Everyone left the assembly well motivated and afterwards established trade and work groups. Production of sealant slabs, handles and dome frame began and at an unbelievable speed.

With the forest folk and old breed humans forced to work together, no conflicts occurred, and both races were eager to learn from each other; in particular in the skills of carpentry. With the whole work force being led by Relt, who reported to Thorn; construction of the dome frame begun. Members of the forest folk, who remained at tree- top level; trained on securing the sealant slabs tight together. Once they pulled the slab handles into the wooden frame network, sealant filled the gaps between the slabs and those parts of the dome became air-tight.

One thing Thorn did not have to teach them was the skills required to work at such heights with no safety harness. Because of the forest folks' ability to attach the feet-feelers to tree bark, they could stand and move from branch to branch and always keep their balance. Thorn needed to use a safety harness though and was grateful for the protection which the larger areas of leafed tree tops gave against sun- rays.

This work needed to be carried out during daylight hours and as opposed to rain and wind, a sunny period provided the best conditions for building the sealant slab dome. Another group of both forest folk and humans, stabilised the top level of tree branches. For branch stabilisation they used wooden bars; and afterwards parts of the dome frame network could come into place.

With many of the thin younger trees, wooden bars got placed between them and the surrounding thick older ones; to stabilize and make sure there was little or no tree body-movement once the dome above was in place. Work on and around the trees first begun once the elders finished a telepathic meeting with the most senior trees in the forest. This meeting involved the elders forming a tight circle, with the group of trees in the centre; so each tree was in contact with the chest of at least one elder; and holding hands which completed the connection.

It was an unspoken rule among the forest folk that the tree seniors needed to be consulted for any major events intended to take place within the forest. And this was without doubt the biggest event ever to take place for them. The tree seniors understood as owners of the mother-ship, that pre-migration work needed to be done; so consented and gave every other tree in the forest a cooperation order. This meant that as soon as the wooden support bars and parts of the dome frame got fitted, that branch growth concentrated on and around those areas as reinforcement.