The Perennial Migration by D. M. Kirtaime - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


Meditation training had begun while Leo's and True's team were rescuing the children from the education centre. Now they had returned, they and the children received extra lessons so they could catch up with the others; who started the training earlier. Demla and Mulrog volunteered themselves as tutors, to the delight of Leo and True. The training schedule started after breakfast the next day. A secluded but open spot in the forest served as the classroom.

Demla opened the first training session with an introduction. Once her class formed a semi-circle with multiple rows, she announced “Welcome to the first meditation training lesson. We will first look at individual meditation and finding one's energy vibration and later move on to collective meditation as a group. It is that final phase that will make every one of you a pilot of our forest mother-ship. Training will be hard, intensive and tiring at first.”

Demla explained to the pupils, after showing how to sit in the correct position with crossed legs and the art of controlled breathing; that once eyes were closed to concentrate on creating an imaginary location. The location Leo created in his mind, was a beach with golden coloured sand; with light blue waves moving in gentle motions and coconut palms swaying. He always remembered a similar picture, on the inside of an accommodation dome as an advertisement for the holiday domes; and so found it an easy-to-use location template.

After the pupils confirmed that locations were ready, Demla explained “Everyone is a master of their own reality. With your minds' creation ability you can change the picture of reality. As a practice, close both eyes and return to the locations you created. Once at the locations, create a door which has 'DEMLA' written on it.”

The pupils had added the doors to the locations. To test, Demla asked Leo to close his eyes and return to his location and concentrate on the door. With that Demla closed her eyes too and went to her training location. She created a door which had 'LEO' written on the front and opened it. Leo watched in awe as Demla stepped through the doorway and onto the beach. At his location she spoke to him, but he found that he could neither hear what she said nor speak himself.

Demla seated herself on the beach, and in the sand wrote with a finger 'WAKE UP NOW'. Leo opened his eyes and reported to the rest of the class what had happened.

“Demla, why couldn't I make out what you said or speak myself at my location?” Leo asked.

Demla said “Leo, we will cover that in the next stage of training. You first have to make yourself present at the location. To explain, I gathered that it was the location you created because at mine I had an image of a door with 'LEO' written on it. But once in the location, although I did not see you, I still spoke as if I could; for the sake of this exercise.”

For the rest of the afternoon they spent creating a personal presence in the locations and visiting other peoples' locations. The next day's training began with Demla teaching her pupils how to find the body vibration frequency by identifying one's current emotion. And for this exercise the best conditions were if everyone either had a neutral or positive feeling.

By doing this, most were able to rise to a higher frequency; considering the current trauma and worry. This meant that part of the training session involved releasing every negative thought. Confirmation of successful training, delighted the pupils and what they discussed showed awareness continued to grow. True enjoyed the exercise in which she liaised with Leo at the location his mind created. She had never imagined such a feat was possible without advanced technology.

She found that after she had visited a few times and made herself present, she could smell the fresh ocean air and speak with Leo while on the beach. The experience was as if she watched and acted in the same film. Over the next few days the group had explored the art of vibration calibration, whereby a few or more people, holding hands; reached the same one frequency. This task involved each individual identifying the vibration of the people either side of them and tuning one's body vibration to match; either by lowering or raising the vibration to be in-sync with those holding hands. The aim of the exercise was to achieve one frequency, which they achieved through concentration.

Another exercise involved communication via vibrations, a complicated, intensive and tiring skill to learn. A tree was used as the message recipient for this exercise. The message to be sent was 'If you receive this message, please acknowledge'. Once in-sync with the receiver's vibration, the sender spoke the message with an inner voice instead of aloud. Before the sender could connect to the recipient and align frequencies, Demla recommend physical contact for optimal results; so the sender placed hand palms on the tree bark.

Under Demla's coaching, in pairs they took part in the exercise. Leo and True got allocated to a large senior forest canopy tree. True was the first to try. She approached the tree and placed her hand palms against the bark.

“That is good, True. Notice how the vibration now circulates your body. Once the vibrations reach your forearms, use both hands to seek the tree's vibration. Now allow the vibration to connect with yours. It will then give the you the impression that multiple frequencies flow throughout the body. But as you allow the incoming frequency to enter, the body will align one's own frequency to it. The alignment will make you think you have received a fresh life. Take in and enjoy the experience provided by this connection.” Demla explained.

True received the tree's vibrations through her hands and understood that her vibration now calibrated. As this happened, the vibrations gave the false impression that her body elevated; while her feet remained on the ground. With the tree's vibration came refreshing life energy. The love, neutrality and purity this tree shared, released emotions as her personal awareness matured. Although tears ran over her face, she smiled. Now came the part which required True to send her message to the tree.

Speaking the message in her mind she said 'If you receive this message, please acknowledge.' and felt the message being sent through her hands. And at that moment it happened. She heard a series of words being spoken with one minute intervals between each. The voice was neither that of male or female. She then spoke the words aloud for the others: “Greetings.” “Message.” “Received.” “You.” “Human.” “They.” “Eldest.” “Earth.”

True opened her eyes and dropped her arms. Leo leapt over to his sister in excitement, asking “How was it 'Sis? What happened? Tell us!”

Looking at Demla as she spoke, True described her first vibrational conversation. Afterwards she asked “Demla, the words received back from the tree didn't make complete sense. Do trees communicate with odd words or did I just misunderstand? And, what did 'They' and 'Eldest' mean?”

Demla smiled and explained “True, please be patient. Trees can hold long conversations. With practice, you will be able to fine-tune and capture more of the conversation content. Trees never talk in the 'I' nor the 'We' form. They always refer to themselves as 'They'. You must understand they do not know individualism, instead are at one with Mother Earth; which is why they class themselves as the 'Eldest'."

Once the group of pupils had reached the level of the rest of the old breed in the forest, the next level of training begun. But this next level was not just the final phase, it was one that none of the forest folk had attempted before. The whole success of the planned migration depended on the ability of the forest folk, humans and trees on the mother-ship to connect and vibrate as one; to launch and navigate the vessel through the vortex to planet Mars. But even if everyone vibrated as one, the migration was a test and pilot project in one; and so they risked everything including the lives of everyone on board.

Before the final exercise began, a team of forest folk acted as guard force; because they already possessed advanced skills in the art of body vibrations. They could afford to miss the training, but not the humans. Once the guard had taken up positions covering the forest dome perimeter, the remaining forest folk and humans took to the pre- arranged places within the forest mother-ship; and ensured that each hand palm touched a tree. The other trees in the exercise connected through the root network. The elders orchestrated the exercise, with Mulrog translating.

The connection started. As it was impossible to know once the connection completed, Mulrog needed to give a one-word message; both in English and in his own language: “Launch” “Azuj-tok”

Once he connected, Mulrog was to send the messages in a continual tact to the tree next to him; until he received the same messages back from the tree on his opposite side. As soon this had happened he was to release a short whistle tone. This gave the signal to the elders for them to emit a rise in frequency. Those connected for this exercise concentrated on the elevation of the mother-ship. After sixty minutes of continual concentration and higher frequency flow, a vibration could be felt from underground. This time the vibration was external and created as the sealant basin below left the dock and rose as part of the mother-ship towards the surface.

The guard force watched with astonishment, after first hearing a low humming to the rear, the mother-ship being raised to one metre above them. Dust spread everywhere and earth and foliage fell back to the ground. The loud ripping of various sorts of roots could be heard afar as the massive construction left the dock from the surrounding forest outskirts. The mother-ship had completed the first launch.

The elders, hearing calls from the forest folk guard team, had been content the exercise was a full success; and whistled back to Mulrog who sent an instruction to descend. Upon receiving the instruction through vibration, concentration was on the descent and the mother- ship lowered back into the original dock position. Instant cheering could be heard throughout the forest.

Concerned, Leo approached Mulrog and explained “Mulrog, although we covered our tracks as we returned from rescuing the children; I reckon this exercise just may have given away our location. If not to any reptilians nearby who pursued us, at least underground as I'm sure the launch caused vibrations kilometres afar. The guard should build outposts, so we can be alerted to a reptilian approach from any direction. As for defence, I'm not sure we could stop an organised attack. Any ideas?”

“I agree Leo. Well I know that until now you managed to defeat the reptilians by blocking the airways with the sealant. So although we no longer have enough left to make further weapons, we could use tree sap?” Mulrog asked.

Leo patted Mulrog on his green leafed shoulder and said “That's it, great. Let's check with Thorn and the construction team to find out if they could turn their efforts to producing weapons. We'll need the trees' help to donate as much sap as possible.”

A meeting took place with Mulrog, Leo, Jessica, Relt, True and Thorn in attendance. To begin with, they confirmed that weapon production was to take the form of projectiles; as used against the reptilians during the rescue but this time using tree sap instead of sealant. Mulrog offered to liaise with the elders and consult the trees for permission for sap to be drained.

Thorn was to oversee the production together with the rest of the forest dome construction team. And Jessica and True to give reptilian recognition training for the guard force, in particular for those manning the outpost towers. This training included practice throwing at mobile facial targets, to make sure that most of the projectiles thrown hit the moving reptilians around the nasal part of their scaled faces.

Relt asked Mulrog “So what other training needs to take place before the migration can take place?”

“The final training session is just for elders. They will practice how to open the vortex, through which we will travel. This training will be without an audience. Commanding a vortex entrance can be dangerous if not controlled in the correct manner.” Explained Mulrog.

Mulrog's answer prompted questions from Jessica “So how will the mother-ship travel through the vortex and how long will the journey take?”

“Well, the vortex is a tunnel. Vortexes are not always the same. Lengths and duration of existence is always different. Once in the vortex the law of time dimension no longer exists. Travel through the vortex can be accomplished within a short time, even hours or minutes of Earth time. But as I said before, we will risk everything as the whole migration journey is open to so many dangers.” Mulrog continued.

Silence followed as everyone in attendance remained seated, reflecting for themselves just how dangerous a journey lay ahead; and not knowing if they could make it to the destination alive. And if they survived what was in store for them upon arrival? Was it possible to live as planned on a different planet?