The Perennial Migration by D. M. Kirtaime - HTML preview

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Chapter 20


During the next seven days vigilant guard shifts, reptilian recognition training, target practice; and vortex command and control training for the elders, was on the action plan. Jessica and True made clay reptilian heads for the recognition training. Moulding the busts from memory, they produced many mock reptilian soldier heads; and one of the black caped leader they had seen back when they escaped from the dome together with Thorn.

After recognition training the clay busts served for target practice. Grenades made of wide leaves containing sap, could be launched at the targets from various distances. So elevation and wind needed to be considered for the perfect shot. A hit counted when a grenade caught a reptilian face just above the nostrils, allowing the sap to run and block the air intake. Although these weapons might not cause terminal damage to the enemy, they may slow and even stop an attack – depending on how determined and fit an invading force was.

Thorn and his crew got well into the grenade production. Leo and Relt took the old breed hunters, along with a group of the forest folk hunters who joined them; along the mother-ship forest perimeter. At and between the outpost towers they laid a series of traps, staked thick bramble to the ground and dug plenty of trenches and pot-holes. The elders completed the secluded training, but had not been content with the results though.

During the training the elders opened and controlled small vortexes. But the first ones closed themselves before the elders could make the controlled closure. Later they mastered this task, but it still remained a deep concern of theirs. The speed at which the humans learned the use the energy vibrations pleased the elders though.

The elders summoned Mulrog to call the humans and forest folk together as an announcement was to be made. Everyone was to attend apart from the current guard shift. Once they gathered, the elders announced that although training was now complete before the migration began one thing was still to be addressed. The audience became confused, and they looked at each other as if the answer might be read from someone else's face.

The elders put an end to the suspense, by announcing that a name should be used for the civilisation once on Mars; which they became after they left this planet. From now on everyone on board the mother-ship, both human or forest folk, are to be known as the 'Tiarians'. Tiarians, survivors from planet Earth and founders of a civilisation on a different planet. Upon hearing the news, everyone gave a great loud cheer. Next, without hesitation a spread of food and drink came from every direction.

Although the biggest challenge was still to be confronted, they still achieved what they believed to be impossible – a well earned rest and cause for celebration. Final preparation work went on during the next day. The tiarians produced provisions for human and forest folk diets, and those of the livestock. Adequate rations went into storage, including vegetables and other plant seeds which they sowed for short term supply.

Demla and a group of forest folk volunteered to place animals into a sleep state, in the stables and sties, just before the start of migration launch. Many tiarians expressed how they wanted to form teams for post-migration work, and the elders had consented; once Mulrog had explained in the forest folk language. There was no team size limit and citizens may join or leave various teams as they wished.

Teams needed to be formed for most common and other trades. Each team may later host training programmes for the tiarians willing to learn those occupations. But as soon as the migration had completed, the highest priority was for the forest and vegetation to grow. This was vital for survival as the conditions on Mars needed to become less hostile and more habitable for the tiarians. At least the mother-ship was of adequate size, to accommodate the tiarians on board after the landing and for as long as necessary.