The Quest for Paradise by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Three


The tunnel stretched on and on. It was hard to define time in this seemingly endless corridor beneath the world above. How many roads such as this existed?

Time passed by as our headlights carved through the darkness, but as to how far we went before we began to see signs of greater habitation I could not say other than to put it in the context of several miles. Finally the SUV proceeded on into an underground working of what astoundingly appeared to me as a breakaway civilization.

There were shops and people and light. If it wasn’t for the ceiling of rock I would have sworn we were on the surface traveling down some posh street of shops in the style of Saks Fifth Avenue.

It was both eye-opening and appalling to witness the double standard at play here. Here in this underground realm was a place setting environment as elaborately set up as if it was a doll house with all the accessories, while on the surface the debt slave population toiled away to make the dollars that increasingly bought less in terms of value, while the elite basked in this sunken utopia paid for by the swindling of the masses.

Leaving the glitzy part of this underground metropolis behind the SUV pulled into what appeared to be a military complex. The journey appeared to be near its end.

One thing was for sure though. I knew that after seeing what I had I would never be permitted to see the topside world again. So be it.

Seemingly I was alone in the midst of the workings of a vast governmental conspiracy that spanned generations, but even so my Lord was with me and so who should I be afraid of? They could kill the flesh but my soul was bought and paid for and preserved from above.

The SUV stopped and I got out as an officious looking counterpart to the one I had ridden with stepped forward to say, “Good to see you Frank. She the last of them?”

My companion, Frank, nodded tersely and continued on past the man. Taking my cue I followed after Frank figuring that was the thing to do until told to do otherwise.




It was hard to not show open astonishment at the glossy interior of the complex that was alive with technological offerings and designs far above any such as seen on the surface. When the chaos erupted the elite and those who served their interests were going to be quite comfortable down here. At least that’s what they thought.

We came to a series of auditoriums and Frank turned to the side and gestured for me to go ahead of him. I entered the movie like theater setting and made my way down the aisle. There were at least 150 or so people seated about chattering on quite incessantly with each other.

To a man or woman of them they all appeared both a bit shocked and something else. Excited. They were excited. They were excited to be in what felt like the bowels of hell to me.

I heard doors shut and glancing back I noticed that the auditorium doors were now solidly closed with armed guards standing in front of them. The point of no return had very much been reached it would seem for not only me, but everyone else as well.

I very much wanted to step aside and sink unseen into one of the seats and have all the reality of what was going on just drift away and be replaced with the screen behind the center stage coming alive with a movie, but there was no movie scheduled to play today. Instead I was supposed to address these people and bring them up to speed, which seemed ludicrous, but here I was.

Slowly I mounted the stairs of the stage with Frank close behind me. This was a much different feeling than teaching a class of college kids and anxiety threatened to overwhelm me as the chattering of the flock of magpies ceased to a quiet murmur behind me.

The audience’s excitement was something to be felt in the air. For them this expedition was the crowning achievement of their life’s work and they felt proud for it. I, on the other hand, was now wishing that I had never graduated college.

I glanced to Frank as I was nervously unsure of what to do next. He wasted no time, but stepped past me to fill the space behind the stage’s lone podium and began to commandingly talk, “Ladies and gentlemen I’m sure you’re all quite wondering at the things you’ve seen today and at the mission that lies before us to accomplish. Well some of these answers to your questions are coming, but first it’s important to discuss two items. One is that you are all committed to the task at hand. There is no backing out now. If you prove contrary to doing your assigned tasks then you will be remanded into custody for by the nature of the secrecy of this facility you will be held indefinitely without trial at our sole disclosure. Do I make myself clear?”

Silence beckoned his declaration of hostile intent even as concern marred the faces of more than half of those seated, while the remaining number only looked impatient for things to begin.

“Alright I’m glad we got that out of the way, but now you all have a rude awakening coming your way, unless there’s something we don’t know about you and I very much doubt that. To assist you in your reeducation please welcome Samantha Anderson.”

There was applause, which abruptly petered off as Frank somewhat narcissistically added into the mic, “A professional within the field of Biblical Archaeology.”

People turned their heads to look at one another in general puzzlement as to why someone of my professional background would be giving a speech about anything in such a place as this. I was very much alone in choice of belief in this place it would appear.

I couldn’t help but fathom why I was being given the opportunity to speak to these people in a way that might truly open their eyes to the need for salvation that existed in everyone’s life. Why would the opposition open the door to me to share my faith with people who needed to hear it as badly as the audience before me did?

“They have no choice but to honor My wishes, even in this. Every man must choose and you are My last witness to these people who have sought all their lives to be blind to who I am and the very role of My existence in everything for by My words everything has come to be.”

Feeling very much like I would be stoned for what I was about to say I stepped up to the mic in search for the words needed to say to these people in order to open their eyes. How did you tell these people about something so monumental so well hidden from them that never once had the idea ever occurred to them that they had been actively misled and directed down paths of obscurity for their entire lives?

“So…….” I immediately stopped talking as the sound of my own voice being amplified loudly for a moment stunned me. Gathering what little wits I still had about me I spoke again, “What do you all know about our planet, Earth?”

I pause momentarily to let my rhetorical question have weight to it before continuing with, “Well, no doubt the first thing that comes to mind from your earliest experiences at school in kindergarten class is that it is round or as NASA would say, shaped like a sphere. Well, already in speaking to you, I’ve given you two errant facts about Earth. For one Earth is not a planet as it does not rotate around the Sun. Secondly Earth is not a sphere, but rather it is a flat dimensional plain. A dimensional plain that is vastly complex in terms of its makeup.”

I couldn’t have spoken further if I’d wanted to because of the uproar that arose from the audience gathered before me, which was suddenly one in both their dislike of me and for the inexcusable affront I had just issued to the vaunted status of basic science and geometry so well programmed into the leading majority of the populace. I glanced at Frank as both insults and tantrummed denials were hurled at me from the now mostly standing academia that filled the rows before me.

Smiling sardonically Frank stepped close and speaking into the mic he said, “Who here has ever been tasered before?”

The crowd fell silent almost instantly and Frank went on, “Sit down and shut up! We’re not paying you all the ridiculous sums of money that we are because we want to hear your scholastic viewpoints. In fact we have no need for you at all as we more than have the ability to pull equally, if not more so, qualified individuals from our own laboratories to perform the work that is needed. The only purpose for you being brought here is to serve as witnesses to the momentous events about to go down so that when the time comes for disclosure on a mass level the who’s who of the scientific community will be able to attest to some knowledge of the events leading up to the revolutional technological age we are about to embark into instead of appearing as idiots to all the people who regard you as intelligent human beings. Now shut up and listen. Questions are welcome, but tantrummed rants are not and will be dealt with accordingly.”

Frank stepped away and I was left with a silent congregation of cowed listeners to pay service to whatever I had to say. Not sure where to begin in the instruction of the crowd before me I prevaricated for a moment longer and was rewarded with a question from the audience that took my uneasiness about how to continue completely away.

“Can you prove that the Earth is flat?”

“I certainly can Sir. But just to turn your own question back on you, can you prove your belief in the Earth being a sphere circling a star to be true?”

“Why because of Copernicus! He came up with the solar model that we all use today, which is based on mathematical principles that are undeniable.”

“Yes, Copernicus did come up with the solar model 500 years ago and yes he did use math to explain his theory, but he was wrong. Do you have anything else to base your theory of belief on the Earth being round other than that of a Jesuit Catholic priest that lived in existence 500 years ago?”

The man loudly exclaimed, “Why NASA for pity’s sake! We put a man on the moon!”

“Correction. We’ve never been to the moon. The moon landings and indeed the entire NASA base of operations from day one has been a cover-up of a truly massive scale. There are literally countless rebuttals derived from sound scientific and mathematical principles as well as observational evidence that proves everything NASA is accredited with doing to being nothing more than an elaborate hoax meant to keep you in the dark as to the true nature of the Earth that we live on. Now does anyone here have any evidence to add that testifies as to why the Earth is round versus being flat that differs from the opinions of a 16th century mathematician priest and a US government agency?”

The auditorium was silent even as people scrambled to come up with something to say.

“I know it’s very difficult to be where you all are right now as I once was there myself. What I’m saying sounds crazy, but here you are with nothing to bolster your belief in a round Earth model other than a priest who lived 500 years ago and NASA showing you grainy out of focus pictures of the moon about sixty or so years ago. As scientists you all should be thinking to yourselves that if your belief was true then there should surely be more readily available evidence to prove it other than taking the word of Copernicus or the guys and gals over at NASA. Incidentally the opposite extreme as exists today within the scientific community was once the case. In the ancient world every advanced society believed in a flat unmoving earth. The ancient Egyptians, the Greeks, and even ancient Hebrews all believed in a flat earth and they would laugh at you if you were to tell them otherwise. As late as the 17th century the Chinese maintained belief in a flat earth. The change in that culture occurred because of the religious order that Copernicus belonged to, the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church wanted to become more progressive and it liked new ideas so it began mandating that Copernicus’s theory as well as Galileo’s was in point, an undeniable fact that no one should question. It has gone so far in terms of reeducation as to include the moniker taught to all schoolchildren that ‘Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 and confirmed that the Earth was round’. That couldn’t be farther from the truth ladies and gentlemen.”

Turning to Frank I pointed to the empty screen behind me, “Is there any way I could have a picture of a typical schoolroom map globe put up here?”

Frank nodded and within moments the screen behind me was lit up with the typical globe depiction of the Earth to be found in almost every elementary classroom within the nation and perhaps the world.

“Now this is what, from day one, of your education you are told the Earth looks like. So in theory any ship captain in the world could take this globe and navigate anywhere in the world by the use of it. Who here believes that’s possible?”

No one lifted a hand even as I began to see the dull glints of awakening understanding begin to occur.

“And you would all be right not to answer yes as you just have. There is no conceivable way a ship captain can use a globe to navigate anywhere other than a ship wreck. Captains use charts. Charts that reflect a flat earth. Can we have one please?”

A picture of a typical maritime flat earth chart appeared on the screen behind me.

“See the Earth is flat to a mariner. Incidentally there are quite a few more easy points I can give you to prove a flat Earth based on ships alone. Not only did ship captains rely on flat Earth maps to navigate by once, but they also depended on the unique properties of light in order to navigate into a harbor after dark. Before the era of GPS ship captains depended on lighthouses to direct them into port at night. This was done by a series of simple math algorithms in regards to the distance that light travels after dark on an unobstructed night. A ship sailing towards a harbor along a seacoast that they cannot even see spots a light in the darkness. Upon seeing the light they reference a handbook to see which potential lighthouses the light could be originating from based on where they think they are along the coastline. These handbooks contained the exact details of when a particular light could be seen based off of the candle power of the light house’s unique beacon. So the first lighthouse beacon is seen and the time is noted. The ship keeps sailing. Before long they spot another beacon of a different lighthouse in the darkness of the night. Consulting their handbook again they now know exactly where they are at sea, because the moment they spotted the second beacon they confirm the identity of the first lighthouse and knowing how far the unique light of each lighthouse travels they now have two reference points by which to triangulate their exact position at sea by. All of this is accomplished some 20 miles or more offshore as that is how far the light source from these lighthouses typically carry on an unobstructed night. This tried and true method of ship navigation is impossible to accomplish on a round Earth, because the distance given the dimensions of a curvatured Earth as provided by NASA dictates that visible light can only be seen from 6 miles away at the most before the dipping of the horizon cuts it off from view and yet sailors, since the time of the Great Lighthouse of Alexandria and perhaps even before have utilized the use of beacons at distances of upwards of 20 miles at sea in order to determine their location and where safe harbors lay.”

The audience as a whole was silently still as facts are irrefutable, when they truly are a fact.

“Okay another simple example of using a ship on water would be the illusion of a ship falling over the horizon. It’s often used as an argument for a round Earth, but in actuality it’s the opposite. So you’re standing on the beach and you watch a ship go farther and farther out to sea until it appears to fall over the horizon and disappear from view, hence in your mind the Earth is round, because that’s what you’ve been taught from a young age and you see no reason to question it as that is what your eyes are telling you. But if you pick up a pair of binoculars and look through them the ship that just disappeared from view is immediately back into your field of vision. All that has been proven by the illusion of a ship disappearing over the horizon is that the visible distance of detail that your unaided eye can see has been exceeded. Add magnification and the ship is once more back in your field of view. Sea Level is another great way of demonstrating a flat Earth. There have been multiple experiments done, but just to point to one let’s take for instance one performed in England. In England they have these water channels which barges were towed down as a means of transporting goods from one place to another in the past centuries before our modern era. These man-made channels are still in existence and are quite straight in some parts. A simple experiment was done where a man with a spyglass stood in the channel about mid chest high in the water. Another man in a row boat proceeded to row down the channel to a distance of 6 miles. At no point did the man in the water lose sight of the rowboat with the aid of his looking glass. Again this is impossible on a round Earth. Given a circumference of 25,000 miles with a diameter of 8000 miles, given to us by the scientific community of adherence to Copernicus’s globe view of the Earth, it is possible to calculate what the curvature of the Earth would be over a 6 mile stretch of flat water. The degree of difference is 18 feet. There is no conceivable way the man in the water could still see the rowboat as from his point of focus on a round Earth the man in the rowboat would have already dropped over the horizon and been out of view. Staying with the curvature of the earth formula as provide by NASA and the scientific community it can be calculated that for every 100 miles traveled there is a drop of 66 feet in elevation. These aren’t my numbers these are NASA’s, based off of the simple derivation of an earth 8,000 miles through the middle and 25,000 miles in circumference. Taking this formula then what is your answer to basic geography when it comes to the Nile River? The Nile River flows northward in pretty much a straight line for a distance of 1,000 miles and yet the elevation change over that 1,000 mile stretch of river is exactly one foot. According to NASA’s numbers though it should be dropping by at least 66 feet in elevation every 100 hundred miles traveled and yet it is not. Again I know these are simple examples, but if you have any such examples to prove to me other than taking NASA’s word that they went to the moon please speak up.”

No one spoke so I went on in terms of making the picture of how they had been duped and lied to all their lives take on even more of a stark picture of contrast.

“Okay, could we have a star chart put up? Thank you. Everyone here should know that Polaris is the North Star. Someone tell me what constellation is always a quick aid in finding the North Star in the night sky?”

“The Big Dipper’s forward two stars.” Came a dazed sounding voice from the audience.

“You are correct. But why do these two stars point to the North Star?”

“Because the entire constellation rotates around the North Star.”

“Again you are correct, but it’s a lot more than just one constellation that rotates around the North Star. Can you show a time lapse of the stars please?”

The screen behind me changed until you could see the light trails of every star in the sky except for one, the North Star, which remained stationary.

“If you set up a time release camera this is what you’re going to see. Every star in the sky is rotating around Polaris ie the North Star, while Polaris itself does not move. NASA tells us that Earth is traveling at a speed of 66,000 mph in its elliptical orbit around the sun. In addition to that they say that the Earth is spinning on its axis at around a 1,000 mph near the equator. In addition to that they say that our entire solar system is orbiting through the Milky Way Galaxy at 514,000 mph. Now match all those exaggerated motions up with what you’re seeing here on this star chart. For simplicity we’re dealing with three extreme rates of speed here: 66,000mph, 1,000 mph and 514,000 mph. If you just took just one of those outlandish numbers of movement and applied it to our Earth as a ball shape, do you think you could still maintain the perspective that you see being played out in our night sky night after night without fail? The answer is categorically no, because if the Earth moved at all our perspective of the overhead star constellations would shift and you wouldn’t see this perfect circular rotation of every star in the heavens moving around the North Star day in and day out year after year after year. No constellation in the night sky would be recognizable because your point of perspective would be constantly changing and yet you have but to go out at night and spot the Big Dipper exactly where you would expect to find it. To better put the incongruity of the Earth being round and belonging to a specific solar system into perspective for you further would be to say that the only place on Earth, if it’s round like NASA says, in order to be able to see such circular orbits of the other stars around the North Star would be to stand dead center on the North Pole and yet each of us can go outside and observe this phenomenon for ourselves. The only explanation for this cosmic fact of circumstances is that the Earth is flat and orbiting nothing. Earth, in fact, given this evidence of the movement of the stars, is at the exact center of the universe. What about gravity you say? Well I’m sorry to keep breaking cherished tenants of scientific faith for you, but Newton had it wrong as well. Gravity does not exist, but rather it would appear that elements such as temperature, density, and the mass of an object form the reaction that you know and call gravity. Some within the scientific community, perhaps even this room are now openly admitting that, but here consider this simple proof for why gravity according to Newton on a round Earth does not work as a plausible theory. The plumb bob, one of the oldest tools of architecture, is a heavy bulb shaped piece of metal that is fastened to the bottom of a length of string. When the string is held up the heavy metal bulb is permitted to swing back and forth. When it becomes stationary you know according to Newton that you have an exact vertical straight line, because the point of the heavy bulb is pointed to the gravitational center of the Earth. Okay. So you put a perfectly straight post in the ground that’s lined up with the vertical length of string. Then walk 100 feet in another direction and repeat the exercise. Once again you put a new post in the ground that’s perfectly aligned with the string. Both posts are straight and yet if the Earth was around the distance between the top of the two posts would be greater than the distance at their bases. If you were to build a structure of any kind on a round Earth the structure would be wider at its top than it would be at its base because of the degree of difference caused by the curvature of the Earth. No one here lives in such a lopsided structure because the Earth is flat and not a round ball or sphere. Do you begin to see the enormity of how all of humanity has been lied to for the past 500 years? Once you get past the shock of it, even common sense is enough to show that gravity cannot exist in any meaningful reality as Newton constructed. Picture the globe model that you have all been taught to accept without question and then realize that 70% of it is comprised of massive amounts of water. What’s keeping the water in the northern hemisphere from all sliding to the southern hemisphere? They tell you in school that it’s gravity that holds thousands of feet of ocean water in place and yet you and I who are comprised of 70% water and move about freely unduly affected by gravity as we go about our daily business when in theory if gravity is so strong as to hold the oceans in place then you and I should be glued to the surface of the globe like paper clips on a magnet. Some argue it’s like the principle of a bucket full of water being swung around so fast that no water has a chance to spill out. No water escapes it’s true, but it’s definitely moving and moving quite violently. Do any of you feel such movement? In fact if one is to take NASA’s word that the Earth is not only moving, but that it’s actually spinning at a thousand mph near the equator than all it would take to prove a round Earth would be to jump into the air and discover that you’ve moved at least a hundred feet or more in the one or two seconds that you were airborne. This doesn’t happen, obviously, just as a jet flying at 500 mph from New York City to London England doesn’t have to travel an extra 1000 mph in order to overcome the spin of the Earth that it’s supposedly flying against. Literally I could go on and on with scientifically verifiable proof after proof that are testable, observable, and repeatable that all prove that the Earth is flat, while all you have to go on is the faulty math of Copernicus and a government agency named NASA that faked the moon landing by filming it in a desert at night with a director from Hollywood who was paid a large sum of money to lend his cameras for the filming of the faked moon landing. The supposed moon rocks have all been shown up to be rocks from no other place but Earth. The European Union version of NASA, the ESA, just a few years back showed you the spellbinding journey of a satellite that they sent to an asteroid. A moving asteroid that they actually landed the satellite upon. They can accomplish all this, but somehow in 60 some years they’ve never been able to put a man back on the moon or even give you one photo other than the original faked Apollo moon shot of the Earth from space. The answer often given is that there is no reason to return to the moon, but then they’re constantly releasing findings that tell the mass public that the moon is one big hunk of platinum and other precious metals so then the question is why wouldn’t we be going back to the moon? We can send a satellite deep out into space and land it on a moving asteroid, but we can’t repeat a 60-year-old three-day mission to our own moon? These are the people that the whole Earth is putting their faith in to tell you that the Earth is round. Copernicus by the way was an extremely wealthy man. He went so far as to build his own observatory in order to prove his theory, only he never installed a telescope within it. Again this man over all the ancient civilizations that told you the Earth is flat is the more believable one? So why the lie? Why is it so important to not let the average person on the street know that the Earth is flat? Well it’s all about control. You need to go no further than to look at the UN flag to realize what’s going on. Flag please.”

Dutifully the UN flag flipped onto the screen behind me to the tune of gasps of shock from the audience.

“Behold your flat Earth everyone. The UN flag as you can see is an exact replication of a flat Earth map. Now do you notice anything missing from the picture?”

A silent moment of hushed calm passed by before a shocked voice answered, “Antarctica’s not on it!”

“That’s correct Antarctica is missing from the UN flag and for good reason. Do you know that it is actually illegal for anyone to go to Antarctica? You and I are not permitted anywhere near it. Now I wonder if you could dig me up a map with a true representation of Antarctica?”

No sooner had I spoken then an image of a flat Earth with an icy shelf of land ringing the entire outer rim of the disked plain of Earth appeared on the screen behind me.

“Antarctica is the biggest continent you’ve never seen. It spans the entire area of our known existence as it circles around the dimensional plain of Earth holding back the waters of the oceans from spilling away into space. All the numbers that you’ve been taught in regards to the size of landmasses are incorrect. In actuality the diameter of the dimensional plane of Earth is closer to 25,000 feet than the 8000 feet you’re told exists through the center of a round globe. Some continents are larger than their shown on maps while others are made smaller. Africa for instance is much larger than shown on any modern map, while North America is smaller than it is shown. Now I know what you’re all thinking. Why doesn’t somebody just sail over the edge? Well to answer that is to say that in addition to the inhospitable landforms of Antarctica there is also a continuous ice wall of 150 feet in height that was discovered by Adm. Byrd in the mid-1900s. Every NASA released photo of a section of the Earth that you might see while browsing the internet is a composite image that has been photoshopped. In fact most of them are paintings. Don’t believe me, then consider how one only has to look overhead to see how rapidly cloud cover changes or how fast a thunderstorm system moves by and yet if you look at a composite view of the Earth spinning as provided by NASA, you will notice that the clouds barely move at all. When in reality from such a distance as from low Earth orbit the movement of the clouds should appear hectically fast as they are ever changing, even within the view of the naked eye, let alone a broad release capture of what is supposedly the Earth rotating at a distance. Again you can find all this evidence readily available for yourselves. All you have to do is open your eyes and see what you have been programmed by the elite not to see.”

Frank cleared his throat warningly from behind me, but I ignored him for the most part. “Another question you probably have is why don’t air pilots discover it or ship captains. Well in answer to that, ship navigation is no longer done as it once was. Now we have GPS, which was gifted to the world courtesy of the American Defense Department. With GPS you only go where they want you to and you only see what they want you to see and like most people you don’t question the oddities because you were programmed along with how to spell your name in kindergarten that the Earth is round. What oddities am I speaking of? Well let’s have a traditional globe view map of the world to look at. Okay here we are. Say you’re in Johannesburg South Africa and you want to fly to Brisbane Australia, which is a straight shot across the southern portion of the Indian Ocean. Now from all appearances the simple