The Quest for Paradise by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Four

Provision Made

Something struck me hard as an internal force the closer I got to the double doors the group was exiting through to the point that it soon felt like I was climbing Mount Everest. My eyes drifted to the two men to either side of the door as the panicked thought that I might be having a heart attack occurred to me.

No, my heart hurt and indeed my whole body felt on the verge of collapse, but whatever the cause was it came from no natural occurrence. Barely managing the force to muster a whisper I asked, “Jesus what am I not seeing?”

Instantly the reality of perceived existence seemed altered in a way that revealed so much more, but put a blur over the physical aspects commonly seen by the eye. The two guards by the door I was headed for were not what they seemed.

I felt a quake of fright sweep through me as I saw the beings cloaked with the outward manifestation of men look at me in a way that did not convey anything that could be remotely called good. All in one it was as if I dimensionally saw both the still forms of the guards standing rigidly at attention in the physical while other dimensional beings of ancient origin stared at me with both a cunning and a lustful quality that was beyond description in the way it rose apprehension within my soul.

In college I’d had demonic encounters that as a new Christian had been difficult to deal with, but in the end the situations had strengthened my faith and yet to overcome these beings of darkness before me now didn’t seem possible at all.

“Look to Me and it shall be so with your faith again.” Came the calm assurance from within that alone was what gave me the strength to walk further in the direction of what seemed to be a gateway passing into hell.

Inwardly still quaking I did my best to not look at the manifestations of pure evil that stood to either side of the doorway that I had to pass through. My attempt to shut them out was soon made impossible though as they began to speak with me, “You are beautiful and what a way with words you have.”

“Truth is in your ways and your words echo of righteousness. You have no idea how much more beautiful that makes you to us.”

“The more inner beauty you have the more of a delightful time it will be to corrupt every last facet of your being until you become awakened, as we, to all there is to know of good and evil.”

“We were once far more beautiful than you and while now we have freedom of our own we have to settle for stealing beauty from others. At best we settle for innocence and suppleness of form, but you possess even more!”

“We want you!”

“We’ll have you!”

“In a thousand ways with enough pleasure to fill a thousand years.”

“Don’t be afraid. All we want is everything and we’ll have it too. You can’t resist us for we are powerful.”

“We’ll use your body until we crack your spirit and then we will know peace, because we won’t be the only ones to have to face the judgment to come.”

“You’ll enjoy the ride we promise.”

“We’ll make you famous.”

“Don’t resist our conquest of you, because that can hurt.”

“We won’t be denied anything while as yet it is our time to reign in the glory of our fall.”

“You have no covering, but soon you will have no life at all for you have no authority that binds us from you. We choose whom we will and we choose you!”

Feeling broken down spiritually to the size of an ant my lips nevertheless moved in a whisper of a steady repetition that echoed of the foundation that I was built on, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. Thy rod and Thy staff comfort me and surely………” I reached the doorway that lay between the two fallen angelic tormentors.

It seemed that my utterance of the words of God visibly wiped the lust from off their faces and with anger they both reached for me. There was nothing I could do.

I had not known that this type of power on the side of evil could exist to this degree in that I felt completely overwhelmed by the power of these fallen creatures who evidently had the power to do with me as they willed. Did my faith in God for protection count for nothing?

In the selfsame moment I reasoned that though my body was abused my spirit would be forever beyond their reach, but just the same the thought of the unholy use of me by evil was just too much to bear and on a plea I begged, “Jesus please!!!”

The laughter of my tormentors stopped as before me a body of light formed. I didn’t know what to do.

“Walk on Samantha. I’ll hold the way.”

I glanced up into the face of the being of light that held the outreaching hands of my two tormentors locked in place. They were resisting and yet the sounds of their struggle against greater authority were dimmed from my perception.

Staring into the face of the blinding light I somehow came to the conclusion that it wasn’t Jesus before me and as such I was wary of doing anything that had been asked of me.

“Wise you are to question of what spirit I am. I am not fallen as these, but I’ve been sent to intercede for you by the Father and His Son Yeshua through who all of mankind are blessed with the hope of redemption.”

At peace as to whose side the angel before me was on I stepped forward and let the light of his countenance seem to form a wall at my back. That was what I felt for I dared not look back even as I felt praises to God roll off my lips.

The light spectrums of physical reality whirled into place with ever quickening motion and with a deep breath I was back from wherever I had been taken to outside the parameters of what seemed like time itself. My skin felt flushed as if it had narrowly avoided the heat of flames even as my spirit pulsed with an awareness that I had never felt to such a degree before.

The group before me was entering through the doors of what appeared to be an ultrahigh speed train of some sort and I quickly followed suit. As people stepped aboard they were directed to private alcoves the length of the train where their physical baggage had been stored.

Still not sure of what was up or down I blindly followed the directions given to me as best as my foggy brain could comprehend them. Even then I felt to myself as one lost.

I saw my backpack up ahead then and I hurried to it and sat down in the seat beside it unmindful of anything else. My hands shaking I unzipped a side pocket and pulled a Bible in a Ziploc bag free from it.

I didn’t take the Bible out of the bag. There was no need. All I simply wanted was the comfort of the words of God in my hand.

“His Spirit even now breathes from within you and the words you hold are they not already inscribed across the plains of your heart?”

I opened my eyes to view the man sitting across from me. He was the one who I had stepped through and yet now instead of being clothed with light he appeared as an ordinary man.

Smiling warmly he said in continuation of his words, “Your body is a holy temple unto the Lord. You have great authority for He who is inside you is greater than any within the world.”

Staring at him I felt my lips quiver and my grip on the small Bible intensified. My jaw felt locked and I sat in the agony of wanting to know something.

My rescuer leaned forward and with earnestness said, “I am here to strengthen you. You only in part can understand how trying the trial you just came through was upon your body and soul, but fear not for the Lord both preserves and restores. I am here as an emissary of that peace. No harm will befall you.”

Looking around I saw that we were alone for the moment. There were people both ahead and behind the double opposing compartments of the open style floor plan of the train, but nobody was seated across the aisle from us.

Glancing back to him I stared at the angel and as if sensing my inability to speak he commandingly said, “Speak.”

My lips opened and I really don’t know how he understood what I blubbered out, “You said my body is God’s temple. I know and believe that, but………but…….”

“How does it seem that you were without power to halt their defilement of you as you are a spiritually preserved woman whose faith is in the Lord?”

I nodded my head vigorously in response to his finishing of my thought.

“In the beginning God made man in His image and out of the man He made the first woman. Now a man’s covering is God, because man was brought forth from His image, but as a woman you’re covering is from man, because you were taken out of man. You have no husband and so you have no covering in the physical. Do not confuse this with your spirit, which is treasured and kept from above as it is with all believers both male and female.”

I nodded slowly. I’d known that, but well, I’d never imagined how literal it could be. In a way right now I was free game to the other side.

“Not so Samantha. Your proof is even in the fact that intervention was made for the steps of a righteous man and in your case, a woman, are ordered of the Lord.”

Nodding my head as I stared at my lap I whispered, “Thank you.”

“All glory goes to the Father.” He replied with simply.

Looking up I asked with dread, “Will they be back?”

“Their time is short. Not only theirs, but many others who chose to live outside the perfect harmony of God’s grace and majesty. Their wish is to destroy many and eke out whatever pleasures they can before eternal damnation. The disruption of the final destination of the saints of God is of particular importance to them. It is never safe for one who confesses the redemption of the Father’s Son over their life for forgiveness of sins so long as they remain within the world.”

I knew that, but knowing that didn’t make me want to suffer being used as a play toy by evil just the same. My mind grappled with the unsteady peace of the moment.

I was safe for now, but at some point evil would return. For a split moment I remembered in vivid detail the emotions of my encounter and it was enough to bring tears to my eyes.

Surely it must look to God and this messenger of His as if I was having an extreme lack of faith and in response to that worry I said, “I’m so sorry to doubt God’s provision like I am, but I’m scared!”

The angel said nothing but simply nodded.

Looking at him I debated about something that had only just occurred to me, but looking around at my surroundings I despaired almost instantly of my previous thought ever becoming a reality.

“You have not because you ask not.” The angel reminded my doubting mind.

Looking to him I asked plainly, “Could God provide me with a godly mate, like right now? I…… I would be very grateful for that covering and God knows that I’ve been praying for a husband for a long time.”

“God does know and it is within His will to grant good things to those who call upon His name and faithfully wait in expectation of what they ask for to be granted unto them.”

Not being able to help myself I asked with a worried glance toward the cabins forward of mine, “There don’t seem to be any men who are godly here. It’s as if all the men have had their souls sucked from them.”

Smiling the angel said, “With God anything is possible, however for you the question is not so much where you are right now, but rather where you will soon be.”

That was true. I hadn’t considered that.


I looked to the angel. He gestured to my free-flowing hair, “It helps to avoid notice by members of my kind if you have your hair covered and it is a God honoring precept even unto this day for you to keep.”

Blinking with surprise I nodded and then with even more surprise I stared at the now empty seat across from me. I wasted no time however in wrangling a ponytail and a baseball cap from my pack though.

Corralling my thick blonde hair together I twisted the ponytail off and then I fit my bunched up mane through the back of the cap. To complete the picture of becoming incognito I slid a pair of dark sunglasses on.

With all that done I felt a certain measure of invisibleness from the unseen corridors of the spiritual world around me and for the first time I felt myself relax a little.




It was hard to tell that the train had even started to move, but I had the inclination that it had. A speaker chimed out, “We will arrive in sub-Saharan Africa in approximately 30 minutes. Please be ready to leave the train.” Exclamations rang out all along the train as to how such a journey could be made so quickly.

I shook my head with disgust. The government was doing nothing but to gloat in the face of these leaders within their own assorted fields of industry as to how very little they comprehended of the technologies at play within this underground paradise of the governmental elite.

Sadly, the end result, was that all these people would no doubt listen and follow all that was required of them, because to them knowledge was akin to faith. To have so much advanced knowledge being exhibited to them within the framework that they lived in was to say that the government must be God and in blind obedience they would do all that was asked of them all the while completely forgetting just how they had been countlessly lied to for years on end by the same government.

I didn’t buy into their game and I for one served a God who didn’t lie about anything. Instead He continually showed me the way forward, while lovingly caring for me along the way of my journey into eternity.

While the speculation of how an underground train could travel beneath an ocean and reach a far continent blew back and forth hotly among the group I was with, meanwhile I contemplated on something else. Just what kind of men were there within the hidden realms of an inner region of Earth?

My mind ran wild with all the possibilities. Better than even the enjoyable speculation on my part about such a matter was the peace I already felt in that my longtime wish for a husband had indeed been granted.

I could’ve had my choice of many men through the years, but instead I’d asked God to choose for me. Now I felt it very keenly at the depth of my being that I had already been matched with someone else to form a complete whole of one flesh made up of two souls.

All I had to do now was wait and survive in the meantime.