The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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Mischia had shut down. Ever since the ritual, she had been operating like a robot on auto pilot – emotionless, and with thoughts limited only to the task at hand.

She also spoke less and asked virtually no questions, at first, this had surprised Tgthiem and Yowth, but then they had realised her lack of emotions made her an invaluable tool. It meant that almost all the energy she received would be conserved for the mission, and not wasted on her petty emotions and meaningless thoughts.

Ywoth prided himself on making good of any situation, and when he finally returned to Wymasiriah with the energy, he would be the most powerful Being, there. He would make them all pay for his misery, and savour every moment of their anguish.

He was stuck on a Planet he could never call home, with a body that was limited and dense. Every moment on Earth was hell for him and Ywoth didn’t like it, but knew it was only a matter of ‘time’, before it changed.

Mischia had proved very suitable in conserving the energy. With Esjekshb having woken up, and healed perfectly, skin radiant, and having got used to the body, she was ready to join them in collecting energy.

It was a shame that Mischia was limited to holding only the energies of up to five other people before she needed to rest.

The Run: London’s Secret All-in-all, things were working out, and with ‘time’, he would be returning to Wymasiriah, ready to take over.

‘Are you ready?’ asked Tgthiem.

Mischia nodded.

They drove off, across London.

Canary Wharf’s fourth floor Plateau restaurant was full of diners when the Renegades entered. They went to sit at a table, next to an angry man, looking through a pile of papers, who was sitting with a smug-looking woman, drinking a large glass of white wine and eating a salad.

‘Where did you get these?’ He asked, trying hard to control his temper.

‘That’s not your problem Mr Shoeman.’ She said smugly.

‘Brenda, where the hell did you get these?’

‘I said, you don’t need to know that – Jeffery.’

He controlled his rising temper and took a deep breath, then opened his eyes.

‘What do you want?’

‘Fifty thousand by the week end, then five million by month’s end,’ she said without hesitation.

His face turned red and he started to sweat.

Go to the’ Tgthiem instructed the man, telepathically.

Mischia and Tgthiem stood up and went to the gents and hung around, waiting for him to turn up, but after five minutes, wondered why he was taking so long.

‘Just wait. I’m working on him.’ Esjekshb replied.

Five minutes later, the man went to the gents and stood at the mirror, crying. He quickly washed his face when Tgthiem walked in, and did a double take when Mischia followed.

She planted herself firmly where she was standing and rubbed her necklace gently.

A bubble-like space appeared around her body, and her seven chakras began to glow.

Tgthiem went to the man and, catching him unawares, turned him around and grabbed his neck with his left hand, while his right hand faced Mischia.

The man was rooted to the spot, unable to move. His energy was fast flying out of him, into Tgthiem’s left hand, where it left him through his right hand, straight into Mischia’s outstretched left hand, and rapidly filled up the bubble around her body.

A few minutes later when the bubble was full, Tgthiem let go of the man, who slumped to the ground like a heavy sack, looking up a the pair with wide, frightened eyes, and struggling to breathe.

All done.’ Tgthiem communicated to Esjekshb and Ywoth.

Leaving the restaurant and finding a secluded spot by a window, they held on to Mischia, and in the next moment were through the glass, on the outside, gently floating down towards the ground.

And went to their car.

‘That was relatively painless. Where next?’ asked Tgthiem.

‘Soho.’ said Esjekshb ‘It’s my turn.’