The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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With Tgthiem in the driving seat, they sped through London and went to Soho Square, where there was an argument in progress, between a tall skinny black girl and a white woman in her thirties.

The woman was drunk, and the girl was high on something.

‘You little whore, get out of my way,’ said the woman.

‘No bitch, you ain’t going anywhere,’ said the girl.

Grabbing at each other’s hair, they began pulling.

It was a pathetic sight; they were bent over, exposing their assets to the world, all the while screaming blue murder at each other.

Two men, one with flaming red hair and another, well muscled, ran up to the pair, and began trying to pull them apart, but the women were holding on tightly to the other’s hair.

Tgthiem went up behind the well-built man and touched his lower back, applying a moment of pressure, he screamed in pain, then let go of the woman.

Ywoth went up behind the redheaded man and did the same, but this man didn’t let go immediately, he looked at Ywoth, who then punched him.

In the next instant, the group disappeared into thin air, and the two men were left on their own, looking at one another confused, and not knowing what to do.

The women were glad their fight was no longer being interrupted, but as the girl felt a hand wrap around her neck and begin to squeeze, she momentarily let go of the other woman’s hair.

That was enough for the woman to pull away and stand up straight, only to be confronted by Esjekshb’s left hand on the girl’s neck, while her right hand faced another girl, who was in a bubble that was rapidly filling up.

It only took a second for the woman to register the situation, her beef with the girl was forgotten and she grabbed Esjekshb’s jacket, pulling her away from the girl, who fell heavily to the floor and fought for breath.

The woman and Esjekshb both fell backwards, disturbing the flow of energy towards Mischia, who tried to control it, to no avail.

Esjekshb went down with the woman and the energy went haywire, it was too much for Mischia to control alone, so she became unstable.

Both her arms lifted, and a burst of energy exploded outwards, sending Tgthiem, Ywoth, the girl and herself flying in different directions, bursting their invisibility bubble.

The two men, who had previously been wondering what had happened to the group, were also affected by the energy, and thrown back to the ground.

Tgthiem and Ywoth didn’t hesitate in picking themselves up and fleeing the scene, dragging a disorientated Mischia and Esjekshb behind them.