The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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‘So you bit me because you craved blood?’ asked Kelly. Keneisha nodded.

‘Have you always craved blood?’ asked Justine, concerned.

‘No. Only when I woke up at the hospital.’ Keneisha shook her head, nervously.

‘Did you get bitten by any vampires...?’ asked Colin. ‘Are they even real?’ frowned Kelly.

‘No, nothing like that. Like I told you, I-I just woke up at the hospital and started craving blood,’ said Keneisha, distressed.

‘Oh,’ said Carissa.

They were baffled.

This ordinary girl, who hadn’t been bitten any ‘vampires’, had suddenly developed a tendency associated with them.

‘Have you actually had any blood?’ asked Kelly. ‘Yes, I had a taste of yours, that’s how I found you,’ she nodded.

‘But that was only a drop, how...’

‘I don’t know, I just kept seeing your face in my mind, and followed the urge to come to Excel. Then when I got there I looked up and saw this building, I knew to come here,’ she pointed, nodding.

An idea hit Kelly.

‘Oh my God!’ she shouted.

‘You really should stop doing that,’ said Warren. ‘What?’ asked Carissa.

‘If she found me from just a drop of my blood, maybe she could find Ywoth.’

‘How?’ asked Colin, trying to see the logic, and failing. ‘Using the idea that you and Warren had, we could lure them, then trap them, and then get Keneisha to bite one of them, preferably Mischia because she’s human.’ Kelly turned to Warren. ‘What was your idea by the way?’

‘To recreate the earlier conflict between you and Justine.’ he nodded at her and Justine.

‘I don’t get it,’ Kelly shook her head.

‘You’re activated now, so your energies are slightly more enhanced than they were before, add that to Justine’s energy, and we’ve got a seventy-five percent chance of attracting Ywoth because of just how much energy will be available.’ ‘That’s true, there’ll be a lot energy around,’ said Carissa. ‘And we could use that opportunity to get a trace on Mischia,’ said Colin.

Carissa nodded.

‘Lets get to work then,’ Kelly rubbed her hands enthusiastically.

While Justine observed with amusement.