The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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Back at the penthouse, they all sat in the living area. ‘This can’t go on,’ said Trevor, ‘we’ve got to stop him.’ Justine was about to speak, but Carissa interrupted her

‘Don’t mention free will Justine, because its clear he’s not taking it into account.’ ‘Alright!’ said Colin ‘You don’t need to take it out on her. We just need to figure this out, work on how to prevent Ywoth from wreaking more havoc.’

‘But how?’ asked Warren

‘Yeah, it’s not what we’re here for,’ said Trevor. ‘Can’t you tap into this thoughts or something? asked

Kelly, innocently.

‘No.’ Warren shook his head.

‘Why not? You guys have amazing abilities, why can’t you tap into one of your own? You can communicate with each other, why not him?’ ‘The same reason he cannot tap into what we do and think.’ Warren lifted his sleeve and pointed at the tattoo ‘This. He’s got his own protective symbol that blocks out our interference.’

‘Oh, ok. So, the key would be to know where he’s going to go before he goes there?’ she asked.

‘Not really, because we don’t know where he’s going to go, until he decides to go there,’ answered Carissa.


‘Let me explain,’ said Colin, ‘the key is to actually tap into his thoughts, not the place he’s going to go-.’

‘But why? Surely if we can meet him there...?’

‘Because there is not just one place for him to go.’

Kelly’s shoulders dropped. ‘Please explain’ she said, looking confused.

Colin looked at Trevor, who began to explain.

‘At any given time in London, there is always some sort of conflict going on, and that’s what Ywoth targets to get the energy he needs – conflict.

‘When two or more people are in conflict, they generate a lot of energy and its there for the taking, so Ywoth plays on that. He also targets people who attract negativity to themselves.

‘And since we are in a city where the majority of people are negative about everything, from their finances to their relationships, Ywoth has an abundance of people to choose from.’

Kelly frowned ‘Ok...’ then she scratched her head, slowly ‘You said about people that attract negativity to themselves, what do you mean...?’

‘By thinking negatively. When you have consistently negative thoughts, you attract negative situations. In a negative situation you tend to dwell on negative thoughts, creating even more negativity around yourself – it’s an ongoing cycle.’

‘And Ywoth feeds on that?’

He nodded again. ‘That’s why one of our priorities when we get to a victim is to project positivity, we tell them to think positively, because if they don’t, they’ll dwell on the negativity of their situation and therefore, attract even more of it.’

‘This seems like a dead-end if you ask me,’ Kelly sighed.

‘It’s not a dead-end,’ said Colin defensively.

‘Well, we’ve got to put our heads together and come up with something. Because until they intentionally kill, we’ve got some hope,’ said Trevor.

‘Intentionally kill? Trevor there’s a dead woman,’ said Kelly, vehemently.

‘He didn’t kill her, she was killed as a result, but not directly by him.’

‘Whatever the hell that means. Your rules are really complicated, you know that?’ She paused. ‘Ok, how about if we trap him?’ She looked around.

‘Trap him how?’ Asked Carissa.

‘Maybe we could create a conflict and then wait for him to turn up...’

‘But there’s no real way of knowing if he’ll even turn up.’ said Colin

She turned to him. ‘But is there no way of guaranteeing he turns up?’

‘Where free will is involved, there are no guarantees.’ Warren shook his head.

‘And why is that?’

‘Because when a person changes their mind, it’s no longer like it would have been if they hadn’t,’ Colin said.


‘For example, if someone promises you something, in another way, they’re saying ‘I guarantee you’ll get that something’, but then they change their mind. You won’t get your promise, simply because that person has changed their mind. Meaning, it wasn’t guaranteed in the first place because the person had the freedom to change their mind...’ explained Trevor patiently.

‘Oh,’ Kelly didn’t understand, and decided not to pursue it. ‘But how come there’s a guarantee that Ywoth gets his energy then?’ She asked.

‘Because there’s always someone willing to give it away, so he’s only working with what’s already there.’

‘What the hell does that mean?’ Kelly slammed her palm on the table in frustration and stood up, ‘you can’t give up! This man is wreaking havoc in this city, and you people, who can do something about it, aren’t! You’re here to stop him, so stop him!’ she shouted, looking like a mad woman.

Justine, whose thoughts had been disturbed by the outburst, took charge.

‘Sit down! It’s clear you don’t understand what is really going on here, so let me explain it to you. We are not here to stop him; we are here to create a balance.

‘He promotes negativity, we balance it by encouraging positivity. There’s nothing new here and we’re working with what we’ve got. Now, you throwing tantrums is not help–’

‘Well do something then!’ Kelly screamed.

Justine was seething, and her energy field became visible, it was a violent mass of swirling reds. A vase took off the table and flew at Kelly, but Warren, Carissa, Trevor and Colin saw it before it hit her head, and diverted it.

‘What the...’ Kelly started.

‘Kelly, go to your room,’ said Carissa quietly.

‘Don’t spea-’

Warren grabbed her arm and dragged her upstairs.

‘Hey!’ she said.

‘Quiet!’ he said.

In the bedroom, he threw her onto the bed and sat down next to her.

‘Calm down and think positively Kelly.’

‘Don’t patronise me Warren!’

‘Will you calm down and think positive thoughts?’

They stared at each other, while Warren sent positive energy towards Kelly, who, after a while, began to relax.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said, regretting her behaviour.

‘We work together, as a team Kelly. We don’t need to-’

He stopped abruptly and stared into space, an idea had just hit him.

‘What? Need what? Warren?’ said Kelly, trying to get his attention.

He took her hand and pulled her down the stairs, behind him.

‘Stop pulling me up and down the stairs.’ she complained.

Carissa stood, beaming at the bottom.

‘I’ve had an idea.’ said Warren.

‘So have I,’ said Carissa.

They froze.

There was a knock at the door.

They all looked around at each other, and said nothing.

Another knock.

Carissa put a blue energy sphere of protection around herself and went to open it.

She frowned.

It was Keneisha.