The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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‘What happened to you?’ asked Tgthiem, holding the door, and eyeing Keneisha suspiciously. Esjekshb made a move to go into the house, but he blocked her way.

‘Who is this?’ he asked.

‘She’s with me.’ Esjekshb pushed past him and beckoned for Keneisha to follow.

Tghtiem stepped aside, then closed the door, and followed to the kitchen.

‘What is this?’ asked Ywoth. ‘Where have you been?’

Esjekshb ignored him, and sat down, then said ‘Questions, questions. How about...’ indicating Keneisha ‘ answer.’

They all looked at the girl with recognition, and Mischia was about to mention the fact, but Esjekshb’s hand gesture silenced her.

‘She can help us collect energy.’

‘How?’ asked Ywoth, uninterested.

‘She’s a vampire.’

‘What?’ asked Tgthiem.

‘Are they even real?’ asked Mischia

They both turned to look at Keneisha, who then shrank into herself.

‘We haven’t had the best of luck collecting energy, lately. We’ve been disturbed in one way or another, and we’re running behind. Mischia’s only capable of holding the energies of five others before she has to rest, so if there’s two of them...’

‘I still don’t understand how she could collect energy?’ said Tgthiem.

Esjekshb tutted, irritably.

‘Blood is a source of life...’

‘Ah, I see now,’ nodded Ywoth.

‘But, we’ll have to come up with a plan, otherwise it still won’t work,’ said Mischia.

‘Why so cynical?’ said Esjekshb.

‘I’m not be-’

She stopped, because Ywoth was giving her a funny look, she turned to him, and frowned.


His face was amused. ‘Back at the boat, you picked up that waiter.’

Mischia remembered it, and nodded.

‘You did what?’ asked Esjekshb.

‘She picked up a fully grown man, and threw him across the room.’

‘How did you do that?’ asked Tghtiem, interested.

‘I don’t know...I just did,’ she said.

‘Can you do it again?’

‘Yeah, I think so...’

Ywoth could be heard chuckling.

‘What?’ asked Esjekshb.

‘I think I have a plan,’ he said.