The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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‘Your friend Mischia picked up a grown man and threw him across the room at me,’ said Warren, still surprised. ‘And you saw this?’ asked Kelly, cynically.

‘She threw him at me Kelly, and we both fell to the floor. I’m sure.’

The Balancers were back at the penthouse, going over the events on the Yacht.

‘They must have activated her DNA too,’ said Justine.

‘How come I can’t do that?’ wined Kelly.

‘DNA Activation works differently for everyone. Besides, you have to believe you can do it before you can,’ said Trevor.

‘And how do I believe it then? I believe its possible, but not that I can do it,’ she said.

‘Well, there you have it then, its an inner knowing you’ll get,’ said Carissa.

‘Is that all you can tell me?’

‘Its your own personal journey Kelly, nobody can tell you how to walk it. If we could tell you, it wouldn’t be your journey now, would it?’ said Colin, logically.

‘I suppose.’

A short silence.

‘What could they be using Mischia for, do you think?’ Trevor asked, changing the subject.

Warren shook his head ‘I wonder,’ he said.

Justine went to look at the view over Excel, and remembered Keneisha.

‘Where is Keneisha?’ she asked.

They all looked around.

‘Oh no,’ said Carissa, hand flying to her mouth. ‘We must have lost her in all the excitement.’

‘Wasn’t she supposed to be staying out of the way?’ said Colin, ‘like in the ladies toilets?’

‘The slashed woman,’ Trevor, stood up.

‘But where could she have gone to?’

‘That was also funny, because nobody was in the toilets when I went in there,’ said Kelly, shaking her head. ‘Especially, as the women who ran out said there were still two women in there’.

‘Where did she get to?’

‘That’s enough of that, I think we need to get some sleep now,’ said Justine, walking away.

‘It’s not enough, Justine, we-’

‘-I said, that’s enough!’

Kelly went up to her room and took a long, hot shower. Having lost count of how long she’d been ‘dead’, Kelly wondered how her family were coping without her. And, looking back on her time with the Wymasirians, she smiled to herself for it had been a most wonderful adventure that she wouldn’t swap for anything, and was glad she had decided to activate her DNA and join them.

But what Trevor had said, about things not being right since her arrival, what could that meant? She couldn’t put it down to paranoia because Carissa, Warren and Colin had all expressed the same concern.

Her thoughts drifted to Mischia, and how she was, what had the Renegades done to her? And why had she decided to help Ywoth, when Warren had been trying to protect her. They would rescue her in time, and hopefully the Renegades wouldn’t have corrupted her too much.

Kelly put on her robe, walked into the bedroom, and found Warren sitting at the edge of the bed, and halted.

‘You alright?’ he asked gently.

She nodded. ‘Yes, just thinking about Mischia,’ then she tightened her robe belt.

He nodded slowly and looked at her – her heart began to beat faster, and her cheeks went hot.

‘Well, I’m going to sleep now,’ she hinted, so he would leave.

When he made no move to go, she became nervous, not because she was afraid of him, but because she was afraid of the feelings he evoked in her, then scolded herself, knowing he would pick up on her thoughts, and not go.

Surely enough, he did, and smiled cheekily.

Then went to switch off the lights.