The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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The Renegades had come up with a plan to use Mischia’s new abilities and Keneisha’s blood thirst to collect energy. And headed into London, the next day.

Mischia had been thinking about Kelly and her family. For the first time in a long time she let the feelings come through, and realised how much she missed them.

All of a sudden, she wasn’t up for collecting energy, she wanted some time to herself, to reminisce about her lost past.

‘I want the afternoon to myself today,’ she announced.

‘What? Why?’ asked Ywoth.

‘Now?’ asked Tghtiem.

Keneisha looked at her.

‘Questions, questions,’ she said. ‘I just want some time to myself.’

‘What are you going to do?’ asked Esjekshb.

‘Where are you going to go?’ asked Ywoth.

‘Do you want me to drop you off anywhere?’ asked Tgthiem.

Mischia smiled as she looked out of the window at the passing scenery of Blackfriars.

‘I think I’ll go to the Tate Museum, across the river,’ she pointed in the direction of the river.

‘Do you want us to wait for you?’ asked Tgthiem.

‘Or come with you?’ asked Esjekshb.

‘You’re questioning her again,’ said Keneisha. ‘I don’t really care,’ Mischia shrugged.

‘How will you get back?’ asked Ywoth, worriedly. ‘I’ll get a train or something,’ she answered.

Tgthiem stopped the car and she stepped out. Shoving her hands deep into her pockets and keeping her head down, Mischia walked towards the Millennium Bridge.

‘Esjekshb, tail her, and keep invisible,’ ordered Ywoth.

Esjekshb stepped out of the car, but had no intention of tailing Mischia; she had her own agenda to attend to.

Esjekshb, like Carissa, Warren, Colin and Trevor had also sensed something was not right about the situation, but didn’t know what it was.

Keneisha had taken her to her dealer, Darryl’s house, the previous evening, but he had not been home. She decided to try again, because maybe he could give her a potion to help her open up to the abilities she had on Wymasiriah.

Something had happened on her on coming to Earth; she had forgotten a lot of what she’d known. It was as if her memories had been wiped clean, with the exception of knowing who she was and where she’d come from. A few stray abilities, such as the invisibility bubble could be remembered, but that was only because Ywoth remembered, and had trained her.

There was a lot more to know, but she had forgotten it, and there was nothing more frustrating than knowing you knew something, but not knowing what it was. She had to somehow open up and tap into the Universal knowledge again, and that’s why she had felt her meeting with Keneisha was significant.

When Keneisha had mentioned how she had found Kelly, just by tasting her blood, Esjekshb knew that this dealer could make something for her to open up to the Universal knowledge.

 So she was going to see him.