The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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Mischia was sitting in the seventh floor restaurant, looking out at the River, and thinking about Kelly.

‘Mischia!’ said Kelly, excitedly.

Stunned, she turned and saw her friend.

‘Kelly?’ she was baffled. ‘What are you doing here?’ Am I really that powerful, to just conjure her in the flesh like that? She thought to herself, then her eyes shifted to Trevor, who was standing behind her, and knew instantly, that not only was she not, but that her and Kelly were now on different sides.

‘Stay away from me,’ she said, getting off the stool, and inching backwards.

‘Come on Mischia, he’s brainwashed you,’ said Kelly.

Mischia started looking around for an exit. Why had she decided to venture out alone? How useful telepathy would have been right now.

‘Get away from her,’ said Ywoth, appearing just in time.

Mischia walked towards him, and Kelly tried to grab her arm.

‘Don’t touch me Kelly.’

Suddenly, all their movements became slow and restricted.

Trevor, Justine, Carissa and Warren all appeared and formed a circle around the group, restricting their movements, and were about to disappear, when a burst of energy, from nowhere, unbalanced them.

It was Esjekshb.

In the moments of disorientation, Ywoth took Mischia’s hand and followed Tgthiem and Esjekshb towards the lifts.

‘No, don’t take the lifts, they can control them,’ communicated Ywoth.

‘Not if we’re invisible,’ communicated Esjekshb.

Right on queue, a lift door opened and four people filed out, six people had already been waiting, but Esjekshb stopped them from getting in, as the Renegades rushed in and waited for the doors to close.

‘Hey, we were here first!’ sulked a man with a pregnant wife.

Warren had been the first to pursue them; he was rejected by the energy around the doors, that Esjkshb was projecting, and when the doors closed, they immediately huddled together and put an invisibility bubble around themselves.

‘They can’t restrict us if we’re invisible, but we can’t get out of the building if it’s in their hands,’ said Tgthiem.

‘Where’s Keneisha?’ asked Esjekshb.

‘I don’t know,’ he said.

‘Seal the building,’ said Warren to Justine and Carissa. ‘It’s too big for just the two of us to do effectively,’ said Justine.

‘We can control the lifts thought,’ Carissa said, walking towards them.

‘Which one did they get into?’

‘That one,’ Warren pointed to the second lift. ‘I’ll restrict this line. Spread out to each floor and keep an eye out for them, call when you see them.’ she ordered.